Chapter 4

"Did you make these?" Lilith investigated.

"No, they have been here since I was born, and they were the ones who raised me," Zack replied while walking to the main house.

"Is everyone else out of town today or what?" Lilith asked while looking around at the large estate.

"No, it's just us, and the dolls," Zack replied.

"This place is built like a city, and you're telling me it's for one person?" Lilith investigated.

"All I know is this place was my mom's, and that she was a talented mage," Zack replied as he began setting up an array.

Lilith knew what happened to his mother without asking. It was common for the mother to die in Nephilim cases. She wanted to say something but knew it wouldn't help. While he set up the array she looked around the estate.

'So many buildings, and extra houses. There must have been plenty of people here long ago. The crime of Nephilim usually results in angels smiting all involved. Maybe they fled when they heard about his mother. He should be done by now.'

Lilith walked back towards the array, and couldn't find him. She focused her senses trailing his aura. When she found him it was in a bathhouse. Lilith had visited all over the demon territory but never seen a bath like this. While walking in she saw him relaxed while laying his head back. Lilith had a smirk as she reverted to her natural form preparing to get in.

"Wash off before you get in," Zack suggested hearing her approaching.

"Do you find me that dirty?" Lilith teased.

"Of course not it's just how the nanny taught me," Zack replied.

"Nanny?" Lilith investigated.

"One of the dolls raised me and schooled me. I've been meaning to ask. Where are your wings?" Zack opened his eyes glancing at her washing.

"I only bring them out when needed. They can get in the way of other activities." Lilith told Zack while entering the bath.

"They also draw a lot of attention," Zack stated.

"In your case definitely. I never expected you to be so good with kids. How did you meet them, and why give them so much?" Lilith asked while scooting next to him.

"The world can be very cruel especially when you can't pass as human. I didn't have anyone growing up but was still lucky enough to have this place. Giving them a safe place was something I needed to do. When I cleared a cult of blood mages from that house I decided to fix it up. Yuki was already taking in orphans from the war so we moved them in after the barrier was ready. I would've brought them here, but it could be dangerous." Zack answered with a serious tone.

"Aren't they liable to be attacked there too?" She asked.

"The barrier I placed was very powerful, and it won't break easily. If it did break I could sense it, and port there. Anyone who would dare attack them would surely regret it." Zack said as a powerful killing intent was released.

"Sorry I got you worked up. Turn this way I'll help you relax." Lilith said as she began massaging him.

After the bath, Zack showed Lilith a room to use if she decided to stay. She planned to sneak into his bed later anyway so she just smiled, and nodded. Lilith walked around the estate while Zack went to bed. She was curious about what could be inside and wanted to make sure Zack had enough time to fall asleep.

The thing that poked at Lilith's curiosity the most was the number of rooms ready for guests, but everything appeared to be left alone for so long. There was no dust to be seen, and everything was so neatly left in place. When walking out of the room a doll was entering, and after a quick glance of the room, it left. Lilith was curious and grabbed a nearby pillow throwing it on the floor. The doll noticed it, and without acknowledging Lilith it put it back neatly.

'No wonder the place is so clean. He should be asleep by now.'

It was sunrise when Zack woke up to something warm firmly pressed against him, and when reaching back he noticed it was flesh. Looking under the covers he noticed Lilith naked in his bed, and he tried to wake her. Feeling his hips, and examining the sheets it was clear Lilith snuck him in his sleep.

'How did I not wake up?'

Lilith had used a little magic to ensure he slumbered peacefully, and she could have all the fun she desired. Zack continued to shake her, but with no luck, he left the bed. Once Zack got dressed and searched the grounds he left through the eastern gate.

With nothing to do today, Zack decided to go hunting for fresh food. Not long after searching through the woods, he found some large tracks that led him to a moose. Zack retrieved his spear carefully lining up a shot to ensure a swift death. The moose was preparing to turn Zack's way as it soared straight through its heart.

While Zack finished skinning the moose and storing the meat he could sense a battle nearby. He took off into the forest and came across a group of humans attacking a red oni. The oni was wearing a short skirt made from an animal hide, and a white cloth wrapped tightly around her chest. She had short white hair, an athletic build, orange eyes that were staring down at her attackers, and short horns protruding from the top of her forehead.

Zack used telepathy to sense the humans' intention and saw two were looking for trophies. The woman was swinging around a massive steel club wildly, but with the humans using magic it was easy to evade her.

It was clear to Zack that she was just defending herself. She already sustained some minor wounds from magic, and if this continued she would surely be killed. He lifted two fingers in front of him quickly binding them in gold chains.

The chains disrupted their magic flow binding them tightly, and they looked around for the culprit. The woman swung her club down ready to pulverize them, but Zack quickly got in the way to intercept the blow. The force generated was so immense the ground beneath him crumbled, and the humans were disoriented from the shockwave that was produced. She was about to swing again, but he quickly bound her in chains like the others. He knew she was too strong to be held so he quickly stated.

"I'm not here to fight you."

A golden light engulfed her healing her wounds that provided a warm sensation. After seeing Zack wasn't a threat she calmed down, and he released the chains. He turned around staring the men down. They were sweating after witnessing him endure a full-powered strike unscathed.

It was these kinds of humans that Zack despised the most. Attacking her while she was in her territory minding her own business. Knowing if they managed to kill her they would parade her body around in an attempt for fame angered him. He released a massive killing intent that even the oni shuddered at. Holding his fingers together a divine light was radiating between them.

"How many innocents have you killed?"

They were being forced to speak of their sins, but two of the men were struggling to resist it. Zack increased the power as they shouted in pain. After they answered Zack clenched his fist as the chains began to glow causing the two vile men to explode.

With the two dealt with Zack released the final human. The man only joined today to get money for his sickly mother. It was the first mission he went on, and this was the first combat they saw. He didn't have the blood of innocents on his hands and acted out of love so Zack released the chains.

"I understand wanting to help someone you love but this isn't the way. Take this it should be enough for what you need." Zack said handing him a pouch of coins.

"Thank you so much. There are more scouting parties out here so be careful." The young man said with a deep bow before running.

"Didn't expect a human to help me. My name is Ren by the way." Ren told Zack while walking up to him.

"Don't judge all humans cause of a few bad ones," Zack replied as he turned around.

"You should probably lay low just in case the others head this way. If you wanna follow me you can stay at my place till things calm down. Just got some fresh moose I was planning on cooking, and your welcome to join. My name is Zack, and it's nice to meet you." Zack smiled while reaching his hand out to greet her.

"They interrupted my hunting earlier so I'm rather hungry. Lead the way." Ren said while tossing her club over her shoulder.

"Are you out here alone?" He asked.

"Yeah, I moved out here recently. How far are we walking?" She asked while glancing around the woods.

"We're almost there. It's just cloaked to avoid problems." He replied as he approached the mirage.

While they walked in Ren was captivated by all the space inside the walls. She was living in a cramped cave for about a week now, and the forest was too dense for someone of her body frame. Zack was showing her around when she smelled something enticing and took off. Zack noticed the direction she was heading in and could guess the reason.

While trailing behind her Zack approached the distillery. He never used it, but the dolls worked it constantly. He wasn't sure how to change their functions causing the town to function on its own. When he walked inside Ren was already drinking.

"Come sit with me," Ren said as she patted the ground.

"How's it taste?" He asked while sitting next to her.

"You haven't tried it? Thought this was your house." She replied while slamming more down.

"It is but I'm not much of a drinker. I usually take this stuff to market when the storage gets full. They work constantly so I make frequent trips. If you wanna grab a barrel, and join me outside we can start the food." Zack told Ren while walking outside.

Zack began cooking some of the meat while the dolls took the rest to the smokehouse. Anytime he would leave meat around they would immediately tend to it if left alone. He was so used to the routine it was easy to forget how amazing the place was. Once Ren was done staring at the dolls she carried out two barrels and sat next to Zack. After storing some food for Lilith they walked around the estate so Ren could get familiar with the area.

"Where do I put these when I'm finished?" Ren asked.

"Anywhere is fine. The dolls always arrange, and clean things." He said while looking around for Lilith.