After fight with Lin Xue, Lin Mo went to the village and delivered water Lin Cai asked him to bring.

After receiving the water Lin Cai asked Lin Mo to exchange pointers. Lin Mo knew that it is just a chance that Lin Cai was waiting for to bully him, since he was weak.

But Lin Mo had no choice but to accept the offer.

After this Lin Mo got severely beaten by Lin Cai. It was not the first time Lin Mo got beaten to pulp by his clan mates it was schedule for everyday. Everyday one or more of his clan mates used to come up with a reason just to beat Lin Mo.

Due to this there was not even a single person in the whole Lin family at whom Lin Mo could depend on. Lin Mo had started to despise his family, but due to his weak body he had no other way to survive but to depend on name of Lin family, that's why Lin Mo tried his very best not to offend anyone as much as possible. Since he knew that if he offend anyone with high position they will do everything in their power to kick or even kill Lin Mo.

After beating Lin Mo for around 6 hours, till evening Lin Cai left along with his friends while leaving Lin Mo lying on ground. Lin Mo saw Lin Cai and others leaving and thought

"Ah! it would be nice if I was as strong as them, no one would try to bully me. Why does my life suck this much?"

While thinking this Lin Mo tried getting up and move towards his house where lonliness was waiting for him. Since Lin Mo's father was patriarch he had to stay at patriarch office for most of the time. He rarely got the chance to return home. While Lin Mo's elder brother was attending a sect 5,000 km away from the village, so he only used to visit village during vacations. While Lin Mo's younger sister who was very talented also joined a famous sect in the capital and was living there.

Both of Lin Mo's sibling hated him very much for being weak and ruining the name of the family. The extent of their hate was to the level where they don't even want to introduce Lin Mo as their brother to others.

After returning to his house Lin Mo went to his room and picked a medicine to heal his wounds after using it Lin Mo went towards his bed to rest.

As Lin Mo was resting he heard someone knocking the door, Lin Mo went towards the door to see who is it this late in the night.

Lin Mo opened the gate it was a girl from the branch family of Lin clan. Seeing her Lin Mo asked

"What are you doing here?

If you have some thing to discuss with father he is not here you have to go to patriarch's office."

After listening this, the girl replied

"No, it was you I wanted to meet if you don't mind may I come in."

"Yeah please come in.

You said you wanted to meet me, is there anything I could help you with"

Lin Mo replied.

"No, today I saw you got bullied by Lin Xue, after seeing that my heart was not at ease so I wanted to apologize from the bottom of my heart for that kind of behaviour.

I even brought this cream that will help you heal your injury."

Listening to her Lin Mo started believing her and thought that she is such a good girl.

There still exist good person in Lin family.

"Thank you for your concern, but I am good"

Lin Mo replied.

Listening this the girl smiled and stood up and said

"It is your fault for your misbehavior with Ms. Xue you must be punished."

While saying this the girl started tearing her clothes and started shouting

"Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!....."

After hearing her voice lot of people started gathering around Lin Mo's house.

Suddenly the girl started running towards the gate with tears in her eyes, after reaching the gate she started smiling while looking Lin Mo and made the crying face again and ran outside.

Outside there were many people who gathered after hearing her shout, seeing her coming outside some of the elders asked her about what happened why was she shouting and the reason behind her clothes being torn?

Hearing their questions the girls replied while crying

" was L.....Lin Mo, he asked to come to patriarch's house and told me that sir patriarch wanted to ask me something after hearing this I had no choice but to visit sir patriarch's house.

But when I came here and knocked the door it was Lin Mo who opened the door, he told me to come inside and sit Sir Patriarch will arrive soon so I went inside, but as soon as I went entered the room Lin Mo started forcing himself on me and said that if I don't do as he says then he will ask Sir Patriarch to kill me and my entire family, at first I thought it would be wise to do as he said but then I couldn't bear with it anymore and started shouting for help."

Listening the girl's story and seeing her crying face everyone who gathered outside got infuriated and told a young boy who came after listening the stir to ask the patriarch come there.

While this was happening Lin Xue also reached there as she saw the girl crying and heard her story she got infuriated and came towards Lin Mo who was standing there speechless and was about to cry, and trying to find someone to help him to find a way out of this situation, and said

" Lin Mo you bastard this is what your honor was?

Forcing yourself on a helpless girl, using the name of your father to do this kind of things.

You should just die.... A piece of trash like you don't deserve to live you should just die."

And she went back towards the girl to stop her crying and suddenly both of them started smiling while looking at Lin Mo.

Seeing this Lin Mo got a proper gist of what was happening and got infuriated and said

"Lin Xue you bitch it was you wasn't it, it was your plan to defame me right, why are you doing this what is my mistake, why are you doing this?"

While Lin Mo was shouting this patriarch, Lin Mo's fathered came and asked

What's the matter why did you all asked me to come here?

Why is this girl crying?

Can anyone tell me what the hell is happening here"

Suddenly an elder came forward and said

"It was your trash son he tried to use your position as the patriarch of the clan to force himself on a helpless girl by blackmailing her to massacre her entire family"

As the elder said this the patriarch got angry and started moving towards Lin Mo while shouting

"Lin Mo you bastard I thought even though you are weak your nature is good you won't do anything to harm the name of the family I tried my best to not to discriminate between you and others even though other were of much greater value than a piece of trash like you, and you came out and did something like.

I am ashamed that you are my son from this day forward Lin Mo you are banished from the clan, there is no one in this clan that has any kind of relation with you and those who will try to even talk to you directly or indirectly will also get kicked unless there motive is in the benefit of the clan, I doubt that that kind of thing is possible though.

Now get the hell out of hear Lin family don't need a trash like you we don't have any kind of relation with this trash"