Chapter 14

The dragon remained a statue of salt in the valley when three angels approached it. Once they examined the dragon's body they split up searching the forest, but they only found humans searching for riches. An angel name Uriel descended to question the groups, and he met little resistance in his mission. One of the groups however was refraining from answering his questions.

"This is Lord Ozen's domain, and angels aren't permitted. So fuck your questions." A large man taunted.

"Ignorant humans should know their place." Uriel retorted as his hand shined with a bright white light, and he snapped his fingers.

They all imploded in a flash of white light, and all around him, blood rained. After finding no traces of an angel he flew up high to gather his subordinates. The other two saw Uriel floating above, and quickly joined him in the sky. One was a man named Bartholomew, and the other was his wife Naomi.

"Did you find anything?" Uriel asked as he glanced over the valley for traces of angelic grace.

"No, the valley seems vacant besides a few mercenary groups. Why is there blood on your hands?" Bartholomew was concerned about upsetting his superior but still felt the need to ask.

"Is your job to ask questions?" Uriel demanded an answer.

"No sir!" Bartholomew responded straightening up.

"We should search in different directions, and meet here again tomorrow to share information. Be swift, and discreet this is enemy territory after all. Don't display wings or holy attacks around the cities, and if your found don't expect a rescue. Dismissed!" Uriel ordered as he took off east.

"Everyone is on edge since the last dark age, and you should be careful about speaking out like that. We must tread carefully, and not just for our sake remember." Naomi said as she took his hand to her stomach.

"How can I ignore pointless bloodshed? We should get going before he senses us being sluggish, or he will surely turn around. I'll head south you try west." Bartholomew pulled his hand away and took off.

Eve was in the garden examining a large tree in the middle. There was a mysterious feeling she was drawn to. Eve tried to accelerate its growth with her abilities and in the process felt a large power dwelling within it. Her abilities weren't having much effect, but she didn't give up. She spent the next two hours in the garden trying to unravel the mystery.

Yu was also in the garden playing with the kids, and they were attempting to climb the trees like her. She of course sat beneath them in an attempt to catch them if they fail. Eve decided to investigate the tree another time as she joined them.

Zack was arriving at the bathhouse making alterations to accommodate the new guests. From his pocket, he took out a pendant he's had since birth. It was how he allowed access to those going in, and out of the barrier.

Almost every interaction Zack had with his home involved using it. The only problem he couldn't solve with it was the behavior of the dolls. Holding his hand against the wall of the bathhouse the pendant illuminated as the wall began to extend. A wall of stone cut across the center separating the two sides. Zack even deepened the depth in the center for the kids to play.

When Zack was done he went looking for Destiny. She was off working on clothes designs and finishing up Ren's clothes.

"I should've known you would be here," Zack said as he admired her work hanging from the ceiling.

"I'm always at peace when working. I even started thinking of some clothes for Yu, but I'm not sure if she would like them." Destiny said while continuing her work.

"If it's like the rest of the stuff you've made I'm sure she would love it. Here's the money for the work so far and I'll get you more supplies in a few days. If you want you could even come with me to sell a few things, and pick the proper equipment you need to expand." Zack said while retrieving money from his ring.

"Are you sure it will be okay?" She asked.

"Yes, it's an open-minded town with plenty of different species. I'm thinking of bringing Yu as well. She has only seen the mountains and woods. You two have that in common which will make it a nice experience for everyone." Zack replied while putting his hand on hers for comfort.

"I need one more thing for payment." She stated while continuing on her design.

"Just tell me what you need."

Destiny leaned over to kiss him as he wrapped her arms around his neck. The two kissed passionately as one of her hands slid down. Before she could undo his pants they heard someone approaching the door. She quickly pulled her hand away to check it.

"Can I come in here?" Tanya asked while knocking.

"Of course you can. I was wondering when you would show up." Destiny called out.

"Yu was getting tired so I came back. Do you still want me to help?" Tanya asked.

"Are you liking the new place?" Zack asked with a smile.

"Yeah, we all love the space. Getting to see you every day, and working in here is gonna be fun." Tanya said while admiring the silk.

"I'll see you later, and be sure to tell Yu I'm making her something," Destiny said as she began mentoring Tanya.

"You two have fun, and if you work hard you get paid to. Then you can pick your own candy and toys." Zack told Tanya as he waved goodbye.

Not long after walking out, Zack saw the hunters returning. They had a few large elk with them, and several baskets filled with fruits. It seemed Athlan's group was still out so he approached Kaya while she was cleaning her daggers.

"Here you can have these. I can get more when I'm in town." Zack said while handing her three temporal rings.

"Thank you, but I have to get going now," Kaya said coldly before walking away.

Yu came walking from the garden and saw Zack at a distance. She sprinted towards him jumping up and knocked him to the ground as his hands rested on her hips.

"They have so many new games I've never tried before. Can we go somewhere tomorrow?" Yu asked while picking up a weird scent.

"I do have some errands to run tomorrow that you can join. Can you get up now? I wanted to go try something." Zack said while removing his hands.

Yu continued to sniff him profoundly. She trailed from his face down to his chest and was about to go lower. What she smelled was Yuki and Zack's time together. She had no idea what the smell was, but it made her feel weird. Her tail continued to sway in a curious manner. Zack rolled out from underneath her to stand up quickly. She dropped down to all fours staring him down playfully like a predator ready to pounce.

'Why do I feel so hot?'

"Sorry to startle you, but acting like that when kids are running around is not okay. Do you understand?" Zack said in a calm tone.

Yu nodded as she walked back up to him.

"Are all those your kids?" Yu asked

"I do take care of them, and they are my family, but they're not my children," Zack said as they walked to the north corner of the property.

As usual, when walking next to him Yu copied Lilith. She would occasionally take little sniffs towards Zack but did nothing as she agreed. Yu wrapped her tail around his arm as they continued to walk towards a large field.

"I need my arm back for a little. Wanted to practice before it was too dark." Zack said with a smile.

Yu let go and continued to watch him. Then she got distracted by a butterfly going across the field chasing behind it. Zack brought out his spear as he began practicing his technique. He began swirling it around in a form of perfect defense before hurling it forward. Before it would go too far or strike anything he recalled it back with a flick of his wrist.

While it zoomed back to Zack it began twirling rapidly ready to cut everything in its path. To stop it he released his grace catching it with his hand as the ground broke around him. Calming himself the ground beneath retook its shape as he flew up in the air. Under the cover of the barrier, he could use his power without detection. He started his training here with Lauren, and it was his favorite place to practice.

'I'll never forget those days,' Zack had a faint smile as he continued his training.