Past of Lin Mo

Lin Mo, a young 15 years old boy with innocent blue eyes and a kind face. He was known as the weakest martial artist ever born. He was a martial artist who can easily get defeated by people who don't even practice martial arts.

Even though Lin Mo was kind looking and had innocent eyes, he was not able to experience the feeling of love and care his whole life.

Love and care are feelings that one gets to know through his/her parents and family members. But for Lin Mo, that wasn't the case.

Since his mother got herself killed while protecting the Lin clan when the clan got attacked by hordes of monster when Lin Mo was just two years old.

While Lin Mo's father, patriarch of the Lin clan, was always busy with clan work. He used to spend his time with Lin Mo and his brother and sister before. But when he came to know about the fact that Lin Mo is the weakest martial artist, he started putting up a barrier between him and Lin Mo. After that, he started ignoring Lin Mo as much as he can.

After that point, whenever he got free from clan work, he used to play with Lin Mo's elder brother and younger sister but, he never tried playing with Lin Mo again.

Children learn things by watching their parents, that was the exact case that happened here. Watching their father ignoring Lin Mo, Lin Ting (Lin Mo's elder brother), and Lin Ziyun (Lin Mo's younger sister) also started belittling him.

Lin Ting, a smart and talented boy who was able to break through the Human stage when he was just 13 years old, was regarded as the first genius of the Lin clan in the young generation, a once in a hundred-year talented boy.

On the other hand Lin Ziyun, an elegant-looking young girl who was able to open four gates of the Human stage when she was just 9 years old just by watching her eldest brother cultivating.

Lin Ting and Lin Ziyun were regarded as the new ray of hope for the Lin clan to gain superiority in the neighboring clans and cities.

In the family of geniuses, there was trash, Lin Mo, who 11 years old and still was not able to open even a single gate of the Human stage.

Looking at Lin Mo's family behaving towards Lin Mo like he was not related to them, some arrogant boys from the Lin clan started seeing him as a punching bag. A human punching bag whom they can beat whenever they feel like it.

While Lin Mo, even though he never experienced love and care through his father and siblings, he remembered just one thing that his mother always used to tell him when he was young.

Her mother would always tell them to help people they can. Even she used to tell this to all three of them but it only affected Lin Mo.

The only reason behind it was that Lin Mo was never a center of attention in his clan and since he was weak, he had no reason, for getting arrogant.

Slowly attitude of his family became colder and colder towards him and a time came when both his siblings got admission to famous sects of the country. So both of them moved out to study and hone their skills.

Since none of his talented children were at home Lin Mo's father lost the purpose of going home, and so he started staying at the clan office. It was also a method devised by Lin Mo's father to avoid coming in contact with him. All he used to do was just send some money to Lin Mo as an allowance every month, with which he can barely fill his stomach for a month.

Due to the thing he learned through his mother, Lin Mo used to try everything he could to help people who were not blessed with money.

There was one incident in which a servant child got badly beaten by Lin Cai (eldest son of Lin Mo's uncle). He was so badly injured, that there were chances that he would die if not provided with a pill to heal his injury. That pill was as costly as Lin Mo's two months allowance that he used to receive from his father. When he heard about this without any second thought Lin Mo went to the patriarch's office and demanded his father allowance for the next month in advance at first, his father got angry, but since he didn't want to see Lin Mo any longer than needed, he gave him money and told him to get out of his sight as soon as possible.

After receiving the required amount, Lin Mo went to buy the needed pill for the boy and gave it to him. Due to this incident, Lin Mo lost all his allowance for the next two months and because of this, he had to survive but eating edible grass that was easy to find in the forest for two months.

After this happened, Lin Mo became a savior type figure for those in the branch families who used to come to him whenever they needed some help, but when it comes to helping Lin Mo with his problems, none of them ever tried coming forward as that would cause the problems to them.

Even so, Lin Mo never looked down on them or refused to help them.

Even though Lin Mo didn't have talent, he still wanted to do something to make money so that he doesn't have to depend upon his father's money.

Therefore Lin Mo tried changing his way path from martial artist to an alchemist. He read as much book as he could but when it came to refining pills. He wasn't able to do that due to the shortage of Qi. Even though his knowledge in the field of alchemy was extraordinary but since he was unable to refine pills, everyone from the clan used him as a source of amusement.

Since Lin Mo was easy to bully, every child of the main family of the Lin clan tried to do everything they can to bully him and order him around.

Even though the situation was unfavorable for him, Lin Mo refused to give up on his pride, which he thought was the most important thing for a person in this world.