
Starry Nights went by, stars sang in infinite patterns, the velvet darkness, and the cold breeze was the main theme of this night.

I couldn't sleep because of the ongoing grave concerns bothering my soul, weighing great pressure on my brain.

I have always been a calculative person, but for the first time in my life, I couldn't tell what the future holds for me.

Looking down, An innocent rabbit was hugging my chest; her beautiful slender legs crossed between my right leg, while her hands holding my robe, completely entangling my being;

I sighed. "I understand now why poetry is invented; it's all to describe this girl."

Her stable breath signaled that she's asleep; I held her hands and curled them between my fingers, wondering how the author imagined her otherworldly face; I also profoundly sympathized with her childhood, 'just for a shit character development, and a retarded mc, you making this poor girl suffer?'

A Red string flashed through my eyes; hateful feelings flowed through my entity. Wrath was the most appropriate word to describe my condition.

"I definitely won't let any harm befall you ever again,"

However, I didn't sense the unstable figure condition and heavy wheezing around me; after all, she wasn't asleep like I thought she would be; otherwise, I would've buried my face in the ground from the shameful words I'm muttering.

Truthfully, The meaning of my last sentence came from the events that happened yesterday.

I finished my dog shit part-time job, strolling on the highway, when I found a maid talking to Yao; from her attire, I concluded she had a higher position than the latter; her angry demeanor showed that Yao must've made a mistake;

before I can even react, A palm struck Yao cheek.

Her figure trying to act tough, not even shedding tears made my malicious heart flutter;

Jin lost himself in anger, and before he even knew, The maid's fingers fell to the ground; a loud scream filled the hall, guards quickly reacted and surrendered the spot, but all they could find is a maid uttering cries of pain.

On the way, I held Yao in my arms and ran to my room; she finally reacted by uttering a "W-What just happened!?".

I didn't have the heart to answer her.

We reached my room; With veiny red eyes, I immediately held her two wrists with one arm and lightly slammed them into the wall I angrily said, "Why didn't you tell me about you getting bullied by the other servants?."

She got frightened by my sudden actions, but she knew I meant no harm toward her; Yao hardly formed a phrase after calming down, "I-i can't let the young master be bothered by a lowly slave like myself."

"What!?" I shouted.

"After all this period, you still don't trust me!? I see! You Are like all those people who judged me without even knowing how I really am."

"No! I would never think about you that way, at least after I spent time with you," she screamed; the tears she been holding flew like a fountain, sobbing, unable to cover her face.

"Then, put some trust on me!" Sneering, I muttered.


This was one of the significant steps in making her heart open up to me; 'Indeed, with trust, everything can be solved.'

I didn't let her go but dragged her to the bed, not minding her bewildered expression.

To where exactly the earlier events transpired.

The light finally overshadowed darkness; I decided not to withdraw my frantic strategy, but I upgraded it to an even higher stage; the following days, I glued myself to Yao, if she's eating, I will eat with her.

"Eat more! Look at your frail frame!"

If she's working, I will persecute her time, too, "Don't overwork! just go rest and laid down in my bed, I don't need anything."

If she's doing nothing, I will still try my best to bring all the exciting, funny stories I know, to entertain her, "Do you want to know the story of the sleepy princess,"

All my efforts were done to have a better chance of surviving; I can't afford to disappoint the otaku god, anything and everything to live.

Of course, we would sleep feeling each other warmth every night too. My fake obsession even reached the servants and guards, which made them fear and respect Yao; a famous quote circulated in the servant's entourage 'Don't mess with the young master beloved maid.'

In conclusion, I was like a parasite ravishing the poor girl time, but everything seems romantic when you're attractive and kind, right?

The cycle continued till the day; she had enough of it and asked me, with a frowny spoiled face. "Young master, why are you paying so much attention to me?"

I looked at her and smirked, "Hm, nothing special, I just felt like it, so I did just that, is there any reason why I shouldn't pay attention to a gorgeous maid?."

She sulked and puffed her cheeks. "You lying again!"

"Hehe!" I pretended like I was thinking about something and said, "As I told you a long time ago, I Am not the previous me; I will do everything in my power to change, and you might be one of the reasons," the violet eyes and arrogant face naturally overpower what I wanted to say, to an extreme form of infatuation.

I got closer and closer, gradually shortening the distance between us; she curtsied a bit back till she hit the table; and managed to choke some words in her shock, "Young ma-.. You. We can'-t,"

I smoothly grabbed her waist, "Don't blame me for this; you should take responsibility of what you swerved me into,"

'Asshole, let me focus!'

I raised her stunned face and leaned forward, giving a light kiss on her cherry lips; her blossoming figure, when our maiden lips met, looked like a flower ripening in front of the rays of the sun; I questioned at that moment who was the one falling for the other party.

'Is it me the player? Or I'm the one played with.'

I reluctantly parted from the blissful feeling; her drunk figure looked adorable; under my sharp gaze, she gave me a final glance, before sprinting to the door.


'Oh! You can do that too! And damn, She has a crush on me now?'

However, it's time to work on my bastard grandpa; our relationship might be the closest on the whole Family, nobody knew of course, because my grandpa rarely even spare a glance toward anyone, and while his overly greedy, I still think he will refuse anyone but me.

I went to his residence and immediately woke him up from his deep meditation.

"Smelly, Brat! I told you not to interrupt me during my cultivation!"

He let out a scary shout; the servants already had deathly faces; a guard even leaked out from fright.

"Oh! The fierce heavenly sword of the Yan family, the strongest warrior of the kingdom, I'm honored to be your grandkid."

He peeked at me with one raised eyebrow and said, "Hmph! You wicked bastard, I already knew you're double-faced, quick tell your grandpa what you need, can't blame it, after all, you take after this grand master,"

"Ok, ok, I want the family secret sword art," I cheekily said.

"Um? Not a chance! What do you have to trade for it?"

"Huh? Isn't it typical for the older people to look out for the talented younger generation?" I wrathfully said.

"Do you think this is charity? I forgot to tell you that you're actually adopted; family stuff doesn't work with me."

'Shameless old man!'

He continued, "Spit your deal, or prepare to work like a dog this afternoon."

I mentally cried; I was wrong; this bastard is ruthless, "Ok, How about I conclude my secret erotic libido nourishing technique in the sessions."

"Hmm, that might raise the price exceptionally, but come again!" he sneered

"I will lower my share to ten percent!"

"Still not enough!"

'Ahh! This devil fox! I need to use my secret weapon.'

"I wrote a book about your glamorous beard; I can assure you that the strong teaching inside of it would never be forgotten by the later generations"

"Hm!? Beard? What is it about?"

"Deal or no Deal!"

"Brat! Ok deal! But quickly tell me about it."

"Not before I get the manual," I answered.

He frowned, scratching his forehead and made a motion with his finger; the green crystal bed in the dojo glowed while getting pulled by an odd force, leaving an underground entrance behind; I was surprised by the magical effect, but well, 'can't really expect more from the xianxia world.'

He signaled me to follow him; and shortly after we descended the stairs, as darkness roamed the place.

My grandpa channeled his hands with qi. Patterns lighted up the place, and several wooden tombs filled the space. A golden ray hit my eyes; I looked around and found vast piles of gold, stacked up like mountains.

'this old man was sleeping in this much money? We can make a sea out of all this!'

I heard his voice calling me, "This is where our ancestors reside; you should pass the trial if you want the manual; nothing is free in the yan family."

"Wait, but we had a deal; what if I die here!." I yelled.

He kicked me on my butt, sending me straight to the central tomb, and laughed, "If you die, you die, hehe! Have a good time, brat,"

He left me to appall, wondering how I could've trusted this perverted fox.

And before realizing what he meant by trial; a shadow of a middle-aged man spoke behind my ears,

"Hello, brat!"
