Return of the Guild Leader! Astonishing Puppets!

In a few days, Lu Qingfeng had raised his level to 4 (18/20). His cultivation had also arrived at the peak of Level 2 of the Fetal Phase. He was going to break through at any time.

After acquiring Chi Control, Lu Qingfeng could finally use the Pill Refining Furnace.

The Pill Refining Furnace was different from the herb handling tables.

Every Pill Refining Furnace had been meticulously crafted by Tool Refiners. Its higher efficiency proved handy for Pill Refiners.

For instance, the Pill Refining Furnace that Wang Tao was using was Tier-4 Runic Equipment, the Lilac Smoker.

On it were engraved the patterns of 336 runes, which included Spirit Garnering, Cooling, Flame, Temperature Control, and nine other Runic Arrays. It was controlled with one's Inner Chi and Genuine Chi, making it a handy tool for all the Pill Refiners.

When Lu Qingfeng was using the herb handling table to refine Yellow Dragon Pills, he needed half an hour to refine a full furnace of pills. However, when he started using Wang Tao's Lilac Smoker, he could make a full furnace of pills in the time it took for a joss stick to burn down completely.

The difference in time may seem inconsequential, but when many days of work accumulated, the difference was not to be scoffed at.

"I think I can collect ores and metals in Miaoyin City and delve into Tool Refining also, starting with Pill Refining Furnaces."

Lu Qingfeng was thinking these things to himself as he walked out of the Pill Refining Chamber.


As soon as he left the chamber, he sensed that the ground was quivering under his feet. Immediately afterward, a loud roar struck his ears. Looking up, he saw a giant approaching Singularity Mountain extremely fast.

This giant was who was causing the earth to tremble.


"...a puppet?"

Lu Qingfeng looked up at the giant and immediately thought about the puppets Wang Tao had mentioned to him a few days ago.

According to Wang Tao, the guild leader of Singularity, Mu Yuanyi, was an elder in the Foundation Building Stage of the Courtyard of Destiny on Emerald Mountain.

The Courtyard of Destiny was a sub-sect that had been established by a cultivator in the Cosmic Stage from the 100 Art Sect on Mount Yunmeng, which lay hundreds of miles away.

The 100 Art Sect was hailed as the Sect of 100 Artistries. Aside from being proficient in the refinement of various Runic Equipment and Magical Artifacts, their methods in Puppet Crafting were also among the very best across the entire Dongsheng Continent.

Singularity relied on the Courtyard of Destiny, while the Courtyard of Destiny was a sub-sect established by a cultivator in the Cosmic Stage from the 100 Art Sect. Naturally, the appearance of puppets was not unusual.

However, this was the first time that Lu Qingfeng had seen one of these puppets, and he couldn't help but be shocked by the appearance of a puppet that looked like a human but was some 70 to 80 feet high, right before his very eyes.

As he took a closer look, he noticed that behind this puppet there were nine other puppets that were smaller, standing at only about 20 to 30 feet in height. Their appearance would have been equally as shocking had they appeared alone. However, as they were standing behind the ginormous puppet, they seemed somewhat inconspicuous.

These puppets were covered with the vestiges of confrontation, including crimson-colored bloodstains. They must have just experienced a violent battle.

"Those are the Mechanical Puppets of Singularity Mountain. They are incredibly powerful."

"That's evident. These puppets were crafted by a venerable cultivator of the Courtyard of Destiny at the request of our guild leader. The largest puppet over there can wipe out all Demon Beasts below Tier 6, while the other nine puppets can also fight with Demon Beasts in Tiers 4 or 5!"

"I wonder when I can have a puppet for myself?"


Behind Lu Qingfeng, alarmed by the rumblings of the puppets, many members of the Singularity Guild had come outside to watch the show.

They had joined the Singularity Guild before Lu Qingfeng and had seen these puppets previously. However, they were still in awe every time they appeared.

"Qingfeng, come with me."

After Lu Qingfeng had watched the ten puppets walk by and then vanish from sight, he heard Wang Tao calling to him.

Lu Qingfeng walked over to him hurriedly.

"Lead and the rest have returned. I'm going to take you to meet them," Wang Tao explained to Lu Qingfeng as he led the way.

In a while, they arrived at the back of Singularity Mountain.

As he had been familiarizing himself with Singularity Mountain over the past few days, he'd learned that the back of the mountain was the guild's restricted area. Strictly speaking, he couldn't be considered a member of Singularity just yet. Hence, this place was off-limits to him. However, this time, with Wang Tao leading the way, he headed right into the restricted area without being stopped by anyone.

The back of the mountain was totally different from the area in the front.

The front of the mountain was even and lush with vegetation. The back of the mountain, on the other hand, was steep and jagged with strange rock formations.

The one enormous and nine smaller puppets that Lu Qingfeng had just seen had disappeared into the cliffs at the back of the mountain.

After a brief wait, about ten figures appeared at the bottom of the mountain.

The leading person was wearing black war robes. He was about 27 to 28 years old with a manly face and defined features.

He was the guild leader of Singularity, the elder of the Courtyard of Destiny on Emerald Mountain in the Foundation Building Stage: Mu Yuanyi!

"Wang, is this the new guy Luwey mentioned?" Mu Yuanyi's voice was deep and magical. People always developed a liking toward him when they heard him speak.

"Yes. This is Lu Qingfeng, a low-level Pill Refining Apprentice. His attainments in the refinement of low-level pills put me and Yue to shame." As he introduced him, Wang Tao praised him without reserve.

"You flatter me, Brother Wang," Lu Qingfeng said humbly.

Then he put his hands together and bowed to Mu Yuanyi. "Greetings, lead. I'm Lu Qingfeng."

"You are one of our own. No need now for the courtesy."

"Wang and Yue are extremely good at judging people. Since they have such a high opinion of you, I will have our men build a third Pill Refining Chamber that will be placed under your care in the next two days."

Without looking into it any further, Mu Yuanyi had decided on this business.

Only then did he introduce the few people behind him to Lu Qingfeng.

"This is Zhang. Zhang Zong. Top-Level Tool Refining Apprentice. Currently studying Puppet Crafting."

"This is Yu. Yu Bufan. Sword Cultivator. Top three in terms of combat power in the guild."

Mu Yuanyi introduced Lu Qingfeng to all the more than ten people who were standing behind him. Among them, Zhang Zong and Yu Bufan were introduced with a special emphasis. With Wang Tao at his side transmitting messages into his ears at appropriate times, Lu Qingfeng learned that they were the two other players of the Singularity Guild.

Right here and right now, the ones that were gathered here were the top powerhouses of the Singularity Guild.

Mu Yuanyi, Zhang Zong, and Yu Bufan comprised a total of three cultivators in the Foundation Building Stage. The remaining 20 people were at Level 7 to Level 9 of the Genuine Chi Phase. With their humanoid puppets, their combat capabilities weren't inferior to cultivators in the Foundation Building Stage.

It was simple to ascend from the Fetal Phase to the Genuine Chi Phase, but getting from the Genuine Chi Phase to the Foundation Building Stage was a leap that depended on one's talent. It was extremely difficult. An unknown number of cultivators were stuck at this very step.

Back in Emery Town, Lu Qingfeng had seen too many cultivators who were stuck in the Genuine Chi Phase.

That Included his good friend, Huang Luo.

Foundation Building was no easy task. Throughout the entire Singularity Guild, there were only Mu Yuanyi and two other cultivators who had managed to ascend to the Foundation Building Stage.

At this time, they had received a mission from the Courtyard of Destiny to head toward Twilight City more than 100 miles to the southeast to suppress a wave of beasts.

They had slaughtered the Tier 6 Demon Beast who was setting off this wave more than ten days ago. Subsequently, they'd spent a few days clearing out many of the beasts before returning to Singularity Mountain.

"Lead, what demon beast is creating trouble this time? I heard that the Yama Guild, the Blood Wolf Guild, and the Flames of Azure Guild have all received missions at this time."

As the group walked toward the top of the mountain, Wang Tao asked the leader out of curiosity.

To have four of the eight major guilds in Snivel Town dispatched at once, the beast problem this time was evidently not a simple one.

"It's a Three-headed Python," Mu Yuanyi said.

"A Three-headed Python?"

"The Three-headed Python from legend that is capable of spitting magic of the water, fire, and wind elements, that can also devour Runic Equipment and Magical Artifacts?"

Wang Tao's eyebrows twitched.


"This Three-headed Python has cultivated for many years and has attained Tier 6. Its magic is innately powerful, and it is also resistant to Magical Artifacts. In the Foundation Building Stage, it is literally invincible. By working with the major guilds of Yama, Blood Wolf, and Flames of Azure, it still took us more than two hours to bring it down."

As Mu Yuanyi recalled the event, he subconsciously revealed lingering fear on his face.

Zhang Zong, who looked middle-aged, said, "I think we came out well. The Blood Wolf Guild's treasure, the Blood Wolf Puppet, was snapped in half, which is a very massive loss to them. Before the Blood Wolf Puppet is repaired, I think they will have to keep a low profile."

Lu Qingfeng followed the crowd and listened to them talking about this mission.

The various strange Demon Beasts, all kinds of puppets, and the thrilling battles were true eye-openers.