Chapter 4

"Welcome to your new home."

I look at him, wondering what kind of ulterior motives he could be hiding. After a couple seconds of looking into his eyes, I saw nothing but kindness beneath them. I could tell he was strong, and didn't show his emotions to just anyone, but he was showing them to me.. to his mate. I never thought I would have a mate, my mother always told me I was a monster that no one could love. Karly showed me that there are kind people out there, so maybe Jace will be one of those people.

"Are you alright princess?" He asks softly.

I nod, not trusting myself to speak right now. I was still extremely exhausted and had little to no energy left to keep my eyes open, so I close them and rest my head against his chest. I relax as I listen to the sound of his heart, enjoying the way the sparks feel against my cheek.

"I'm going to take her up to my room, could you find her some different clothes to wear? For the time being I'll give her something of mine." He says to his mother.

I hear her feet on the carpet as she starts to walk away calling over her shoulder, "Yes yes, I will find her something. And I'll ask Marisa to make her something to eat while I'm at it, the girl looks like she hasn't eat in months."

Her voice trails off and Jace starts moving again, I peak open my eyes and see him ascending the stairs and walking down a hallway. He pauses at a door and turns to use his hand under my legs to open the door. He pushes the door with his foot and walks in, kicking it closed. I flinch at the loud sound of the door slamming.

"Oh I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to startle you." He says as he gently lays me on his bed.

He helps me prop my back against the bed frame and unclips my cloak, pulling it away from my body. He walks over to a chair in the corner and grabs a soft, cream blanket and drapes it over my legs and waist. I watch him move around and pick things off the floor, His muscles flexing with every movement. I can't help but blush as my mind starts to wonder, I snap out of my day dream when the bed dips beside me. He sits next to me on the edge of the bed and takes my hand, bringing it to his lips and leaving a soft kiss. I sigh as the sparks trail down my arm.

I can't wait to find out how he smells when all this is over. I wonder how Shiver will react to the sight of this gorgeous man.

"Are you alright?"

I nod, "I'm okay, still very painful, and I have barely enough energy to keep my eyes open, but hopefully it will be over soon.. What time is it?"

He reaches over to the side table next to us and grabs his phone, checking the time. "It's 10:37, is the silver going to last long enough?"

He looks at me concerned, I infer that he probably doesn't want to see me injected with silver again. "I'm not sure, If I start feeling better then that's a bad sign."

He looks away and I watch a mix of emotions show on his face, "So.. while we are here. Why don't you tell me who you are where we are?" I ask hopping to break the silence.

He looks back at my and gives my hand a little squeeze, "My name is Jace, I am the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack. We are currently in Colorado."

My eyes widen, "Colorado?! Jesus! I guess I really don't know how far I'm traveling when I'm a wolf."

"Where was the last place you remember being?"

I think for a second, "Last time I checked was about two months ago, I was in Washington State."

He busts out laughing and I almost smile at the amazing sound coming out of his mouth. "Washington State? Man, how often do you let your wolf out? Driving must be annoying."

I don't respond, Jace stops laughing and a curious look forms on his face. I look into his crystal blue eyes and sigh.

"I haven't been in my human form until a couple days ago when Aaron injected me with the T-serum. I honestly don't even remember how I look."

He coughs then, almost chocking on his own saliva, "You're joking right? How long has that been??"

I look up at the ceiling, thinking back, "About 3 years I believe."

He stands up suddenly, I watch him start pacing back and forth in front of me, "What's wrong Jace?"

He stops and comes back over to me grabbing my hand again, "Tell me more about you, I want to know everything."

I give him a strange look, "Okay.. Well, My name is Mariana, but everyone calls me Marie."

He smiles, "Mariana, I love it."

I stop breathing, The way my name just rolled off his tongue caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach. A blush creeps up my cheeks and I turn my head trying to hid it.

"Where are you from Mariana?" He asks.


He rubs the side of my arm and look at him, "You can talk to me princess, you are stuck with me. I'm not going to hurt you, I pinky promise."

He holds his other hand out, his pinky held up. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes and he drops his hand pulling me into his chest.

"No princess, don't cry. Everything will be okay." He says rubbing my back n circular patterns while I sob into his chest.

When I've calmed down he pulls back to look at my face, his hand holds my cheek, his thumb wiping away my tears. I sniff and take a deep breath in.

"I'm sorry, My brother always used to make me pinky promise. He would always tell me that if I broke a pinky promise that the Moon Goddess would turn my wolf pink." I laugh slightly, thinking back at the ridiculous 6 year old me believing every word he told me.

Jace smiles, "A pink wolf huh? Sounds pretty majestic to me, why wouldn't anyone want that."

I laugh but stop short as waves of a burning sensation reverberates through my body. I gasp and wrap my arms around my stomach falling forward, I cry out as it increases, but Jace's arms are around me again. He grips my body, keeping me still as we wait for the burning to stop.

"He's fighting it." I gasp, as another wave crashes through me.

"Hold on, I'll call the pack doctor." I go to tell him that won't do anything but I snap my mouth shut as the pain becomes to much.

I clench my teeth, trying desperately to stay conscious, if I slip even once Levi will win. The door slams open and a Man walks in.

"Jace what's going on?" He says rushing over to me.

"I'll explain later, but right now all you need to know is that Mariana has two wolves. One of them is unstable and she is keeping him from coming up during the blood moon with liquid silver, injected into her system. Her pain is getting worse, He's fighting it." Jace rushes out, helping the Man lay me flat on my back.

"If I sedate her we could hopefully keep it under control." The man says reaching for his bag.

"No!" I manage to get out, I dig my nails into my stomach.

Jace grabs my hands and holds them to my sides, "Mariana we can't leave you like this!"

"No! He will get through if I don't stay awake!"

I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing for any sort of relief. "Jerry what are we supposed to do?! I can't bare to look at my mate in pain!"

Jerry makes a surprised sound, "Mate!? She's your mate!?"

"Yes! Now help her!"

"Jace you can help her! Mark her! You will share her pain, it will help decrease the amount she is in." I hear him yell, trying to get through to his hysterical Alpha.

I open my eyes wide at the thought of him biting down on my neck, I start to shake my head but Jace gives me a look that says "This is non-negotiable."

I cry out again as I feel Levi beginning to break through but I fight him, biting down on my tongue and tasting bitter sweet blood. Jace pulls me against his chest and moves my head to rest on his shoulder, leaving my neck exposed to him. He breathes in trying to get any hint of my scent, I almost feel bad because the effects of Karly's potion are still in effect. I feel him kiss the spot between my neck and shoulder, his canines then running over my sweet spot. A moan escapes my mouth in between my panting. He suddenly growls, gripping on to me hard before biting down on my neck.

I gasp as sparks travel down my neck, to my breasts and further down to an area now pulsing with desire. My arms wrap around his head, pulling at his hair. This only made him bite down harder, The burning sensation begins decreasing to a point where its bearable. My breathing is hard and jagged as I try to catch my breathe from the thrilling excitement in my stomach. Jace withdraws his teeth and licks the wound to arrête the bleeding.

I pull away from him slowly looking into his crystal eyes, I start to tear up when I see the look of pain edged onto his face. He's trying to mask it, but I can tell right away. I reach up and place my hand on his cheek.

"Thank you for doing this.. You really didn't need to. I don't deserve the kindness you are giving me. I don't deserve you as my mate.." I murmur softly.

He grabs my hand, now looking extremely pissed off, "Don't say that Mariana. Don't ever say that. You are everything I'd hope for, You're strong, and brave, and everything this pack needs as a Luna."


"No buts, Do not say that again Mariana." He says sternly.

I sigh and nod my head, wrapping my hands around my arms, goosebumps trailing my arms. Jace bends down and picks up the blanket that must have been kicked off the bed, he pulls back over my legs and torso.

"Why don't you lay back and we can watch a movie?" He suggests looking at the time.

"It's 12:26 now."

I nod and lay my head back on the pillow, He gets up and turns the tv on in front of the bed and grabs a remote from the dresser. He walks to the opposite side of the bed and climbs up, laying next to me. I pick up the side of the blanket and offer it, Jace smiles and slides in underneath it, pressing his body against mine.

My face instantly gets hot, I really shouldn't have offered.. sparks igniting at the touch of our skin.

"Are you okay Princess? Your face is all red." He says trying to hide a smirk under a cough.

I glare at him and he laughs clicking on a random movie, I don't recognize it.

"What's this movie?" I ask.

He looks over at me shocked, "You're joking right?"

I don't say anything.

"Oh my god your serious.. You've never seen Star Wars?!"

I shake my head, "I was never really allowed to watch anything, all I was really allowed to do was study or read, sometimes when my father was in a good mood he would bring me some things to draw or paint with."

Suddenly I feel a powerful wave of emotion hit me, I gasp and flinch. Jace grabs my arm gently, "What? What's wrong?"

"I-I Don't know.. I just felt a powerful sense of sadness all of a sudden.."

Jace sigh relieved that I'm okay and smiles a bright white smile at me, "That means our bond is growing princess, You just felt my emotions, Soon after your wolf returns to you, we will be able to sense each other's emotions all the time. Right now, I'm not able to sense yours.. But I'm sure its because your wolf is suppressed at the moment, I can't even smell you."

I chuckle, "You can think Karly for that, She gave me something she made that was supposed to mask my scent so none of her pack mates could smell me."

Jace looks annoyed, "Remind me to get onto her about that the next time we see her."

I gasp and jump off the bed, but forget I'm still extremely weak from the silver and drop to the floor.

"Marie!" Jace jumps up concerned and is instantly at my side helping me back up to the bed.

"Why did you do that!?" He says after I'm safely back on the bed.

"I completely forgot to call her! She told me to call her when I was safe, Get my cloak, She gave me a piece of paper with her number on it." I say pointing to my cloak hanging on what I am guessing is his closet door.

He gets up and rustles around in the pockets looking for a piece of paper, he holds one up and I nod.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I ask taking it as he hands it to me.

He hands me his phone and I stare at it for a second, not sure how to sue it.

"What's wrong? There's no password on it, just click the home button."

I look at the phone and press the bottom at the bottom of the screen, it instantly comes to life shining a light in my face. I Squint and touch the screen.

"Princess.. You do know how to use a phone.. right?" He says slowly.

I look at him then, a guilty look on my face. He sighs and takes it from me, tapping the screen a couple times before handing it back to me. I see a bunch of numbers in bubbles on the screen.

"Just type out her number in order, click the buttons with your finger." He explains showing me by typing in the first three numbers.

I nod and type in the rest of her number, "Now click on the green button at the bottom with the picture of a phone on it."

I do as it says and the screen changes, I hear a continuous sound playing. "Put it up to your ear Princess."

"Oh right, I knew that."

I place it by my ear and wait as it rings, after what felt like forever a voice sounds from the other end.
