chapter 4

( mc pov )

I was really surprised when mito uzumaki actually came out to meet me at the main doors of the mansion personally. well I admit that out of curiosity I came here everyday but I definitely didnt think that she would save me the trouble and come out on her own .

this world is truly magical and one of the best examples that make this fact is mito . how the hell can an old woman look so beautiful. I dont know her actual age and I'm definitely not interested to know either but still I'm very intrigued by this chakra seal on her forehead that makes this feat possible.

" what business do you have here young man ? these days almost no one comes here " mito's smile looked genuine so I was relieved. being a kid really had its perks as almost all old people were nice to you at first .

" hello my name is Sato ren . I'm interested in learning fuinjutsu so I came here after gathering some information. " I decided to not lie and only told half truth . well it will give a better impression as I'm sure that this old beautiful looking red lady will easily see through my lies .

mito didnt say anything for a while and then suddenly smiled " follow me .. "

I was truly surprised as I had thought that she may interrogate me lightly at least but still it I decided to not waste the opportunity and followed her inside .

well only one thing . the fucking mansion was huge and beautiful. I wonder how they kept it so clean as I didnt see a single servant on the way inside . even the huge gardens were well maintained and made the place smell like nature .

the number of rooms was huge but fortunately mito didnt waste any time showing me around and led me straight inside the biggest room . the traditional Japanese room was big and nothing special was there except a shelf filled with old looking books and the uzumaki whirlpool pattern on the wall .

mito sat while her back facing the wall and started drinking tea which I could smell nice fragrance sitting more than 5 meters away from her . " didnt you hear those rumors like I'm scary or whatnot ? " mito said in a light voice but I could hear annoyed tone in it ..

" hmm.. I heard those but I haven't met you before and besides there must be no dangerous thing inside a mansion as the village wont allow it . " I replied with a smile on my face . I was intrigued because this old lady was much easier to talk to than my imagination .

mito just smiled at my response but with an expressionless face started talking . " so why do you want to learn fuinjutsu ? "

I honestly replied " hmm.. there are many reasons . first I heard about a gravity / weight seal that can help me train my body fast and want to create it . second is that fuinjutsu is cool and I like inventing new things . i can create many seals much faster if i learn from somebody proficient in it . " I bowed a little and ended my response ..

mito quieted down for a while and looked at me with a complicated expression. I guessed that she must be trying to see if I had any malicious intentions or said any lie . " hm.. I can teach you but only if you manage to convince me after answering some questions.." mito said without any emotion but these words made my smile brighter because my chances to learn from her increased.

" ask me anything and I promise to answer honestly.."

" okay . do you love this village ? "

" I dont think that love is the right feeling . I just feel comfortable after thinking that I have somewhere I can call home . "

" what is your dream ? why do explore strenght ? "

" hm.. I just want to live without fear so getting stronger is the only option . besides higher rank jutsu must look cool ..."

" what do you want to become ? hokage? "

" definitely not ! I haven't thought about this much as just becoming a ninja is already good enough . I dont like the hokage that much .*

" why ? "

" because I think he tries to brainwash children and his smile is sometimes fake . for people at high position this is not a good trait."

" dont you want to protect the village ? wont it be bad if you disobey hokage sometime? "

after hearing this question I was confused and didnt answer for a while. mito also noticed my confused expression so she asked the reason .." why do you look confused ? "

" I was thinking that how me disobeying hokage means not protecting the village? if I think that hokage's orders are not in the best interests of the village then i will consider and act on my own . hokage is just the leader but he doesn't own the village .."