Quest 2

The trial took at least one sun and moonrise.

I was trying to Reach my room in the speed of light, While the system notifications flooded my brain.

'Wait what!? I just finished one!'

'Ugh! Ok, can't help it; tell me more about the quest'

'Oh! So I just need to meet them there and go back shortly after?'

'Why!? He already a damned villain, don't you think he'll just stab me in the back?'

'Damn! If you can't hold the mc tights and swim in his heavenly light, then, have the villain shadow; I see what you are doing there.'

I grabbed my chin, thinking for a brief moment.

'Hehe! I already formed a plan; System, how about becoming homeless lowlifes for some couple of months?'


I chuckled at the system's sudden silence.

And Before I know it, we already reached the door of my room; however, What I found behind the door could be considered shockingly weird;

A mesmerizing little fairy laid on her stomach on top of my bed, holding into my bedsheets.

«What is this weird girl doing? There's plenty of rooms in the manor!»

I let out a light cough, to expose my presence to her.

She quickly opened her eyes and looked directly at my coming figure; contrary to my expectations, she didn't seem stunned, but rather calm and peaceful, like a kitten seeing her owner.

Simultaneously, to her smiling face, I cheekily. Asked, "Did you miss sleeping with me so much last night? You now even climbed on my bed the whole time I was away,"

The reaction of my shameless words came instantaneously; she hid her head in my cover, but I caught glimpses of her ferociously blushing face on the way, while her ears twitched like a butterfly;

I took the chance and laid down beside her, "I don't need any answer for now; just remember that your mine, mine, and mine only," the obsessive act is still in full effect, I tightened my grip on her waist, and crossed my fingers around her cold tiny hands, entangling her whole being, sending quivers through her spine.

Ultimately slowly falling into a slumber, putting an end to my eventful day.

The beautiful night went on; the lovely little rabbit woke up and reached her hands around trying to find the black-bellied youth, yet her small hands only skimmed nothingness.

She frowned and rapidly opened her beautiful pupils to look for the boy.

In front of her, A letter and an astonishing amount of gold stacked on the table; the gold coins were so countless; it can fund hundreds of households for years. However, Yao's complete attention was on a purple gold, jade necklace, wrapped around the letter.

She grabbed it, opening the letter as a consequence:

The letter naturally shined like it's daring her to read; however, Yao had a lowly birth; there's no way she would have the ability to read; however, after some seconds of opening the letter, characters surged from the palm currently holding the letter rushing all the way to her brain, magically transmitting the content of the letter.


Dear Yao, I'm going to leave for some time to train my mind and tamper my skills in the wild; I left you some gold and cultivation resources and also instructed the servants and guards to allow you full access to the library and my room, make sure to train well and learn how to read when I'm not around. Moving on to the thing wrapping the letter, you can see a necklace, which is for you, I also got a similar one for myself; I sincerely hope you will wear it as a gesture of the special bond we share. Likewise, I won't get mad if you choose not to.


I didn't know how she reacted because I was already in a horse carriage, heading to the town where I'm going to meet with the two little villains;

I naturally sent two more letters, one for my grandpa and one meant for my parents, especially my mother, who was also the reason why I secretly sneaked out from the Yan household since I already know she will ground me in the room if I told her.

Looking up from the curtain, The route was filled with boulders, dirt, and shady people, and it's even getting progressively worst; I concluded that we are heading toward a not so much decent town.

Meanwhile, An angry voice resounded in the patriarch dojo, "Bastard! You should've told me before leaving! I already called some of the famous old masters in the city for the treatment and even got paid!"

"R-refund! Should I refund them? No way! That cursed word brings nightmares to my soul"•

An old man held his head with one hand while the other was rashly cutting the letter with his sword from regret, feeling awful about the wasted money and the precious goldmine cheap worker that just departed from his side, while a wicked-looking woman with apparent anger problems, viciously breaking the hall furniture."What!? left to the wild for training? How could you leave your mother behind!"

I knew my parting will brings lots of trouble to me after coming back, but it was inevitable after all.

After a rough road, the carriage finally reached the desired destination; I got out and gave a sack of gold to the driver, ordering him to not come near the sky leaf city, in fear of my family tracking me.

He got startled by the amount in the sack, and gladly accepted my offer bowing his head all the way closely to the ground.

As a matter of fact, he will hardly even need to work anymore after the hefty reward.

Looking at his ecstatic expression, I couldn't tell that's what was waiting for me; after all, I came here to be a lowly homeless punk.

Stretching my horizon into the town, the wooden spoon buildings and houses were super-aged; even the city's smell was filled with piss and dirt. And I could tell that prostitution, corruption and theft is the mean module meandering the town.

'Ugh! This damned author is really hitting the gas pedal on developing the villains; no wonder they grew to be brutal and fierce.'

Well, the first thing I should do as a professional con artist is blending with the environment;

"hey! Before you depart, can we switch our clothes?" I told the driver,

he was taller than me, but I felt like these tattered clothes would suit my act better.

He got confused for a short time and glanced at my expensive robe before licking his lips and nodding his head.

'Oho! One day your a carriage driver, and the other day, you're a rich middle-aged man; this bastard probably thinks he just spent his lifetime luck on one day.'

"Thank you," we switched the clothes and sent him on his way.

'Now! It's time to get these clothes and body filthy.' I glanced around to make sure that nobody is spying on me and processed to cover my body and clothes with Mudd, wrapping the whiteness of my skin with filth, and even inflicted some small wounds on my face, to look extremely miserable and indigent, totally hiding my luxurious past.

A while passed just like that.

'heh! I finally finished my preparations! System, how do I look like?'

"Good!" I happily exclaimed; perhaps people would find it weird to degrade themselves like this, but not me! I will do anything to survive.

"Now! Let's eat this little villain's heads, shall we"

"Ok, ok, I understand," we walked up to the town, under the menacing polluted people's stares, but because of my flawless expression and clothes, it made it seem like I'm a regular citizen here.

'Oye! system where are the little tyrants?'

"Oh! Nice lively childhood we got here; Way to go, author!" I sarcastically exclaimed; I'm too tired of cursing the ruthless writer.

'Damn! Well, guess I should add myself to the extremely scare people who they would think twice about ending their life.'

We walked straight to the forest, searching for the pair of siblings; I spent a long time looking around before spotting a little fire camp; it was sided and protected by teo hug rocks, if not for the system guiding, I would probably never found it.