Wang Tao

After giving Lu Qingfeng a rough understanding of what went on in the guild, Lu Hongwen took Lu Qingfeng and the six other new recruits to the guild's premises.

The base was on a small hill outside of Snivel Town.

The hill had no name, but because Singularity had settled their base there, it was called Singularity Mountain.

After about a 30-minute walk from Snivel Town, they finally arrived at Singularity Mountain. Among the seven new candidates that Lu Hongwen had recruited this time, only Lu Qingfeng was a player. The other six were aboriginals whose innate talent levels were fairly good.

One of them who was named Qi Hai had an innate talent level of 4, which was pretty much a genius level.

After all, anyone could join a guild as long as they had at least a level 2 in innate talent.

Qi Hai, with level 4 in innate talent, was already eligible to join the Courtyard of Destiny. Nobody knew why Qi Hai had chosen to join Singularity instead of going directly to the Courtyard of Destiny.

Entering Singularity Mountain...

Lu Hongwen handed six people to the deacon in charge of new recruits, while he took Lu Qingfeng to the top of the mountain.

On the route to the top of Singularity Mountain, there was a stretch of many buildings.

Two of them were evidently Pill Refining Chambers, located right by the side of the route.



"Come out and greet our guest!"

Lu Hongwen stood in front of the two Pill Refining Chambers and yelled.

"Please be quiet, Elder Lu! Master is currently refining a furnace of Chi Cycling Powder. He cannot come out and meet you right now." A disciple walked out of the Pill Refining Chamber that was on the left and bowed toward Lu Hongwen.

"I didn't know that you were an elder of the guild, Brother Luwey! I'm sorry if I haven't been respectful enough," Lu Qingfeng said, feeling embarrassed.

He hadn't said this to ridicule Lu Hongwen, but he really had never expected this guy to be an elder.

Lu Hongwen, who seemed lazy and inconsequential, actually held a not-at-all low position in the guild of Singularity. The position of elder was right under the positions of guild leader and vice guild leader.

"Hah, hah, stop your joking. You will also become an elder really soon."

Lu Hongwen winked at Lu Qingfeng, but the words he'd uttered left Lu Qingfeng in shock.

Upon seeing this, Lu Hongwen waved his hand to the disciple, gesturing him to return to the Pill Refining Chamber.

Then he smiled at Lu Qingfeng. "In Singularity, aside from the guild leader and two vice guild leaders, there are only three people who are players like you and me, and all of us are elders. Although you've just joined us, you are only the seventh player in Singularity. There's more than enough room for you to become an elder."


After hearing this, only now did Lu Qingfeng really understand the situation he found himself in.

It turned out that, including him, there were only seven players in Singularity. No wonder Lu Hongwen had been so enthusiastic after learning about his identity as a player.

"Well, I guess this is pretty normal."

Considering that there were less than 3,000 players within the colossal Luminous Spirit Realm.

It was already a pretty good start for a small guild like Singularity to have seven of them.

It was just that starting as an elder directly after joining a guild was bizarre. Lu Qingfeng didn't know whether he should cry or laugh about it.

After Lu Hongwen had finished explaining everything to Lu Qingfeng, a few people walked out of the Pill Refining Chamber on the right. The leader was a handsome young man in a black-and-white robe, who was followed by a few teenagers who looked like normal guys.

"Luwey, you really have to tone down that loud voice of yours. You almost ruined my entire furnace of Golden Pith Pellets, which I have just painstakingly refined."

The handsome young man looked elegant and refined in his demeanor, but the way he spoke really did go contrary to expectations.

Lu Hongwen wasn't offended by him and was grinning.

Before Lu Hongwen could answer him, he looked at Lu Qingfeng and said, "For Luwey to have personally brought you here, I presume that you must be a newcomer. My name is Wang Tao. What is your name?"

"Lu Qingfeng."

Lu Qingfeng answered him readily.

This person seemed to be easy to get along with.

When Lu Hongwen saw that the two of them seemed to be getting along, he said, "Wang, Qingfeng has only just arrived. He hasn't started cultivating yet. He knows how to refine pills. You should guide him. Also, when Yue is finished refining the batch of pills he's working on, introduce Qingfeng to him."

"I got it. Get going."

Wang Yao waved his hands in a casual response.

Upon seeing this, Lu Hongwen turned and looked at Lu Qingfeng. "Qingfeng, let Wang help you get yourself acquainted with Singularity Mountain now. I have to return to Snivel Town to recruit people."

"Sorry for troubling you, Brother Luwey."

Lu Qingfeng hurriedly thanked him.

Lu Hongwen grinned and walked away.

"You already knew how to refine pills before you got in, eh? Looks like you were quite a hard worker out there!"

Wang Tao's voice was pretty loud. He smiled at Lu Qingfeng and said, "Go ahead and show me what you've got. Let me see what level you're at."

Lu Qingfeng understood what Wang Tao meant. He followed behind him without saying anything more.

He knew that both Wang Tao and Lu Hongwen could see that he had no cultivation base, meaning that he had just entered "Primitive". However, as Lu Qingfeng had said that he knew how to refine pills, that would evidently imply that he had learned the technique of Pill Refining before he entered "Primitive".

However, it was amusing that Wang Tao would never know that this person he was shouting at right now was an old monster who had been through two lives in "Primitive"!

Inside the Pill Refining Chamber...

Lu Qingfeng looked around.

He could see that besides Wang Tao and himself, there were many other apprentices working here, who were all looking at Wang Tao very respectfully.

The Pill Refining Chamber was rather spacious with a total of nine Pill Refining Furnaces, all of which had independent spaces isolated from each other.

At this moment, in front of eight Pill Refining Furnaces, there were pill refiners busily engrossed in their work

In the outer circle of the Pill Refining Chamber, were herb handling tables that were even more complete than the simple herb handling table in the bluestone tablet that Lu Qingfeng had often used in his previous life.

Dozens of apprentices were handling medicinal herbs nonstop.

Wang Tao pointed to the medicinal herb processing table beside him and said, "Since you have no cultivation base, you can't use the pill refining furnaces. You can use this table to handle medicinal herbs and refine some pills. If you can make pills, I will ask our guild leader to build you a separate Pill Refining Chamber."

Wang Tao understood that no one would be content to be below others given that they were all players. Hence, he told him this from the beginning. In other words, if he couldn't make pills, he must obediently become a helper in the Pill Refining Chamber.

"All right!"

Lu Qingfeng didn't care one way or another!

In his previous lives, he had refined tens of thousands of pills on the simple herb handling table in the bluestone tablet. With the equipment here being more complete, that would naturally not impede him.

Picking medicinal herbs!

Handling herbs!

Controlling the heat!

Commencing pill refining!


Wang Tao folded his arms and watched from the sidelines, nodding from time to time with a smile on his face.

Half an hour later, the aroma of pills suffused the Pill Refining Chamber, causing many apprentices to look his way. Lu Qingfeng used a jade bottle he'd found on the side to put away the pills.

The pills he'd refined were the Yellow Dragon Pills. He'd created 12 pills. Each of them was plump and of good appearance. The pills looked as excellent as they always did.

"Not bad, not bad at all!"

"Very proficient. You must've practiced quite a lot out there."

Wang Tao took the bottle of Yellow Dragon Pills refined by Lu Qingfeng, shook out a few, placed them in his palm for examination, and praised him.

Lu Qingfeng smiled and did not speak.

"Your Yellow Dragon Pills, their efficacy seems…" Wang Tao was indeed a top-level Pill Refining Apprentice. Just by looking at and smelling these pills, he could tell that the Yellow Dragon Pills refined by Lu Qingfeng had a high efficacy.

"This is my unique technique. It can increase the efficacy of Yellow Dragon Pills by five times," Lu Qingfeng answered.

The Yellow Dragon Pill recipe enhanced by five times had directly improved the pill's efficacy by 500 percent. However, that was its limit. If he were to enhance it again, the required herbs would change and cause the price-performance ratio to drop.

"Pretty profound, eh!"

Wang Tao couldn't help but give him a sidelong glance.