
ren when finished absorbing all the information which genin section had to offer , it was still an hour or so before evening. ren had plenty of time to train his two new jutsu so ren was extremely excited and immediately rushed towards his now secret training grounds .

of course ren was excited. he was going to spew a fireball from his mouth ! who wont get excited by the magical experience? ren quickly arrived in the desolate alley as he had now discovered a secret route which was fast and almost no one will see him running . ren was glad that village was spacious as it would bring a lot of trouble to him if somebody spotted him and reported his prowess to danzo. that delusional man was really maniac who wanted powerful puppets after all .

just like everytime ren passed through the wall magically and familiar waterfall and green field greeted him . ren immediately stopped using chakra tempering full body technique which was active almost all the day time now but he didnt deactivate the weight seal so some pressure assaulted his body which only felt a little uncomfortable but ren got used to it in seconds . his body potential was being squeezed out by chakra tempering gradually so adapting ability was getting better and better. the improvement of body strength was slow but with weight seal and training with dai , the effects were extremity good . ren was sure that he would achieve level 8 body strength in at most a week from now and was excited to start practicing soru.

ren quickly used multi shadow clone jutsu and 30 clones exactly looking like him appeared with a poof sound . ren assigned all of them to start practicing fire ball jutsu with him near the waterfall.

as expected ren being a novice was seen quickly as he couldn't even produce smoke from his mouth for a few first tries much less fire . but not all was disappointing as ren could feel burning feeling of fire in his stomach area from the start which increased more and more with each try . just like he had expected with only practice he can increase the proficiency so that the jutsu becomes natural to him in time .

finally at the 19 th try one clone started shouting happily as he was the first one to spew a little fire from his mouth which dissapeared in less than a second though . ren thought it was a little humiliating to get left behind by his own clone but he shrugged the feeling off as it was useless to think like that at least for a practical person like him .

after that all the clones and the real ren too showed steady progress with every try and finally on the 37 th attempt ren himself manger to spew a round ball of fire which was more than 3 times bigger than him . he smiled as he had already reached good proficiency in the technique but how could ren be satisfied with just this much heat and size . ren wanted to spew fire ball at least at the size of a small house before stopping for today . hehe.. others would definitely spit on him and die from jealousy after that because he can actually achieve that with his nice comprehension ability due to his strong soul and infinite chakra which will allow him to practice jutsu as much as he wants .

but before continuing, ren dispelled 20 of his clones and got all the experience and passive insights they had gained with each time they performed the jutsu . ren closed his eyes for a while and relished the feeling of increasing comprehension at an alarming rate . after more than 5 minutes of repeatedly renewing the insights inside his mind, ren opened his eyes and a smile was hung on his face .

ren then proceeded to use shadow clone jutsu again and 30 clones appeared again . this time ren ordered them to get away from the waterfall area and repeatedly practice the wind breakthrough jutsu . when all new 30 clones were gone far , ren and his 10 old clones continued to practice fire ball jutsu increasing the proficiency and might of the technique gradually with each attempt but surely .

but after just few tries his 10 shadow clones dispelled automatically as their chakra reserves were completely depleted. the good thing for ren was that though due to his neverending chakra, each of his clone had exactly half of his base chakra . others would definitely die of jealousy if they heard that ren had such a huge advantage with him hehe..

ren again got all the experience but still the improvement was really small . so ren again produced 30 clones and all of them started practicing fire ball jutsu too immediately without ren saying anything. in the end after 4 hours or so , ren was standing alone near the waterfall with a slightly helpless expression.

he was feeling so because since 2 hours before there was not any improvement to the jutsu at all . ren knew that he had reached 100 percent potential of the technique already as he could spew a fire ball size of more than 15 meter and use it easily with just a thought and one hand sign . he also knew that for further improvement he can only master nature transformation and shape transformation to add more temperature and spew much larger fire ball. still he tried because he was too excited and wanted to increase the size more.

ren slowly regained his small smile as he had given up on further immediate improvement to the jutsu as it was pointless to waste more time and he had already wasted 2 hours which was completely out of his usual practical character..

ren released all the 30 clones who were already on the verge of dispelling after exhausting their chakra reserves . them immediately his mind shook as 4 hours worth of experience of 30 clones instantly appeared inside his mind . but ren somehow didn't feel uncomfortable at all just a little shock at first from the sheer amount of information. maybe his soul was really too strong because he doesn't feel any discomfort. but ren right now didnt think these uncertain things at all because he was busy reviewing the insights while a smile hung on his face...