Da Xia pt 3


let's just say it's a mini mass update today because I'm feeling quite relaxed.


In spite of time, jin reached the camp leaving Chun miserable self bandaging his wounds while he leisurely played with the bronze sack in his hand.

As usual, Xia was staying in the camp, but today she seems to be more alert, or perhaps curious, wandering her red eyes around the place.

Using the fast step, he learned from the first pages of his secret family art; he quickly appeared beside her, uttering amusedly, "Good evening."

She turned her head to the side but couldn't spot the owner of the familiar voice.

He already jumped to the other side.

"Did you miss me?" He said on the opposite side, as he touches her shoulder.

Contrary to his expectations, she didn't seem to be bothered; in fact, her disposition was kind of "odd."

Knots grew on jin forehead; as he was bothered, he didn't understand why he couldn't play with this peculiar girl's mind like everybody else.

But there wasn't any time to reckon about it as a heavy bomb suddenly dropped on his head from nowhere.

Xia stopped trying to look for him, simply saying, "I actually did,"

His tongue moved faster than his mind shouting a blank, "what?"

Jin Playful domineer cramped faster than a speeding cheetah.

Focusing his sight on her, from the sweet voice, she definitely wasn't the ruthless persona, which leaves him to the two remaining ones; however, the flushed, feverish visage she held at the moment baffled his judgment.

He tested the water, muttering, "Don't you hate being touched by people?" his hands were still wielding her slim shoulder.

"Well yes, but your touch is kind of, umm, 'Special.'" she put both her hand's under her chin, looking at specifically nowhere.


After the shocking words, I immediately got back to my most trusted consular, horrifiedly asking, «Oye system! Wtf is happening?»

Going back to the real world, I heard her talk once more, "I was awfully bored after you left early today. Can you show yourself to me?"

Even though he was speechless for a moment, jin quickly collected himself, and said, "Sure,"

Rolling to the front, their eyes met where the hellish lake bumped into the peaceful Diamond valley; breaking the long staring contest, Xia confessed, "You have such a breathtaking pair of eyes,"

He finally linked up this sentence with the one she previously told him at the edge of the lake. «She was the third personality at that time?» he wondered.

The words that followed confirmed his thoughts.

She chanted in the calmest voice he ever heard, "l always wanted to thank you for saving me inside the lake"

her pure smile could instantly kill someone with a heart burst.

«Saving her? I just put a hand; what the heck is she talking about?»

However, he didn't dislike the abrupt incident; after all, he could now freely have a chat with her third personality, and perhaps, she looked even more elegant and cognitive than all the others.

"Um, I really didn't do anything hard; l just did what normal people will do," he replied.

Hearing my words, her face changed utterly, unsightly grimacing, as she opened her lazy eyes wide open, unraveling a different kind of stare than all the previous ones I once stumbled upon.

A stare of extreme suspicion, was it?

Her hands fastly moved to grab my face; in a simple motion, she swept my visage, anxiously staring at me, "Don't say normal! You aren't an ordinary boy; No one cared about me besides my brother and you,"

She averted her gaze to the sky, "Or perhaps you don't?"

letting me go, she grabbed a sharpened stone, fastly directing it to her neck.

Seeing the crazy movement of the girl, I launched my hand, clasping her hand halfway through the suicide attempt;

feeling furious and at the same time stunned, I yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

My angry attitude was matched with a sinister smile, as she said, "See, you do care about me"

Jin couldn't understand how's this personality brain function; she's way calmer and nonchalant than anyone he ever met, to the point that she seems crazy, "W-what? You could've died a second ago!"

"But I didn't; You saved me, right?" blushing under his worried look, she added, "Your eyes don't look good when you're nervous; you should smile more,"

She hesitated a bit, covering her face, she whispered, "I like your smile too"

At that moment, I felt the urge to run to my home and never go back; this is far beyond my calculation can determine.

«Just shut your mouth, if you can't help!»

I sucked a mouthful of air, reminding myself that my fate will be miserable than a serial rapist if I failed, then directly tried to go and train for the remainder of the day, not even craving to eat anymore.

Standing up, I tried to leave.

But the girl yet again spoke to me, "Where are you going so soon?" Her eyes appeared dim.

I replied, "I'm going to train a little bit,"

"Can you train here? I'd like to see how you train," she pleaded, making a pitiful complexion.

«Ugh! God sake! What should I do now?»

«Well, I guess you're right; letting her see me sweating for a few hours won't harm anyone right?.»


"Sure!" I announced, getting back my original mood.

She happily clapped her hands in response.

"Ahem, well, let's start" today's goal was to master the footwork of the art; like it been asserted in the book, it was the most crucial part.


Sounds of the wooden sword in my hand resounded, assaulting the air particles, skillfully parading the space, mixed with the encouraging words of awe in part of Xia.

I spend hours practicing my moves; this shit was definitely hard to learn, but I can't fail an awestruck spectacular.

"Fuck! I'm talking like a big brother again if only that demon serial killer didn't exist!!" He thought, Not knowing that he might be meeting a more dangerous disaster than the latter.

(A/N: just like I can't fail my bbs, now bye)