
'3 hours later:

Snorting sounds*

"Mom! For god's sake, let me sleep. I studied the whole night yesterday!"


Heavy snorting sounds*


Loud tasing noise*

"Ahhh, it hurts! What the hell!? Where am I? Wait, More importantly, who's this person talking inside of my head?"

"Primordial What? Who's that!?"

"Planes? Dude, what the hell are you talking about?"


Jin looked at his clothes and circulated his eyes around the room he suddenly woke up into.

Deducing that his environment completely changed from his old untidy college uniform he previously slept with; he chimed, "Wait a minute! Don't tell me I got reincarnated like those main characters in every cliché Chinese novel?"

"huh!? Okay, okay, slow down, tell me how did I die first. Perhaps truck-Kun?"

"What the hell, bastard!? Why so cheap?"

"No thanks!" Jin quickly cried out after remembering the horrible pain.

*A long silence echoed in the room.

"Hmm, okay, since I'm already reincarnated, tell me some information about my body and world."

"What!? What do you mean, am I a cannon fodder?"

"What the fuck!? How!?"

"Hurry up! I want to see how I got killed,"

A sudden flux of memories hit his mind; As intense, continuous scenes flashed on Jin's head, making his thoughts heavier.

He took a while to adjust and digest all the astonishing number of events stuffed into his brain.

"Heaven! did I just die by a single slap from the mc? he didn't even turn to check if I passed away or not. But wait a minute, who's that girl beside the mc wearing a relieved smirk on her face?"

"What the fuck! He didn't just kill me, but he ntr'd this bastard too? So system, why I'm here in the first place?"

(A/N: don't kill me god-nim. I'm pretty good)

"Shit! This god is surely a first-class weeb,"

Inside of Jin previous body owner memories:

"You're late by 30 seconds; guards break this dirty slave legs!"

"Understood young master" the guards horrifyingly said while dragging the maid out.

"No young master please I got a family to take care of, I beg you to spare this slave"

A creepy smirk crept on his face, "Hmph! Why should I care! Quickly bring her out, and replace her with another maid; make sure she got a nice face this time."

The other maids in the palace shivered after hearing the news of their young master picking a new maid.

A voice can be heard in the other room, "sigh* it's the third maid this month, wife I think we should talk to him."

"huh?! If my son wants another maid, that means he'll get another maid; why should we care about lowly slaves?."

Jin retracted his sense from his soul, he couldn't take how absurdly this arrogant asshole acts; fuck! His whole family is a walking cannon fodder; he shook his head and inspected his new body; previous Jin was a 13-year-old young master; the family members called him fatty jin because he was shaped like a meatball, he's hair was black ink, pointy nose, and super smooth white skin, the fat completely hide the facial features on his face.

'This boy's skin is softer than a woman's cheek; did he even see the sun?'

The most striking thing about this young master is his eyes; they were dark violet, like an expensive Diamond, gentle but at the same time evil, emitting an intimidating aura.

But alas, the author waisted them in this piece of trash.

"Wait a minute! The piece of trash is me now! Oh! thank you author-sama."

After evaluating his looks, Jin turned to his memories again to see his cultivation progress; apparently, his in the first-layer of qi condensation, which also the first stage in this world cultivation path.

"Hmm, from my memories, most of the young kids start cultivating at the age of 16, but because of my status and the astonishing quantity of resources my mother poured into me, I had the chance to get a head start."

"System, how's my talent compared with the people of this world."

"Wha....t!? is it that bad! Quickly show me my status."


Name: Jin Yan

Age: 13

Cultivation stage: 1-qi condensation

Bloodline: none

Spiritual root: 1-grade(Trash)

Body formation: none

Cultivation techniques: Yan clan sword arts (Trash)

Talent:0,5 (Extremely trash)

Description: barely qualified to cultivate,

Next layer will be reached after 5 years.

Looks:3 (immediate appetite loss for people who saw you, and perhaps dogs might be better looking than you)

Luck: 2

Description: A walking disaster

Affiliation: the Yan family

Description: Everyone besides your mother despise you.

Fate: Pathetic mob character


"OH LORD, HAVE MERCY ON ME! this dude have all the flags lined up, no wonder he got ntr'd by the mc; his talent is trash, looks trash, everything trash!!"


"Dammit! I'm screwed. This fat asshole is a first-class cannon fodder; he's so shit his even garbage at being a stepping stone."

After expressing his outrage, He added, "What should I do now?"

"What quests? Show me right now hurry!"

'Quest 1: steal all the girls from the main character's harem.

Difficulty: S

Xp rewarded: 2500000000XP

Time remaining: infinite

'Quest 2: Defeat all the male main character's

Difficulty: SS

Xp rewarded: 5000000000XP

Time remaining: infinite

Quest 3 : Successfully change your fate

Difficulty: SSS

XP rewarded: infinite

Time remaining: infinite

"Wtf?! How in the hell, I can complete this quests now? System is there any easier quests?"

Jin looked at his obese belly and sighed, "Hmph! Tell me something I don't know"

Quest: Lose all the fat in your body

Difficulty: H

XP rewarded: 5xp

Time remaining: 5 weeks

Jin got instantly delighted by the quest; after all, he already made plans to train and change this disgusting body, "Hell yeah! Now that what I'm talking about."

(A/N: my fourth book at this damned site)