
These people had attacked him. Hence, there was no way that he could let them run free.

However, he wasn't sure if it had been a good thing to acquire information from the man.

As he thought about all this, he approached Lu Qingshan and Lu Qingyu.

He could see Lu Qingyu's eyes shining as she said excitedly, "Qingfeng, what was that just now? That was awesome!"

Lu Qingshan reacted in the same way.

Their reaction was normal. The Mantle Sword Style that Lu Qingfeng had unleashed just now was spectacular. Five skilled aces in martial arts who were at Levels 1 and 2 of the Fetal Phase had been beheaded by Lu Qingfeng with just a few moves.

It was way too shocking.

"It's the Mantle Sword Style. If you wish to learn it, I'll teach it to you in a couple of days," Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

[Magic: Mantle Sword Style]

[Grade: Low. Has a total of 2 Levels]

[Ability Upgrade: Four-time Enhance]

[Description: A relatively subtle sword technique in ordinary martial arts. Through enhancements, its power level can be greatly increased.]

To match up with the Nine-ringed Blade, he'd deliberately searched for the Mantle Sword Style in "Primitive". After training in it for five long years, it had finally paid off for him in reality.

The Mantle Sword Style was not inferior to the Blade of Doom. After being enhanced four times by Lu Qingfeng, one could classify its degree of subtlety as one of the top sword techniques in the world.

With a few slashes, Lu Qingfeng, who was merely in Level 1 of the Fetal Phase, had brought down five virtuosos of the Truth Sect, where the weakest of the group had Level 2 of the Fetal Phase.

He, on the other hand, had sustained absolutely no damage.

"Mantle Sword Style!"

"What a magnificent name!"

"Qingfeng, I wanna learn it!"

Lu Qingyu was completely unaffected by the five corpses that were lying on the ground not far away from her. Her entire mind was focused on the Mantle Sword Style, thinking about how powerful and impressive she would become after mastering this sword technique.

On the contrary, Lu Qingshan had more on his mind.

These last few days...

They have lived rather comfortably here, thinking that the Truth Sect had given up on tracking them down. However, they'd never expected the enemy to come upon them so unexpectedly.

Fortunately, courtesy of his elder brother's capabilities, they had not been captured alive.

"Qingshan, were they from the Truth Sect?" Lu Qingfeng asked in a low voice.


Lu Qingshan nodded and said with a solemn expression, "The Truth Sect have found this place. We need to relocate!"

Seeing Lu Qingshan's face suddenly turning pale, Lu Qingfeng said, "But don't worry, the Truth Sect had a clash with a large faction in the east a few days ago. Both sides are currently at war. The ones they can dispatch to hunt us down are just the small potatoes."

This was the information Lu Qingfeng had acquired from that person just now before he'd killed him.

He'd said that ten days ago, the Truth Sect had somehow run into a conflict with a big faction in a neighboring county. Within a short time, it had developed into a large-scale battle. The masters in the sect were all involved in the battle, and they had no resources left to track down the three of them.

It was only that the Chief of the Punishment Hall had not given up yet. The Peripheral Law Enforcement Units the Punishment Hall had dispatched were still on the hunt. The five people he'd killed just now were disciples of the Peripheral Law Enforcement Unit.

"That's okay, I guess."

Lu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, but he still felt it was better for them to move quickly.

Without saying too much...

The three immediately packed their luggage.

"Gotta learn Talisman Crafting as soon as possible!" Lu Qingfeng thought to himself.

Initially, he had been thinking about mastering a few more pills before he went into the art of talismans. But now that the hunters had arrived, it was extremely important for them to carry along some talismans.

Fortunately, he had already mastered the refinement of the Yellow Dragon Pill completely. In reality, he could swiftly grow his cultivation attainments as well. Hence, he decided he would be leaving the pills aside for the time being.


"How do you make the Fire Spirit Cinnabarite?"

"Why are you asking me this?" Huang Luo frowned as he asked Lu Qingfeng this question.

I have really gotten interested in talismans recently, and I would like to try to make my own Cinnabarites," Lu QIngfeng said with a smile.

Five years had passed!

Considering the four previous years, since Lu Qingfeng had reincarnated, he was now 25 years old.

His change in appearance was still slight.

With the introduction of Qingfeng the Pill Refining Master's improved versions of the Fasting Pill and the Yellow Dragon Pill into the market, they'd become very popular.

Although Lu Qingfeng was still a low-level Pill Refining apprentice, he had quite a reputation in a small area within Emery Town. Almost no one was superior to the high-level apprentice of Talisman Crafting, Huang Luo, who'd had his business running for decades.

Among cultivators in the Fetal Phase, Lu Qingfeng was much more sought after than Cultivator Huang Luo.

After he'd cooperated with the Imperial City Guild, his reputation had once again grown by a significant margin.

Nevertheless, the friendship between Lu Qingfeng and Huang Luo had grown deeper in recent years.

Huang Luo absolutely disagreed with his conduct of not engaging in honest work. If it hadn't been that Lu Qingfeng had bumped into some difficulties when he was preparing his Cinnabarites, he would probably not have told Huang Luo what he was up to.

Sure enough!

After hearing Lu Qingfeng's words, Huang Luo opened his eyes wide as he pointed at Lu Qingfeng and said in disbelief, "Why are you learning Talisman Crafting instead of focusing on being the Master Qingfeng that you already are? Why the freak are you making Cinnabarite?"

Huang Luo felt that Lu Qingfeng had gone mad.

In the past few years, he had watched Lu Qingfeng waste a lot of his time in Pill Refining, but so be it. However, he hadn't expected that now, he was yet again getting distracted by Talisman Crafting.

For an ordinary cultivator, whether it was Pill Refining or Talisman Crafting, mastering one was already a difficult task. Huang Luo was pretty surprised by Lu Qingfeng's attainments in Pill Refining.

However, Talisman Crafting was a profound discipline. Its doorway was no lower than that of Pill Refining.

Why would an ordinary person have so much energy?

"Brother Luo, I know when to stop." Lu Qingfeng was still smiling.

Looking at him, Huang Luo couldn't help but shake his head, "Forget it. It's not like I don't know your temper of a donkey. I just hope that you won't regret it when your life span is coming to an end."

As Huang Luo spoke, he grabbed a few bamboo slips from the cloth bag around his waist and tossed them to Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng quickly took them.

"Detailed Explanation in the Preparation of the Six Common Cinnabarites!"

"Refining the Spirit Runic Brush!"

"Fundamentals of Runic Papers!"

"Encyclopedia of Low-Grade Talismans!"

"Since you want to learn Talisman Crafting, these are all the basics. However, for the crafting and refinement of Cinnabarites, Runic Brush, and Runic Paper, a little bit of understanding will do. If you are really interested in Talisman Crafting, lots of materials are available in the market. There's no need to waste your time," Huang Luo reminded him.

"Thanks a lot, Brother Luo."

Lu Qingfeng quickly thanked him.

Huang Luo was a high-level apprentice in Talisman Crafting with rich experience. With his guidance, he could avoid lots of detours in learning the art of talismans. In reality, the hunters from the Truth Sect might arrive at any time. For him, mastering the art of talismans as soon as possible would mean more hope for survival.

"Consider this my repayment for you introducing my business to the Imperial City Guild," Huang Luo said.

"That was nothing," Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

The Imperial City Guild was one of the six top guilds in Emery Town. Although they didn't have a powerful backing like the Broken Army Guild, Noumenal Guild, and Sword Sage Guild, their power in Emery Town was no less than these three guilds.

They were also the only guild without backing among the six top guilds in Emery Town.

The quality of the Fasting Pills and the Yellow Dragon Pills refined by Lu Qingfeng was a lot better than similar pills. Once they started selling, the word of mouth quickly spread their reputation far and wide.

First, they became hot sellers in the market. Then, many guilds came to try to rope him in for cooperation.

Finally, Lu Qingfeng had chosen the Imperial City Guild, which was the strongest guild with the best reputation of establishing long-term cooperation.

The pills he refined would be provided to the Imperial City Guild, and the Imperial City Guild would purchase these pills at a fixed price and be responsible for collecting various medicinal herbs for Lu Qingfeng.

Because of Lu Qingfeng's accomplishments in refining low-level pills, it held an extraordinary significance for the Imperial City Guild to attract new players to join them. Hence, Lu Qingfeng proposed the idea of building a bridge between the Imperial City Guild and Cultivator Huang Luo, forming a cooperation proposal which he then agreed to after a little inspection.

For Huang Luo, by cooperating with a powerful force like the Imperial City Guild, he would have no more worries about selling the talismans he drew, nor would he have to worry about collecting the various materials. It saved him a lot of effort.

Naturally, this was a great favor that Lu Qingfeng had done for him.

"I just mentioned it to Imperial City casually. This is all because of your attainments, Brother Luo. It has nothing to do with me." Lu Qingfeng smiled before leaving the market.

Aside from cultivating and refining pills, he would come and run the stall at the market. Since he cooperated with the Imperial City Guild, there was no need for him to sell his pills at the market anymore, but his habit of hanging around at the market had not changed.

One could consider it a combination of work and rest. Instead of lowering his efficiency, it hiked it up instead.

Leaving the market, Lu Qingfeng returned to his dwelling.

With his current net worth, he could totally afford a decent courtyard in Emery Town as his home.

Stepping into the quiet room and taking out the few jade bamboo slips given to him by Huang Luo, he registered them into the Attribute Panel one by one.

Then he started his research beginning with the "Detailed Explanation in the Preparation of the Six Common Cinnabarites".

For ordinary cultivators, when they engage in Talisman Crafting, they would probably skip the crafting and preparation of Cinnabarrite, Runic Paper, and Runic Brush.

But Lu Qingfeng couldn't.

There was no ready-made Cinnabarite, Runic Paper, and Runic Brush in reality. It was imperative for him to master the makings of these as well.

Among them, Cinnabarite was a kind of natural ore, bright red in color with a diamond luster or even a metallic luster. After being ground into powder, it could be altered slightly by the different modulation techniques to suit talismans of different genres or types.

Lu Qingfeng first started with the preparation of Cinnabarite and then proceeded to make the Runic Paper and Runic Brush.

Time passed unknowingly.

In the blink of an eye, 42 years have passed since Lu Qingfeng started practicing drawing talismans.
