Aernest VS Four enemies

Episode 167 - Aernest VS Four enemies

Aernest's eyes widened as he found himself suddenly surrounded.

"Who are you?"

10 minutes ago...

Before he had been surrounded, he had been training his ear sensitivity by concentrating his hearing on the waterfall. This was done by closing off all his senses and focussing on his ears only. The last time he focussed this hard, he was able to distinctly hear something in the middle of the waterfall. It was the sound of something shuffling inside the waterfall. 

He tried many times to concentrate on that particular sound however he was never able to hear that sound ever again. But today! Today was different from all days! He had heard something shuffling inside the waterfall again! However, the 'something' he heard wasn't just 'something', but was more like footsteps moving around in a panic as if rushing to hide.