It's been 2 months since I broke through for the first time in my life.

As the master told me, it was not easy at all. After I broke through to the second level of the human stage, my master made a schedule for me. This schedule was so tough to follow, sometimes I thought that I can't go for another day. But the hunger for revenge against all those who wronged me kept me going.

According to the schedule, during the day, I had to strengthen my body so that my body gets to adapt to breaking through, and during the evening, I had to increase my aptitude by hearing master's long lectures and by meditating.

There was no time for rest. Perhaps because of that, it got easy for me to breakthrough.

During these two months, I was able to open all eight gates, not only that I was also able to break through the fourth level of the Body Temper stage.

If I remember correctly Lin Xue who was known as a genius, took a year to enter the Body Temper stage.

But thanks to the amazing teaching skills of the master, and some old knowledge I gained when I was still a member of Lin clan my aptitude was good enough to break through the Soul Temper stage. But since my body was not in a good condition I was not able to breakthrough.

That's why the master told me to train my body hard so that it gets in the condition so that it gets to adapt to the next level.

My training was going smoothly, the master was the first person who cared for me deeply and due to that I always did what the master told me to do without any question. She was the only person who cared for me.

Today master is planning to teach me a different cultivation method which will allow me to cultivate easily and help me enter to next stage easily.

Cultivation methods are a set of methods that help everyone cultivate easily.

If one tries to use a cultivation method that doesn't suit him then he will never be able to reach his limit. In that case, the person can only use 25% of his original talent that's why training with a suitable cultivation method is a must-do thing in the world of martial arts.

According to master, her cultivation method would suit me best, but she doesn't want anyone to know who taught me the method to cultivate.

It's time to learn the method master told me about. Let's head back to the cave.

After reaching the cave I called master

"Master Master

It's about time"

-"Oh you are here, then let us begin.

But before that do you remember your promise you made yesterday?"

"Yes master, I will not tell anyone about who taught me this method.

But master may I ask something if you don't mind?"

-"Hmm feel free to ask"

"Why do you want to hide the fact that you are the one who taught me this method?"

-"I am trying to hide the fact that I taught you the method of cultivating so that you don't get in trouble"

"How can I get in trouble by telling about you to someone else?"

-"You will get to know about it when you will get strong enough to go to the other side of this martial world."

"Other side of the martial world, what does that mean?"

-"You will know about it when you will get strong enough."

"Master, why are you always acting so mysterious?"

-"Circumstances my boy. I have seen people outside. I know how they really are. I just don't want to include problems that you are not able to handle.

If you want to know about me get stronger strong enough that you can handle any type of situation no matter how hard it is. You have to learn how to handle the situation not only with your hands but also with your mind. Enough talk let's get back to your training. I don't have enough time, I only have nine and a half months and during these nine months, I have to make you catch up to other children of your age. I also want you to take admission to a good sect so that I leave here without thinking about your well being."

"Yes, master let's start."

After this master started teaching me the cultivation method

-"This method is known as the Multi Dragon method.

For practicing this method make sure that while you practice it your body and soul always remain at ease and harmony.

Always make sure that while practicing it you don't have any matter troubling you in your mind, or else the effect may cause too much damage.

Remember that your speed of cultivation may not be common for this side of the martial world but don't get cocky about it because your speed of cultivation is normal for the other side of the martial world.

Now try to make your body and soul at ease...

Now focus all your Qi towards all the eight gates. The pressure of Qi must be constant at all gates. If even one gate gets more pressure than others then it may cause you internal injury so keep that in mind while training..."

I tried to do as master told me to do but just after 5 minutes, blood started coming out of my mouth. And just after that, I felt a tail which was trying to cling to my soul and suddenly it threw my soul with huge force. After experiencing this my mind started shanking and I opened my eyes.

After waking up I saw my whole body was covered in sweat and there were few drops of blood on the floor.

-"So you didn't succeed. Well, that was within my expectation. No one in this world is good enough to get success in this method in their ten tries. It took me 12 tries to get success in this method. Now stop daydreaming and try again."

As the master told me to try again I started repeating the process master told me to.

After 10 minutes

-"Second failure, again."


-"Third failure, again."


-"Fourth failure, don't give up, again."

Fifth failure

Sixth failure

Seventh failure

And so the number of failures started increasing with each failure a large amount of blood started coming out of my mouth. It didn't take long until a small river of blood started flowing outside the cave, but still, I wasn't able to achieve the result master and I wanted to achieve.

I wanted to achieve the result master was hoping that I could achieve therefore I tried without giving up. Soon the number of failures crossed the mark of single-digit and entered double-digit.

Eleventh try another failure

Twelfth try another failure

I got tired of getting thrown out by the tail but I still wanted to succeed therefore I refused to give up.

After experiencing eighteen back to back failure, I came to understand the method of preventing myself from getting thrown by the tail.

And finally, on the nineteenth try, I was able to prevent myself from getting thrown by the tail.

Then I heard the master saying that

"Finally you succeeded I thought that this day would never come. Now that you get the idea about how to practice it keep practicing it day in and out completely master it."

"Yes, master. I will."

I replied. And started training again.

And just like that eight months passed.

During this one year of training with the master, I was able to reach the second level of the Bone Temper stage.

-"It's about time for you to face the outside world."

Master said.