New generation of guns: Sniping Rifle

Episode 253- New generation of guns: Sniping Rifle

The trainees from the special unit turned pale almost immediately. They had initially thought that Eugene had caught their instructor climbing up the tree and didn't think that she found where he was afterwards. 

They have been through many tests and have failed all of them because of the harsh requirement. The only reason they were still here was because they persisted. They know that all the tests conducted were hard and know that if Eugene had truly passed the test, it means that she was more than capable. More than capable than how she appears at least. 

Instructor T.E gave a knowing look before looking around. He was thinking of conducting obstacle course tests, however, it would be too easy for Eugene, and he didn't want her to obliterate the souls of the special trainees because, at the end of the day, they were all comrades.