
After seeing me fight, the city lord's son started staring at me. His eyes were telling me that he wanted to fight against me. But I had to follow the master's order and avoid confronting him.

How could I easily get noticed even though there are 99 people besides me?

Suddenly he started approaching me. Seeing him coming here, everyone started getting out of his way so that they didn't get in his way.

Watching this whole arena started talking,

"That kid got involved in trouble that he can even solve now."

''He is going to be eliminated.''

''Ya, no matter how good he is, Ho Chen will easily knock him out.''

While they were talking this, the city lord's son approached me and said,

-'' I am Ho Chen, the only son of the city lord and heir of the Ho clan. I liked your strength, become my subordinate, and I will help you pass the test, and get admitted."

"Thank you for your kind offer, young master Ho, but I am a lone wolf. I don't like to be in a group, and I want to work alone and do as I want to. I am not cut out to listen to orders of others."

Listening to this, everyone started gossiping again,

"That kid got some nerve. He rejected the young master's offer."

"Ya, he is so dead, no one can save him now."

Suddenly Ho Chen started speaking again,

-"You got some nerve. I like it. No one until now ever dared to reject my offer. I like you, so I will give you a chance. If you can survive against me until the end of this test, I will let this matter go. I give you my word."

"If that's the case, then I will try my best to survive."

Hearing this Ho Chen started laughing.

Why is he laughing, is he that strong?

Am I going to be in trouble?

"Wow, that kid got some nerve to say something like that."

"That kid doesn't have any talent and is trying to brag, such a braggart."

"So true, come let us see how he will look after getting knocked out by a young master. "

While this all discussion was going on Ho Chen said.

-"If that's the case, then let's get this party started. It's been a long time since anyone except my father dared to stand up against me."

"If you want to, then let's do it."

I replied while smiling.

After that master said

-"Remember, don't hold back against him, or you might get into trouble."

"Got it master. You just stay calm and watch this disciple of yours handle the fight and show you the result of the training."

-" You sound more confident from before."

"Hehe, I don't know myself but I am getting the feeling that I can handle it."

-"Oh is that so, then let's see what you can do"

As I was talking to the master, Ho Chen prepared his fist and strengthened it with the energy of Qi, and started coming towards me.

Oye! Oye! How rude are you I am talking to my master here, and you want to attack?

Well, it can't be helped, since he can't see her but I have to teach him a lesson.

If you want to attack head-on then I will also fight head-on. I became determined to fight him head-on, so I didn't try avoiding his attack, but in return, I also prepared my fist and strengthened it with Qi energy, and threw it to fight Ho Chen's fist head-on.

Our punch collided, and from the collision, a massive airwave got produced because of which some students who were not able to air pressure found their way out.

But that was not the only result of the collision of our punch. Even though I wanted to fight him head-on, my body was weak therefore it was not able to handle the punch of the person who was at the pinnacle of the Bone Temper stage which resulted in puncturing my blood vessel and internal bleeding.

Ah, it hurts, but even though it hurts, it doesn't hurt as much as when I was living in that hell and somehow I feel happy.

I don't know why, but my heartbeat is rising as if it is telling me to fight more. I like this sensation of fighting against someone as equal more than the sensation of getting beaten by someone helplessly.

This is the world I wanted to live in. This is the way I wanted to live.

Now no one would dare to call me the weakest martial artist ever again. But before that, I have to cross this mountain in front of me, or this happiness of mine will get over before it gets started.

"Ah! It sucks that even though I used so much force, no damage happened to you.

You are a genius, but even if you are a genius, I will try my best to survive against you and get admitted to the academy."

-"I like your determination.

Let's continue."

Saying this, Ho Chen dashed towards me.

He is fast. He is really fast. I can barely see him with my eyes. This doesn't look good. I am doomed.

-"Lin Mo, put your guard up in the left"

"Master, do you know where he will attack from."

-"Just do as I tell you to."

I strengthened my body and bones to withstand Ho Chen's attack and put my guard up to handle the attack from the left. As soon as I placed my hand to guard against the attack. I felt something hitting it.

It came from the left direction. My master is a genius. Just because of her I was able to survive this attack, but still, it was too much for me to handle it. With just the pressure of the punch, I was thrown backward. Even though I didn't take any damage, it was clear to me that I am no match for him in head to head combat, not at least now. So this is what it feels like to fight against a genius.

This time again, some students flew, but it was not as much as before.

When I saw them flying outside the arena just from the airwave that comes after the collision of our punch and airwave coming from Ho Chen's fist, I got an idea.

As I thought about the idea, a wicked smile appeared on my face.

Seeing this wicked smile of mine, Ho Chen commented.

-"What's with that smile of yours. Have you gone mad.?

If not, then just put it away. It's creepy seeing you smile like that."

Is my smile that weird.

Hey, don't put it like that. It hurts my feelings, you know. Well, whatever, it's time to put my plan into action.

Ho Chen, now I will show you how to survive in an unfavorable situation, I will survive this fight.

Thinking this, I started shouting while looking at Ho Chen.

"Is this all you have got?

I thought you were the number 1 genius of the city.

Is this the power of number 1 genius of the city?"

"Is that kid serious?

Does he want to die or something?"

"Even though he wasn't able to handle the lighter punch of Ho Chen he wants to take on even a powerful punch."

-" If you think you can handle my full power punches then I will try using them but don't blame me if you face death."

Are you serious, those punches weren't his full power punches? I just shouted thinking that that way, he will get irritated and will start to throw punches without thinking.

I am so dead...