10 years ago was when the world changed, In the year 2025, the governments of the world launched a joint project called Project Wormhole, little was known to the public about this project.
The project was finally being launched to the public, there was a gala at every major city in the world, the gala was also being streamed on almost every TV station, and there was also a giant display screen mounted on the stage.
Suddenly the display turned on revealing an old man in his late 70s he was wearing a grey suit with a green tie, the man then proceeded to say "Hello everyone I am Mr. Peter Richardson the head scientist of the project Wormhole, the project was founded 5 years earlier in the year 2020, as some of you may know a black hole recently appeared in our solar system, and the main goal of the project wormhole was to find a way to harness the energy of the black hole and after 5 long years we managed to succeed"
The man then paused talking and everyone started murmuring after the murmuring died out a reporter raised her hand and asked how was the energy of the black hole being harnessed and if it was safe.
The man replied with a smile on his face, he was proud of his invention "We launched two giant power plants into space the first one was launched into the black hole while the other is orbiting Earth and there are 2 similar power plants on each continent "
The man then took a short pause and then proceeded to add "The power plant in the black hole converts the nuclear energy in the black hole to usable and clean energy which is then transferred to the power plant orbiting the earth which will then transfer the needed power to each power plant on earth simultaneously"