Chapter 1

Percy Jackson: the popular captain of the swim team.

Annabeth Chase: the nerdy new girl.

Both of them are on opposite sides of the popularity scale, and are thought to have never even spoken to one another. However, that rumor is completely wrong. In fact, Percy and Annabeth are dating, just without the knowledge of their classmates.

There are a lot of things about those two that the students at Goode High have no idea about. For example, they are both part of the most powerful group of demigods alive, and they are the unofficial leaders of Camp Half-blood, one of only two safe places in the world for demigods. But enough of that, let's get back to their secretive habits.

Three weeks ago, Percy and Annabeth were enjoying themselves with the rest of the Seven and Nico at Percy's apartment when Leo made a remark about Percy and Annabeth's relationship...

"Look at you two! I haven't seen you guys apart since Annabeth went on her quest! You guys have some serious codependency issues." he said.

Percy and Annabeth gave each other an incredulous look before Annabeth responded, "Not true! I can handle being apart from him!"

The prideful young demigod couldn't just ignore a direct blow to her pride, whether it be intentional or not.

"Yeah, right! I'll believe it when I see it," Jason cut in.

"You know what? We will prove it to you, one day, we will," Annabeth vowed.

Two weeks later, Annabeth was starting at Goode, and the opportunity had arisen for the duo to prove their friends wrong. Just as they were about to leave for school, Annabeth got the idea that they should pretend to not know each other at school and see how long they could last. Percy was hesitant at first, but was evidently convinced by his girlfriend, as always.

Now, another week having passed, Percy and Annabeth were walking to school. When they get closer, they have to separate so that it doesn't look like they came together, but for the moment, they were walking hand-in-hand down the sidewalk.

"Are you sure you wanna keep doing this? I mean, I hate not being able to kiss you at school! It's torture to see you ten feet away, but have us not even give each other a hug!" Percy said.

"I'm sure. This can be good for us; having some space, you know," Annabeth exclaimed.

"Alright, fine," he sighed, and then started to walk faster because Goode was coming into their sights, "Just know that I'm expecting a prize at the end of today for my efforts, ok?"

Annabeth just rolled her eyes and started to slow her strides.

When Percy and Annabeth entered the senior hallway, he walked over to his friends and she walked over to hers, his being a considerably larger group. Percy's real friends consist of mostly the people from the swim team, but there's still a group of people that just use his friendship for popularity. For example, Kelsey Evans, Goode's resident mean girl. She wants to become Percy's girlfriend so bad, but he always rejects her. Unfortunately, she keeps coming back, and when she thinks someone else is going to try something with Percy, she bullies them away. The only reason Percy puts up with her is so that he can keep an eye on her.

Annabeth's friend group consists of four other people, two boys and two girls. There is Nora, Addison, Noah, and Ethan. They are all the 'nerdy' type, so they spend most of their free time either in the library or together. Annabeth met Nora first, and she immediately got the run-down of the school social hierarchy from her. At first, Annabeth was surprised to hear that her boyfriend was at the top, considering how much of a Seaweed Brain he can be.

At Annabeth's friend group, Noah was actually speaking about the 'cool' group, "Look how righteous they are, thinking they're better than everyone else! I mean, do they really have to block the entire hallway?"

It was a well known fact in their group that Noah didn't like the cool kids. Apparently it had something to do with a swimming lesson in PE last year.

"At least Percy's kinda nice," Addison added.

"I guess, but he's also kinda scary. I mean, the way that he's beat up some kids! Maybe people just say he's nice cuz' they're scared of him," Ethan said.

"Aren't the kids he beats up bullies?" Nora asked.

"Whatever, I still don't think someone who keeps company like Kelsey should be given the benefit of the doubt," he said.

Without anyone knowing, Annabeth had actually been staring at Percy. His unruly hair, his bright, sea green eyes, and the way that little dimples appeared when he smiled his big, dopey grin could make any girl swoon. Fortunately, she managed to break herself out of her daze before her friends figured out what was wrong with her. She would never tell Percy this, but she was struggling to remain in control of her actions just as much as he was.

The warning bell rang, and everyone started to slowly head towards their first class of the day. The next time Percy and Annabeth would see each other would be in the one of only two classes they shared: Advanced Greek. All of their other classes were separate because Annabeth was taking almost all advanced classes and Percy was only taking the one.

In that class, Percy and Annabeth just so happened to be seated on opposite sides of the room. So, the only class they have together and they aren't even near each other. It's perfect! Annabeth sits next to Addison, and Percy sits next to someone else crazy enough to take Advanced Greek.

When fourth period Greek came around, Percy and Annabeth gave each other a glance as they entered the room, but that was it. That glance was a secret message that they had come up with on the first day: I love you. I was just a reassurance that this whole ordeal wasn't affecting their love for each other.

"Alright class, today we're going to have a pop-quiz! I know, I know, I'm your favorite teacher!" Mr. Anastas said while handing out the papers for the quiz, "You have 20 minutes to finish, afterwards it is free time."

Annabeth and Percy both loved this class because they didn't really have to try in it, the language just came easily. It may not be Ancient Greek, but it's still understandable.

Percy gave Annabeth a glance with a smirk as a form silent communication to say 'race you!'. Annabeth didn't even answer, she just got to work. It only took her three minutes to finish, and just as she was getting up, Percy was doing the same. They both tried to speed-walk without anyone noticing, but by the time they neared the teacher's desk, they were practically running. Just as Annabeth was about to place her paper down, Percy slammed his down before she could. The noise caused everyone to jump and look up to where is came from. What shocked everyone was what they found:

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase staring each other down!

Addison's eyes widened when she realized that her best friend was glaring at the Percy Jackson. And he was glaring right back!

"I won! Haha!" Percy exclaimed in Ancient Greek with a huge grin on his face.

"Not true! You cheated, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth rebutted.

"Careful, your hubris is showing," Percy pointed at her.

Seething, Annabeth finally took the time to realize that the entire class, including Mr. Anastas was watching their exchange. She blushed and said, "We should get back to our seats. Bye."

While she turned away, Annabeth could hear Percy yell something at her before he turned to his own seat: "I love you!"

She just rolled her eyes. Seaweed Brain, she thought.

When she got back to her seat, her friend seemed to be trying to figure out what they were saying. Luckily, the teacher and the rest of the class were doing the same thing. If anyone had caught onto what Percy said at the end of their conversation, their secret would be exposed a lot sooner than anticipated.

The rest of Greek class included people rushing to finish their quizzes, the teacher trying to figure out how his students knew more Greek than him, and Percy and Annabeth trying to avoid looking at each other. They didn't need anyone suspecting they actually knew each other!