Every students and my classmates are shock when they hear my shout. At that time I don't care of what they are thinking because for me the most important thing is I say what I just needed to say to Jazz. Jazz just simply said to me " well If that's what you think then I will Challenge you. " and I just said to him that I will accept his challenge but in One Condition.
I said if Jazz will win then I will do anything he wants and I will let him to be the top 1 at the school but if I will win then Jazz will leave the school and I will be the top 1 instead of him. Jazz listen carefully to me and agree to my condition and said " Let's start our Challenge by having a Competition " he also added to his words and said to me " make sure you will win because I don't want you to be a looser ". My temper are getting higher and higher but I hold it back and said " I will definitely win " . I say it with pride and turn around. I start to walk from the gate and leave the school .