Second test

The smiling ghost informed from the tablet:


The room will be flooded with poisonous gas after 5 seconds.




However, Jin was a far careful and conscientious person than the ghost foresaw; the hint that the latter left him in the last paragraph of his speech stuck through his brain like glue.

"Remember, the only rule in these tests is to stay alive." Were the words that he carved deep in his soul before the ghost even try and announce it, as much that after he removed the bracelet, the first thing he did was to crawl his way to the door.


I wanted to smirk after seeing the tablet flash with the deceptive words, but the pain that was rushing my leg, made my expressions scream from agony instead.

As I looked down, I saw my exposed heel bone sticking out from my foot, while the missing part was tightly grabbed in my left hand.

Shifting my gaze back after exactly exiting the room, the little black skeleton was watching me, with a disgusting unnatural smile on his face that I probably won't ever be able to forget;

Next, he stood up and clapped his hands.

Immediately after going out from the room, another surge of wooziness struck my mind, signaling my successful yet bitter first trial;

Still, there wasn't any rest between these damned tests; the only thing I had the time for is praying, but to who? The only one I know was the actual culprit of my crisis, "That damned Weeb God and his cursed novel!."


And yet again, I woke up, but this time I was in a far narrower space, a foggy path was respectably in front and behind me, however, this time the ghost didn't surprise me after I gained consciousness, he already prepared everything for me, after all, not only the path was long, but it was also covered with sharp strings made out of bones, in fact after I opened my eyes, one series was right in front of my eyes, if I previously moved upfront without clearing my vision, I would've lost my sight.

No one came to preach the rules and conditions of the test, while waiting for numerous minutes.

The stillness was all that met my patience; I decided to avert my eyes, to see if I can find clues, slowly turning my torso around, analyzing every spot, while trying my best not to get cut with these threads that looked like the chains you will find in top of the walls of a prison, or a restricted building.

To my horror, I found the worst nightmare that I possibly can face at this moment, not a terrifying beast or a hideous insect, but time.

Time was gold; I would've sold my soul with the devil for such a precious thing.


A stone timer was hanged in the wall as the seconds soundlessly decreased.

«No, come back!» I brainlessly yelled at the seconds that not only belonged to the timer but also my life.

"Panic" was the only thing I felt at that moment, greatly compromising my thought process as I glanced at the long road I need to pass before the time ends.

My feet didn't want to budge an inch from my position, as I felt an unwillingness that came directly from the vivid feeling of what was waiting for me.

But I forced my brain to think about a solution, and indeed I found one:

"My clothes."

I can wrap them up in my hands and avert the sharp threads of bones as I slowly crawl my way out.

Stripping my robe, I quickly tested it on my arms to see to what extent my idea can be useful.

I still felt pain as bones dug deep in my arms skin, but at least I can move a little bit now.

Limping and looking toward the clock, I did that numerous times throughout the lengthy path, but not in one instant; I thought I was getting close.


"How long I need to keep this up?" I shouted as I picked up my pace, crawling like a baby seeing a toy, trying my best to forget the occasional tears in my flesh every time I make a mistake and graze a thread.

My foot didn't help my case either; after wrapping it with a cloth piece to stop the blood loss, it made the vessels tighten.

Hence the foot turned to a corpse.

Crawling with it was like dragging a dead cat that can still feel pain; if only I had a Gui pill, like the villain, I would've not hesitated to cut it of.

Sometimes I will stop to tend to my injuries, and sometimes I will sit down to catch a break, yet, time never halts, go, go and go, was the only thing in my mind.


The first minute of the last thirty minutes expired, Jin heard a hollow bang, it sounded like someone was hitting a door with an iron stick, it regularly pounded for a minute, and then suddenly sounded softly, and then a quick fluttery, "BANG." repeatedly making the same cycle.

Like a death melody, of a terrifying orchestra, the bangs played the most horrific sound jin ever heard.

Jin's heartbeats fastened; with each passing minute, the sound turns to a more terrible version, switching from a bang, to the deafening noise, of a fork sliding in a plate.


"Fuck!! Stop!" Jin shouted, as his body vigorously trampled, even his cells knew that the voice was a cry of death, a last cry for the poor boy to struggle more toward his escape, or perhaps demise?

"Hot, Am deadly hot," he whispered to himself, brainlessly crawling on the hard floor; his knees were bleeding, his foot was bleeding, and his scares were also bleeding.

Like the road heard his pleads, it made the floor even hotter; hell was a better place to be over such a crooked path.

Suddenly, the threads started wiggling themselves, bending like they are smiling toward the tired boy, dancing with the symphony as the voice yet again switched, to a horrendous laugh, no! A victorious laugh.

All this happened, and the timer still didn't cross the 20 minutes mark.

«Think coherently. Reason!» Jin reminded himself.


Behind him, footsteps reverberated, slowly getting louder with each step; something or possibly Someone was walking in his direction; he heard a pointy object scrape the floor, steadily moving down the lean.

"Wait for me!" He heard an unknown scream.

"Why don't you love me? Why are you running from me?"

Imagining that scene was like watching a scary horror movie in the middle of the night; he was limited from the front with strings, he was heavily injured, and most importantly, he was terrified.

"Don't look back, don't you dare to look back," he horrifiedly prompted, while the bones' chains paced back and forth with unbelievable unpatience, thrusting for more gore.

Thoughts started crossing his mind, stand up and run, run as fast as your legs can take you, don't mind the strings, just escape from all this nightmare.

You don't want to?

How about ending your life here with your hand then? Maybe this is all a dream, a very, very bad dream; you will be back to your lovely world after waking up.

He shooked his head from such thoughts, "My World was never lovely either,"

And looked one last time toward the timer.


Clenching his teeth, he halted his track, sitting down, breathing deeply, he survived earlier using his brain, and indeed this time, his only getaway was also his brain.

Clasping his overly pumping heart to calm down, he started thinking, "Weird, why would the smiling ghost not give any instruction about the test? Is there a secret behind it?"

(A/N: I will edit later am kind of in a hurry)