Chapter 11

While resting Zack dreamed of a woman he loved. When he was fifteen Zack met another angel who was only a few years older than him causing them to connect easily. Her name was Lauren, and she helped him grasp some of his angelic powers.

After a year of secret meetings, they moved in together in his estate. They lived happily together for over a year, but it all ended in tragedy. One day she was off doing her usual traveling and returned with wounds on her body resembling holy attacks, but Lauren never named her attacker. The nightmare of that day was replaying as he woke up covered in sweat.

When Zack calmed down he could feel someone poking at his body. His first thought was Lilith sneaking into his bed again. Upon opening his eyes he saw a plump ass in his face with a white tail swaying before him. His first reaction was to try to move, but before he could Yu grabbed his dick through the blanket.

"Why do you have a tail now? It's facing the wrong way, and it's extremely stiff for some reason."

"That's not my tail, and can you let it go? You should ask before touching someone that directly." Zack said while grabbing her hips to shuffle her over.

Yu let go and quickly jumped off the bed when feeling her hips touched. Zack quickly calmed himself then got up from the bed.

"It's nice to hear your voice," Zack said while putting on his boots.

"It's disappearing again so weird," Yu stated while leaning on the edge of the bed closely observing his crotch.

"Did you get something to eat?" Zack asked while turning around to avoid the stares.

"You're friend brought me something delicious. Never had food like that before." Yu jumped off the bed closely following him out the door.

While they were heading out the front door of the estate Lilith ran up to them.

"Glad you're finally awake. Was worried I would miss my chance to say goodbye. Did you have fun last night?" Lilith asked while approaching Yu.

"He was asleep so we didn't get a chance to play any games. I really like your tail. Can I touch it? He got mad when I touched his tail, and said I should ask first." Yu said while walking behind Lilith.

"Of course you can just be careful it's sensitive, and that's no tail by the way. What exactly did you two do this morning?" Lilith asked Zack with a grin before whispering in Yu's ear.

"We didn't do anything it was just a misunderstanding," Zack replied as he began to feel uneasy about the whispering.

"Don't go listening to everything she tells you," Zack told Yu.

"Why not?" Lilith smirked.

"You know why. Where are you going by the way?" Zack asked Lilith while attempting to eavesdrop.

"To see my father. I'm sure he's had people searching for me due to my absence, and don't want him causing a war over it. Your tail is rather fluffy." Lilith said while grabbing Yu.

"Who's your father? Has to be someone important if he can wage a war." Zack inquired as they walked towards the gate.

"He's a prominent member of the southern kingdom," Lilith said while clinging to him.

"If I remember correctly the southern kingdom was trying to establish the first peaceful region between demons, and humans. Why were you attacked by a coalition of humans if your desires are peaceful?" Zack investigated.

"Some humans were starting to flock to the city wanting residence because they didn't like their current rulers. The towns however were convinced we put them in trance and kidnaped them. This resulted in them rallying each other to help form an attack on one of our smaller cities. They claimed it was to save their people, but in reality, it was them missing their forced labor. The group on the road that you fought were attacking one of their outposts in retaliation, but a few continued on after to continue with mayhem. I went along to watch them, and report their actions to my superiors, but wasn't expecting them to sense me. I need to get flying if I wanna make it by nightfall. If I don't come back in three days don't worry cause I'll sneak out eventually." Lilith smiled before kissing him goodbye.

"You better be careful out there. If it takes too long I will come looking." Zack said while smacking Lilith's ass before she flew away.

"Why do you do that?" Yu asked.

"What do you mean?" He responded.

Yu immediately repeated the action she witnessed. Kissing Zack while placing his hand on her ass.

"That feels weird. Let's try again." She leaned in again but was stopped.

"It's not that your not pretty, but I don't think you understand. That's supposed to be done with someone special." Zack said while Yu gave him a confused look.

"Do you mean like my mom and her friends? We never did that before." Yu investigated while scratching her head.

"No, it's not done between family. It's with someone you really like to be around that gives you a special feeling. You're happier when they're around, and the thought of them gone would make you sad. When you find the feeling you'll know." Zack said as he began walking towards the elves' aura.

"You mean a mate? I've heard about those from momma, but have never seen one. They would sometimes leave the woods searching for one, but wouldn't let me go. I had to stay at home on the mountain to hunt, or find food. Sometimes I would play games, but if they caught me I would get in trouble." Yu was clinging to him mimicking Lilith.

'It's pointless to explain the clinging. Usually, kakuen are very lustful, and she's at the proper age where she would leave the troop in search of a mate so it's understandable. She seems so innocent and dense to these things though. Asking her age would feel a little odd, and I'm not sure if they even keep track of such things. I'm glad Yu's not like the others, and with her family out of the city, I don't have to sleep with an eye open. I felt like I was gonna be swarmed in those woods when they first approached. Wonder how that would've gone.'

Yu's family explained what to do with a mate but she was distracted by her surroundings at the time. They walked together as Zack explained how everything worked here. When they came across Athlan he approached Zack with the others. Yu was preparing to greet them when she got distracted. She was chasing after a bird towards the park, and playfully lept into the trees. After it disappeared from her reach Yu began playing in the garden as they talked.

"We are headed out for a hunt to repay you for the feast last night. We will also scout an area to stay in so we won't be a bother. Thank you for everything you've done." Athlan said while extending his hand.

"Staying here is truly no problem. The food is plentiful here, and so is the housing." Zack said while shaking his hand.

"We will consider your offer. We think this place is wonderful we just didn't wanna overstay our welcome. On our return from the hunt, we will begin finding ways to be useful while we stay." Athlan replied as they split off into groups.

'Since everyone is out, and with Yu playing in the park it's the best time for a bath.'

Zack walked off to relax before continuing his daily duties. The bathwater had a unique healing property helping him recover mana, and restore his body to its former condition. While walking in he noticed it truly was empty and began undressing. The water was relaxing his body so much as he drifted off into thought. After soaking for a few minutes he heard someone walking in.

"This is perfect and reminds me of home, and I always like a long soak after eating. Those fruits were really good, and some of them I've never seen before. Momma would love to try some. Is it okay to take some later?" Yu was already undressed walking towards him.

'She talks so fast, but it's kinda cute.' Zack smiled.

"Of course, you can take them all the food you want. How did you know where to find this place though?" Zack asked.

"Your friend with the tail," Yu replied.

"That's what she whispered to you huh," Zack said while placing his hands over his lap.

Zack knew exactly why Lilith told her to join him. He couldn't help but wonder what else she mentioned. Yu slowly walked over to the seat next to him and glanced around the bath in amazement. Normally waters like these were found high on the mountains, and they weren't as big as their bath.

Zack could see her hourglass figure as she walked up. Her hips were so enticing he couldn't help but watch them sway as she walked his way. Yu's breasts were well developed, but not as big as the rest of her troop. Out of all the women around him, she had the best hips, and the sight of her plump ass was still fresh in his mind. Zack struggled to halt the desires swelling up.

'This is gonna be hard.'