basically just percy bloodbending

DISCLAIMER: I don't own PJO or the Avengers!

In hindsight, Percy might've overreacted a tiny bit. Just a small amount, though! What he did was perfectly reasonable, if just a little on the cuckoo side.

Now, most would probably be wondering what the Hades Percy was talking about. Well, it all started with Percy's vision tunneling in on the image of Annabeth with a gun to her temple. That image alone was reason enough.

Percy's entire life had been morally grey, so what was another thing added to his conscience?

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Despite her past experiences, Annabeth was actually quite scared. Terrified, even. She had a gun pressed up against her head, of course she was terrified! But she couldn't let it show. That would be giving the leader what he wanted, and she was not willing to give him the satisfaction of accomplishing his goal. So, she stood stubbornly stoic, even as her mind was struggling to find a way out of this predicament she had found herself in.

Sure, Annabeth could probably get out of the chokehold he had her in, but then what? Maybe she'd be able to fight the gun out of his hand, but then he'd still have the other gun she felt strapped to his ankle. It was a no-win situation.

Her only viable chance was to wait it out and hope for the perfect moment to get away and regroup. That moment didn't seem to be coming soon, though. All the two had done so far was watch the rest of the Seven and the Avengers fight monsters and mortals alike. The leader hadn't done a single thing to help. It was like he expected them to lose. After learning how cunning and sick the man was, Annabeth wouldn't be surprised if he did.

That was all her mind was able to figure out while they had been watching the fights unfold. She felt a proud sort of squeeze in her heart at how hard her friends were fighting to get her.

And Percy...Percy was so determined. He had been forcing himself through the throngs of monsters and humans to get to her, and he was making great progress. Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one to have noticed. The leader had tightened his hold on her when he saw that Percy was only ten feet away now. The Avengers and demigods were just finishing up their fights, as well. The timing was too perfect.

Annabeth felt her stomach drop, a warning that something horrible was about to happen, and she was powerless to stop it.

"Not a step closer! Or I'll shoot her right now!" The leader growled, shoving the gun roughly into her skull.

Percy stopped in his tracks, a dark glare overtaking his features.

"Let her go. Now, and I might let you walk away from this," he said.

His blood was boiling. There was no way he was letting anything happen to Annabeth. He would do anything, including killing that man. He could focus on what that admission meant to himself later, when he wasn't in a life-or-death situation. But for now, he was just letting the rage fuel him.

Percy could feel the storm buzzing under his skin, awaiting permission to wreak havoc. He couldn't do that again, though. He had to find another way. He would not get as lucky as he had in Vegas again.

"I'll say it again, let. Annabeth. Go. Now!" His eyes glowed a dark, poisonous green.

The scene was terribly familiar to Annabeth. Her eyes widened in fear of what was to come.

Percy's senses had found something else in the room. He wasn't sure what it was at first, but with a jolt, he realised what it was: Blood. He could feel everyone's blood pumping through their veins. It was overwhelming how ready it seemed to be for his manipulation. He supposed it was yet another hidden aspect of his powers. Blood manipulation; that wasn't horrifying at all. It was just above toxikinesis on his horrifying abilities list. It could be useful, though. Instead of releasing the storm on the leader, he could manipulate his limbs through his blood.

All of these thoughts ran through his brain in a matter of seconds. He came to his decision on what he was willing to do even faster.

"I won't ask again," he said, a final warning note in his tone.

The leader grinned maniacally at the teen, "I'm not afraid of you. You don't kill humans, you just let us be collateral damage in your battles against the monsters. Killing me would go against everything you're taught!"

Percy's glare hardened even moreso, "You're right. It would go against some things I've been taught. But not killing you would go against my very nature. And that is much harder to defy..."

The leader's eyes widened in fear, and his finger squeezed the trigger.

Time slowed down. Annabeth heard a small click in her ear.

Percy's hand flung out towards her with a shout, "Annabeth!"

Bones crunched.Blood flew out. A body fell to the ground in a heap.

It wasn't Annabeth.

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