Chapter 9

While closing in on Eve's former home Zack heard battling at a distance. Flying over he could the sounds of children screaming. He found the source and came across an elven village that was burning to the ground as their warriors faced down a massive red dragon.

It had large horns, and the end of its tail was barbed for lethality resembling a morningstar. Dead elves were scattered throughout the area, and the remaining ones were losing ground fast. About twenty elves were left alive as Zack dashed in. Wasting no time he held out his hand as a powerful ball of wind was forming.

All the elves that weren't fighting turned around sensing the magic. They assumed he was human and panicked. The history between the elves and humans was one of genocide given them a reason to be concerned. The ball of wind gathering was the size of a boulder before it rapidly condensed in Zack's palm as it launched forward with a boom.

The noise disoriented those within range but left them unharmed as the dragon was forced back by twenty feet. In anger, it immediately opened its mouth as a fire blast went roaring across the ground. Zack sped in front of it slamming his arms together as bedrock shot up protecting the warriors.

"Form a perimeter around the children now!" Zack ordered while manifesting his spear.

Once they saw this they knew he wasn't a threat, and their warriors immediately followed his instructions while a few of their mages helped reinforce his wall. Zack jumped on top of the wall tossing his spear as it cut through its flames piercing the dragon's chest. Cutting through the force of its flames reduced the power causing it to be a shallow strike. The dragon still roared in pain, and anger as it fled to continue rampaging elsewhere.

"I'll engage it you look for anyone needing help," Zack told the elves.

Zack returned the spear to his hand as he jumped down by the villagers. He slammed his spear into the dirt as a gold light engulfed them all. All their wounds healed, and around their village erected a barrier. The dragon could still destroy it, but not without taking some damage in the process. Zack quickly flew off to the sounds of battle.

It wasn't hard to find the right direction to follow due to the destruction ensuing throughout the forest. He never witnessed a dragon being so destructive before even in a starved state. Seeing the corpses uneaten the dragon seemed to focus on destruction only. While following the mayhem it left Zack could hear it roaring. When he got close he saw a group of kakuens were under attack.

Zack's eyes were glowing as the ground began to rumble causing spikes to hit its belly. It caused minor damage to the dragon, but with more spikes forming it was forced into the air. Seeing the culprit it decided to engage him, and be rid of the nuisance. Zack flew up in the air as it chased behind him.

As it flew after Zack he turned around hurling his spear for its heart. The dragon dove down dodging and using the momentum to strike with its tail. Under the full force of its body weight, Zack went flying towards the ground barely recovering before hitting the dirt. The spikes from the tail pierced his skin but the wounds began closing. Zack called up five boulders from the earth condensing them into spears hurling them towards his adversary as he gave chase.

'Avoiding a ground fight right now is the best solution to minimize damage.'

While the dragon closed in Zack launched a shockwave forcing him up. He began twirling his spear calling in mighty winds to trap the dragon in a cage. Large amounts of flames began to leak from the corners of its mouth as the cage was rapidly filled. The high pressured winds caused a massive explosion when hit with its overwhelming flames, but the dragon was unharmed.

Even though the dragon was feral it was still highly intelligent. The way it was acting was puzzling to Zack but he didn't have time to question it. Everyone in the valley below was watching the battle unfold above them. Running from the dragon isn't possible, and the only thing they could rely on was the man giving his all to protect them. No one could pry their eyes away from the shockwaves in the sky as the two forces continued to clash.

The dragon launched a barrage of fireballs towards Zack as he began dodging. It became irritated upon seeing all its efforts were in vain. In anger, it let off a thundering roar that sent shockwaves through Zack's body. The force was almost powerful enough to render him unconscious, and his bones felt like glass being hit with a hammer.

Following the roar, the sky began to darken as lightning continuously stuck around them as the sounds of thunder echoed throughout the valley. Everyone on the forest floor was finding cover from the raging storm, and winds that were ravaging the forest. The Kakuen's had it the worse as they now had to flee from two sets of fires.

Zack recovered from the shockwave and formed a thunderbolt in his hand from his surroundings. It was rapidly gathering power from the dragon's effects on the land. When it gathered all it could he hurled it hitting the dragon dead on. It seemed unfazed by his attack as it accelerated forward shattering the sound barrier.

The speed was too fast for Zack to dodge with little distance between them. He crossed his arms covering himself in mana to bolster his defense. The blow was so powerful it sent Zack flying back into the mountain encasing him in rubble as blood spewed from his mouth. His forearms had shattered under the pressure of its strike and began to tremble. Another fire blast rapidly engulfed the sky and was soaring towards Zack at frightening speeds.

Failure now would mean many lives would perish even those dear to him could be lost. Using his full power would surely draw attention from the angels, but Zack saw no other way. His eyes were radiating a bright light as the rubble encasing him shattered displaying his wings in all their glory.

The bones began to heal in his forearms as the pain was swept away. Zack's body was covered in a divine light that could be seen throughout the valley as he flew towards the blast. Everyone watched as the light was engulfed in flames, but it didn't dim in the slightest as he shot through the blast unscathed.

When the dragon was in sight Zack launched a beam of holy energy from his hand that the dragon met with another barrage of attacks. After seeing Zack's attack blast right through it the dragon attempted to dodge out of harm's way. Trying to exploit the brief opening Zack hurled his spear aiming for the dragon's head.

In an attempt to dodge the fatal strike it swayed right, but its wing took severe damage as a result. When it fell to the ground Zack raised his hand as a series of golden pillars fell around the dragon from the sky. It swung its tail for one of the pillars as chains pierced into the dragon's scales with ease binding it tightly. Every time the chains began to break from the dragon's struggle three more would take their place.

"I'm sorry it's come to this, but I can't allow you to continue your rampage."

Zack recalled his spear as it shattered in his hands, and reformed into pure divine energy. Its power continued to grow as he walked towards the pillars. The six wings unfurled behind him illuminated the forest as loud ringing was resonating through the valley.

Lifting the spear into the air the clouds began to reveal a golden light. It rapidly expanded covering the dragon as it amplified rendering it into a statue of salt. Flying up into the air Zack halted the storms and extinguished the forest fires rampaging.

Zack closed his eyes to focus, and sense all the life forces around him to heal the wounded. A golden light engulfed the forest ridding every living creature of any ailments, or injuries they made have had. He could do nothing for the dead, but with this, the overall casualties would be reduced. After the light vanished Zack quickly flew down to the ground as his wings disappeared.

'It's been too long since I've used this much grace...I'm starting to get sloppy. I can't afford to slack off, not if I want to protect everyone.'

Zack sat down to focus, and calm his mind. He searched the forest for intelligent life in the area. He established a link with all of those capable of speaking.

'News of the dragon will surely spread. Humans will likely send out hunting parties as the result. Some would greet you peacefully, but there are some factions that would enjoy bringing you harm and take people with the intention of servitude. It would be wise to seek sanctuary with me till you can return. I know some of you won't trust this, and if that applies to you I recommend leaving the forest for at least a month. After that returning would be safe. I will set off a flare in ten minutes, and then wait for ten more for those to gather.'