Chapter 16

Zack was heading for the gate when Athlan arrived with his son. They had a massive bear being hauled back by six warriors. Athlan immediately approached them to discuss tonight's events.

"Where would you like to eat tonight?" Athlan asked as the men carried in their kill.

"I was about to go to prepare things by the park. It would be a good way to welcome you in properly. There are some new residents staying with us, but they already have housing. They are all orphans of war, and two nymphs that help take care of them." Zack replied as they walked in together.

"It's been a while since I've seen nymphs. Our people have always lived peacefully with them, but they aren't a lot left. I noticed you have a lot of women around you. Are any of them your wife?" Athlan asked.

"No, I still haven't got to that yet. The one person I could see myself marrying is no longer in this world. It doesn't mean I don't care for them though. I'm just unsure how to respond to so many at once." Zack said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's common for tribe leaders to have multiple wives to ensure multiple heirs. As for matters of the heart, I can't give much advice on that." Athlan said while thinking of his former partners.

"I set up a training ground in the northern part of the property, and the kakuens have made home upon the mountainside. If you see them come down be cautious. I would warn the males of this particularly. I barely made it off the mountain without being jumped." Zack said while recalling the sensations.

"I know of a few warriors who would surely be dragged off without complaint. If I was a younger man I would even make a trip up the mountain myself. Kaya would surely punish me if she happened to hear of this though. I think her mother instilled her with this duty long ago." Athlan said while wiping the blood from his nose.

When they were walking to Zack's home from the valley he took notice of the women. How could he not? All of them were beautiful with little clothing on. They also made their opinions well known while watching them from afar laughing amongst themselves.

Athlan was a diligent leader and was too busy to find a new wife, but even he was starting to feel relaxed in his surroundings. The atmosphere outside the barrier was a perfect area for his tribe to thrive in, and they saw no signs of major threats. They witnessed a few other species traveling deep in the woods, but none were hostile. All these reassurances gave him time to remember his personal desires. Athlan weighed the repercussions as he gazed at the mountainside in front of them.

"Let's speak again when everything is ready," Zack said as they reached the park.

Zack went over to a small spot he would use for eating. The first thing he did was start the fire, and then create more seats for them to eat in the open. It was close enough to the park for the kids to play while everything was gathered.

Eve approached Zack while he pulled today's catch out from Ren's trip. They had several large crabs the size of a boar, and one of the large carnivorous fish from yesterday. It was more than enough for another feast.

"Yuki always spoke highly of you before, and I'm starting to see why. You work so hard to help those around you." Eve said while helping him prepare food.

"Have you decided where you wanna stay?" Zack asked trying to change the subject.

" Not a fan of compliments huh. I was thinking of staying inside the orphanage or maybe building a small home inside the garden. I've been curious about the large tree in the center and wanna be somewhere close. Do you know much about it?" Eve asked.

"If that's where you feel comfortable I don't mind. Yu will likely pass by there a lot to play, and I hope that won't be an issue in the mornings. That tree has been there since I was born. At first, it was rather small, but has grown quickly over the last few years." Zack said while cooking the fish with magic.

"I don't mind her presence. She is very good with the children, and will surely be a great mother someday. Yuki as well." Eve teased.

Eve was well aware of their situation. It wasn't long before the elves showed up to start their preparations. The kids were done in the bath as they began politely introducing themselves. The elven children were happy to see others to play with. Tanya of course was quick at making new friends and led them around the area.

'Bringing them here was the right choice.' Zack smiled.

When Ren arrived she was carrying a few barrels of liquor and was wearing a white dress. It covered a little more than her usual skirt but hung low exposing her cleavage. She had an embarrassed look on her face as she chugged from her gourd of liquid confidence. Zack approached her with a large smile.

"You look beautiful." Zack smiled as he admired her elegance.

"Let me help with the food." Ren walked over to help carry the fish.

When Ren bent over to grab it Zack admired her long thick thighs, and how great her curves looked in the dress. Ren noticed his staring from the corner of her eye, and smirked. Everyone began to gather around the tables and prepared places for the food.

Destiny was the last to arrive and kissed Zack hello when she saw him. When Kaya saw all the woman he was openly intimate with she stomped her foot, and averted her gaze. Kaya had an inferiority complex. Even if she had no interest in Zack particularly she was used to having attention from the strongest warriors around her.

'It's only because they have large breasts! What's so great about pockets of skin anyway!'Kaya went to try some of the alcohol to change her mood.

Everyone was now sitting together to eat. Destiny and Ren sat next to Zack. Tanya and Yuki sat across from them talking about her work in the shop. Everyone was settling into their surroundings rather well. Zack stood up wanting everyone to be aware of his plans.

"Thank you to everyone who gathered the food for us today. The bathhouse is separated for adults and children now. If you need any house alterations let me know. Tomorrow I'll be out of the village for a few hours but when I return I could fix anything you need. Everyone feel free to wander and use the facilities freely. The eastern wing has a few other workstations you might be interested in. Now enjoy the festivities." Zack announced as he sat down to slam his drink.

Zack would usually avoid drinking, but Ren convinced him earlier. After missing the festivities last night he wanted to make up for it. Only one thought weighed in his mind, and it was his concern for Lilith's wellbeing. By now she would've arrived home, and after her absence, it may be an unwelcome one. He decided to trust her and resolved himself for rescuing her if needed.

Athlan with a few of the other warriors tried some of the liquor. Ren seemed to be in a happy mood so the elves had a hard time refusing. They of course had a low tolerance since it wasn't a regular commodity for them. Luckily for them though, Ren is a pro drinker and had them hydrate accordingly.

Zack was watching Ren so closely tonight. When he first met her she was very cautious of everyone. Now Ren is being friendly and is even watching after their new guest. She was even playing well with kids as they dangled from her arms. Ren had a large smile across her face dancing around while they swayed.

'She would make a great mom too.' Zack smiled.

Destiny was talking with the sober elves about some of her work. When they saw her skills they of course had desires for clothing, and nets for hunting. Destiny was walking around writing orders in her notebook with a beautiful smile on her face. She was constantly trying to improve her business and even began designs for altering the shop.

This is a place where people enjoyed her company rather than fear it. This filled her with joy, and she intended to make the best of her new home. Destiny glanced at Zack talking with the others.

'Thank you for saving me.' Destiny smiled as she went back to join him.