Enhanced Truth Exterminator One


Lu Qingfeng kicked away Truth Exterminator One. He couldn't help cracking up.

Only by accomplishing his instruction to perform an attack could puppet autonomous control be considered realized. If Lu Qingfeng had to use simple action commands to make it attack, then it would be no different from his consciousness entering the puppet.

"By elevating the Twin Stone, what has improved is its sensing range and perhaps the total number of Runic Arrays it can accommodate."

Lu Qingfeng remembered that according to the three common Twin Stone refining methods on the market, they could accommodate at most 20 to 30 Runic Arrays, and, with Huang Tiangu's improved method, the Twin Stone could accommodate 35 Runic Arrays.

However, the Twin Stones crafted by the method where Lu Qingfeng had merged them three times and enhanced them twice were able to hold 100 Runic Arrays, and perhaps even more.

"Enhancing the Spirit Control Runic Array will optimize its structure and increase the number of Runic Arrays it can accommodate. At 100 Runic Arrays, autonomous control will be realized. I wonder what will happen if I continue to enhance it? However, if the amount of Runic Arrays exceeds the Twin Stone's capacity, the Twin Stone will also have to be enhanced simultaneously."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at his experience points on the Attribute Panel.

He had originally been at level 35 (200/250). After enhancing the Spirit Control Runic Array three times, he fell to level 35 (130/250).

"I've been cultivating without spending any experience points throughout this period of time. I've accumulated so many points without even knowing it."

After breaking into the Genuine Chi Phase, cultivation had become even more difficult.

This was evident from the ten levels needed to ascend into a new level of cultivation phase, compared to the original two levels.

Lu Qingfeng had painstakingly cultivated for ten years and had expended only a small amount of experience points to enhance the refining method of the Twin Stone, a few spells, a few pill recipes, and so on. However, he was only in Level 2 of the Genuine Chi Phase.

At this rate, it would be difficult for Lu Qingfeng to break into the Foundation Building Stage before the end of his life span.

However, Lu Qingfeng didn't really care.

It was inevitable for him to be a little unaccustomed to what he was doing as this was the first time he had cultivated in the Genuine Chi Phase. If he didn't succeed in this life, he would eventually succeed after a few lives.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect!

Right now, he was accumulating experience in advance for his cultivation in the next life.

"There are still many interesting aspects between Level 1 and Level 2 of the Genuine Chi Phase. I'll take advantage of this opportunity to return to Level 1 of the Genuine Chi Phase to re-cultivate."

In this way, the massive amount of experience points from level 21 to level 35 would be enough for Lu Qingfeng to enhance Truth Exterminator One to the limit that was currently attainable at this stage.

First was the Twin Stone.

He directly enhanced it five times. Under the circumstances where the crafting materials remained intact, the puppet's fundamental sensing range was increased from the 10,000 feet of the second enhancement to 1,000,000 feet, which was more than 600 miles.

Lu Qingfeng estimated that the entire Guangyuan Commandery didn't even have such a large area. Hence, it was adequate. If it was enhanced any more, the materials to refine the Twin Stone would also need to be upgraded accordingly. Lu Qingfeng wasn't confident that he could find materials that were this rare in the barren Guangyuan Commandery.

Besides, there was still the secondary improvement in range with the Spirit Control Runic Array.

The Twin Stone that had been enhanced five times granted a sensing radius of 600 miles on the basis of the original Spirit Control Runic Array. Every time the original Spirit Control Runic Array was enhanced, the sensing range could be increased further by a corresponding multiple.

The final sensing range attained with the combination of the five-time-enhanced Twin Stone and five-time-enhanced Spirit Control Runic Array reached an astonishing 4,000 miles.

That distance not only covered the Guangyuan Commandery, but could even cover all three commanderies within the Sun Nation and was even able to go beyond.

Lu Qingfeng could totally stay in Miaoyin City and attack just about any location within the Sun Nation.

Including Ganoderma Mountain!

"Long-range attack!"

Even the thought itself was thrilling.

Lu Qingfeng was treating the Cultivation World as a MOBA game.

Unfortunately, to realize that, he still had a lot of difficulties to overcome. Besides, he wouldn't be able to do so in reality, not in less than three to five years.

The Twin Stone and Spirit Control Runic Array that had been enhanced to this extent were of great use.

Especially the enhancement of the Spirit Control Runic Array. The increase in sensing range was just a bonus. The most important thing was the improvement of a puppet's spirituality.

Upon three enhancements, Truth Exterminator One realized autonomous control.

Upon four enhancements, it grew stronger in independence.

Upon five enhancements, its spirituality was greatly increased.

This change was difficult to describe with data and words. In terms of image, the four-time-enhanced Truth Exterminator One was equivalent to a skylark bird that was not taking Yellow Millet Pills. The five-time-enhanced Truth Exterminator One was equivalent to a skylark bird who had taken Yellow Millet Pills for a long time and who could understand Lu Qingfeng's instructions accurately.

Such changes were naturally on the positive spectrum.

After several enhancements, Lu Qingfeng still had a lot of experience points to spare. Hence, he didn't stop and began enhancing Truth Exterminator One as a whole.

One time!

Two times!

Three times!

Four times!

Five times!

After each enhancement, Lu Qingfeng would refine it in accordance with the enhanced Refining Method of Truth Exterminator One,

And compare its data with physical objects.

Before enhancement, the combat effectiveness of Truth Exterminator One (default) was at Level 9 of the Fetal Phase.

After one enhancement, the combat effectiveness of Truth Exterminator One (A) was at Level 9 of the Fetal Phase.

After two enhancements, the combat effectiveness of Truth Exterminator One (B) was at Level 1 of the Genuine Chi Phase.

After three enhancements, the combat effectiveness of Truth Exterminator One (C) was at Level 1 of the Genuine Chi Phase.

After four enhancements, the combat effectiveness of Truth Exterminator One (D) was at Level 1 of the Genuine Chi Phase.

After five enhancements, the combat effectiveness of Truth Exterminator One (E) was at Level 2 of the Genuine Chi Phase.

After five rounds, the enhancement arrived at the limit that Truth Exterminator One could handle without upgrading and changing its raw materials.

"The co-location of various Runic Arrays is more reasonable, and the power of the Spirit Core, Attack, Defense, and Auxiliary Runic Arrays are all strengthened.

"Truth Exterminator One (E) that is enhanced five times can already be considered as a Level 2 puppet of the lowest grade."

Four months later...

Six Truth Exterminator Ones stood in a line. Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but feel an upsurge of emotion.

A puppet's level was determined by its combat power.

Puppets with combat capacities of the Fetal Phase were Level 1 puppets.

Puppets with combat capacities of the Genuine Chi Phase were Level 2 puppets.

Puppets with combat capacities of the Chi Drawing Phase were Level 3 puppets.

And so on in precedence.

The combat power of puppets was referenced with cultivators in the same phase who were cultivating in a Preliminary-grade technique and had mastery over low-level spells, whose combat effectiveness was at the bottom when compared to those in the same phase.

However, cultivators would usually use puppets that were beyond their own levels.

Taking Mu Yuanyi as an example, at the second phase of the Foundation Building Stage, the Condensation Phase, when compared to puppet level, it should be a Level 4 puppet. However, the puppet he controlled was a Level 6 puppet, which was comparable to the fourth phase of the Foundation Building Stage, the Body Tempering Phase, and Tier 6 Demon Beasts.

In this way, even though he could only exert the combat power of an ordinary cultivator in the Body Tempering Phase, the puppet was still far beyond his own strength.

"Now that it is finalized, it is time to take orders to improve my proficiency."

At this stage, Level 2 puppets could totally fulfill Lu Qingfeng's needs.

In the Sun Nation, there were definitely not many aces in the Genuine Chi Phase. Even in the Truth Sect, according to what Lu Qingfeng had learned during this period of time, there were only a few people in the Genuine Chi Phase.

At just Level 7 of the Fetal Phase, one could be promoted to an elite disciple or the head of deacons.

It was only provable how many past masters in the Genuine Chi Phase had been in the Truth Sect.

In reality, resources were scarce, and Lu Qingfeng didn't intend to rashly refine Truth Exterminator One. It wasn't too late to do so after he'd improved his proficiency in the game and raised the success rate by a significant margin.

The reserves of the various ores and materials had long been collected by Lu Qingfeng through Sapphire Gate, which he had started cooperating with as soon as the design of Truth Exterminator One was finalized.