3. The lunch aftermath

Well, I was certainly glad that the school day was over. I didn't even bother to find out if there was an art club meeting. I just wanted to leave. I stood outside the school building in hope that my power of cloaking would work. That was a day I really hoped it would work. I tried my best to be inconspicuous. It wasn't as easy as you'd think. Everyone who passed by me either smiled or laughed loudly in a group. Fortunately, I was soon joined by Hunter.

"Hey man," I said.

"Hey," Hunter responded. "So how was the cool kids table?"

"It was okay, I guess."

"Just okay? It seemed like you really enjoyed yourself there, mate."

"Nah not exactly," I lied.

It was a strange experience because I wasn't used to such attention but it was nice sitting with those guys. I guess I just looked at them in the wrong way for a long time. They were pretty nice. I don't know why I failed to admit that.

"I hope you don't ditch us for the life of popularity," Hunter chuckled jokingly.

I chuckled along with him for the sake of it. Really, on the inside, I was thinking about how a life with the cool kids would be. I imagined myself rolling down the hallway with my squad, getting respect from the rest of the school as they cleared the way for the alpha dogs of the school. But then I thought how uncool all that would be without my friends. Without Hunter. Life would suck without the people who built me up to who I was. I hoped I wouldn't end up like a stereotypical cool kid.

"Don't stress fam," I replied with a cool smile. "I ain't going anywhere."

A little while later, Zara came over to pay us a visit. She was with her friend, Clover, who personally made me feel uncomfortable. But she did seem to like Hunter, so I had to bear her presence. Zara always has this look on her face that gives you a very good idea of what she'll say next. It looked kinda like someone who had too much chocolate and was trying to compress a sugar-rush grin. So before she even said anything, I was sure she already knew what happened.

"You sit on the cool kids table now?" she half-gasped at me.

"Uhm yeah," I responded.

"How did you do that? Was it your profile pic?"

"I guess."

"I knew you were going places, T."

I couldn't help but smile. Zara was one of my most supportive friends. Ever since we met two years before she couldn't stop telling me how much I inspired her and how cool I was. She really helped me get over my down days in life. Especially those days when I was insecure about my appearance. I used to have braces and they always made me extremely self aware. I recently got rid of my braces removed a which really gave quite a deal of confidence in my own self worth.

"So," I said, gathering my thoughts. "You wanted to tell me something after class."

"Oh right," Zara responded. "So my cousin's birthday is coming up and she loved the artwork you gave me. I was wondering. Maybe we could do something together for her. You know, to surprise her and stuff."

"That's it? I don't see any problem with that."

"Great! We need to discuss when we can meet to work on it. Her party is in like two weeks and I really want to give her something special."

"Okay. I'll text you whenever I'm free."

"Maybe this Saturday."

"Sure," I said, before recalling the discussion during lunch. "Oh wait. I forgot. There's a party I'm going to on Saturday."

"What....a party?" Zara inquired. "You're going to a party?"


"A party, mate?" Hunter asked. "You didn't tell me about a party."

"Sorry. I forgot all about it man."

"Who's party is it?"

"It's Douglas' party, I guess. You know, the basketball guy."

"Yeah that guy. Could you get me invited to it?"

"I don't know man. They said invitations would be handed out digitally before Friday."

"Who is they?"

"Uh...the cool kids."

"Wow," Zara said. "Tony Firth off to a party. Willingly? This is a year of miracles."

"Please mate. I really want to go for a cool kids' party," Hunter begged.

"I'll see what I can do," I reassured.

"I hope I'm invited," Clover finally said to Zara. "The last party they had was epic."

"Hopefully this one will be just as fun," Zara responded. "I can't wait now."

I felt that I would not find the party as exciting as Clover made it out to be. I expected to find myself in a socially awkward position in the corner of a room as I usually did at such gatherings. I began to hope that I wouldn't be forced into anything that would make me embarrass myself. I just wanted to experience a party without any of the casualties. I really hoped I wouldn't get spiked or something. Was that a thing at high school house parties?

As I thought more and more of the party, I caught sight of Alex. She walked toward the parking lot with two of her friends. They seemed to be enjoying whatever they were talking about because they couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't help but stare at Alex. I really thought that she was pretty. If only she was single. My heart jumped when she looked in my direction. My first reflex was to look away but I tried to hold the gaze as best as I could. I was shocked that she also held the gaze. I began to wonder what was going on in her head. Was she thinking about me or just naturally curious about my existence like every normal person? She soon turned back to her friends.

"Hey Tony," Hunter said. "I have to go. My dad is here. See you in a bit, yeah?"

I hadn't even noticed the car come into the driveway, and I usually noticed it by its sound. It was a muscle car with a really throaty engine. It had a nice aqua paint job and slick racing tires. It also had awesome tinted windows. It used to be a racing car. Hunter's dad was a race car driver back in the day. Back before he and his family moved to the States. That was quite a long time ago. Now it was fixed to suit American roads.

"See you later guys," Hunter said.

"Bye Hunter," Clover responded sharply. "See ya tomorrow."

"Wait man," I called out to Hunter, who slowed his pace. "I'll see you ladies later."

"See ya T," Zara said. "Don't give up on us. Say hi to your aunt for me."

"Yeah yeah," I responded as the girls giggled.

I caught up with Hunter, who had fortunately waited for me. He looked at me, wondering what I wanted to tell him.

"I think I'm supposed head home with you," I told him. "My mom couldn't manage to pick me up."

"Awesome," Hunter said. "Let's go then. I'm sure Cindy will be pleased."

"Yeah," I chuckled.

As we approached the car, the back window rolled down, revealing the joyed face of Cindy Harper. You have no idea how nice it is to see your 13 year old sister-figure's face light up the way hers did. She basically got out of the car through the window. The siblings scowled at each other as Hunter got into the car.

"Hi Tony," Cindy said happily.

"Hey Cindy," I responded. "Looks like I'm coming home with you guys."

"Yes. Dad told me."

I circled round the car and was met by an open door, courtesy of Cindy. I got into the car and sat down on the custom made racing seats. From in front of me, Hunter's father Mr Harper turned back to me and gave me a warm smile.

"Anthony ol' boy," he said. "Its been a while. How have you been?"

"I've been fine, thanks," I responded.

"Great. How was school, Hunter?"

"It was fine, dad."

Cindy took the liberty of imitating Hunter. It was quite a good imitation if you ask me, but I had to force myself not to laugh out loud. The two began to argue. Fortunately, their dad was around to mediate the argument as we drove off.