Chapter 23

It was noon, and everyone was busy with their usual duties. The hunting parties have yet to leave as they discussed mapping out the forest. Zack and Yu were off scouting for potential residents. Valan was adjusting the barrier to permit entry into the forest but maintained the mirage protecting the town. It simply allowed them to sense when others entered their domain. Ren was at the sea with the nereids helping them gather their things for the move.

Encroaching their location quickly was Uriel's group, and once they entered the forest the controller Valan had begun to glow. He set it to go off at powerful auras and knew trouble was coming. Everyone was gathered to the center of the town, and they were trying to discuss the best way to avoid detection. Some wanted to flee into the forest, but it was quickly dismissed. Whatever went through the border was moving swiftly, and could easily catch up to them.

"Are you sure it was over here?" Naomi asked.

"I felt a divine presence for sure. They seemed to be masking it with something." Bartholomew replied.

"We don't have time for this. Our report is due today, and the demons must have noticed our presence by now. They are hiding in a barrier somewhere out here, and the time for discretion is over." Uriel's wings unfurled.

Uriel crossed his arms gathering energy as six holy blasts shot in each direction. The blasts were shaped as small orbs, but when they made contact destruction ensued. Five small craters were formed throughout the forest, but one of the orbs dissipated. Uriel pointed his hand at the mountain as they took off.

"They found us, and with angels as opponents, we won't stand a chance," Rolen stated while trying to remain calm.

"Children with me now!" Valan ordered.

"Warriors with me!" Kaya declared.

"That won't be enough. To them, our numbers would accomplish nothing. Everyone needs to prepare for the ritual." Athlan ordered as their warriors sat around him.

"You know how dangerous that is!" Kaya protested.

"There is no other option! Now, do as I ask for once in your life!" Athlan demanded.

The barrier was continuing to shake from the force being exerted. They could see the three angels outside the walls attempting to break it. Kaya understood the dire situation and sat with the rest linking arms. They began chanting in elven as their mana flowed into Athlan. The tattoos on his body began radiating brightly as he winced in pain. In the past, their tribe used this to avoid extinction but was meant as a last resort.

"There has to be a large camp of rebels to produce this much power. All who betray our kind deserve death! You are to spare no one!" Uriel ordered.

A large beam of holy energy was gathering as three large arrows came soaring out. All were aimed for Uriel's heart as he narrowly dodged them. Uriel's wings were pierced knocking him to the ground. The other two fell back to avoid the ensuing barrage. Through the barrier walked Athlan, and in his hand was a large bow made of pure mana.

"You two stay on mission. I'll handle the elf." Uriel said as his wings slowly healed.

Uriel walked forward as he drew his sword encasing it in holy energy. Another barrage went flying as he began cutting through them. While distracted the earth opened beneath Uriel, and before he could take flight it slammed close. Athlan jumped back while refining a mighty arrow as a bright light erupted from the earth. Uriel flew out of the hole unscathed as an arrow pierced his shoulder.

Athlan dissipated the bow conjuring swords as he charged in. The two traded blows as shockwaves filled the forest. Athlan was indeed superior in technique, but any attacks he made are shallow, and swiftly healed after.

Uriel grew tired of dealing with the elf and wanted to save his grace for the main battle, but Athlan was too strong. Uriel's wings created an immense gust with a single flap launching Athaln through several trees and became lodged into the earth as he struggled to catch his breath.

"You managed to wound me a few times. You're truly a race loved by mana, but it won't be enough to save you." Uriel's hand flared with holy power as he raised it towards Athlan clenching his hand.

Athlan screamed in pain as his protective aura was being crushed. Uriel slowly approached while smirking at his suffering. Thick vines launched from the ground as they began to wrap around Uriel's throat, and arms. Uriel flexed his aura as they began breaking apart, but before he was set free a pillar of ice-encased engulfed him.

Eve and Yuki were walking out from the barrier to Athlan's side. Nymphs aren't known for fighting often, but defending their homes was the exception. Athlan got up with the help of his two allies and tried to think of a counter. They were preparing their next attack on Uriel when Bartholomew cut them off.

Batholomew had a greatsword in his hand, and he struck the ground as holy light began erupting from the cracks. The earth was splitting beneath them forcing them to separate or be incinerated. Uriel's wings began glowing immensely as the ice shattered around him.

"I told them this would happen. You're kind should've been swept away with the flood, but I will correct that mistake today." Uriel declared walking forward.

In a combined attempt they fought to keep the two at bay. Even with the added help, Athlan could only buy time for Zack to arrive, but their power was just too much for them to handle. Bartholomew was preparing to strike Athlan down, but his blade was delayed giving Yuki a chance to force him back. In that instant, Bartholomew hesitated in striking them down. They were defending their home how could he not have doubts? He was holding back, but even that was too much for them.

Yuki wasn't used to using combat abilities this frequently, and as a result, she could barely stay standing. Athlan's body was in immense pain from hosting vasts amounts of mana. Eve was the only one capable of still fighting, but all she could do was slow their movement. A flash of holy light eradicated all her efforts while Uriel walked up.

"You lasted longer than most. At least you can die with some pride." Uriel taunted.

Uriel placed his hand out gathering large amounts of holy energy. He was planning to smite them all in one blow. As the blast was launched a blinding white light covered the forest. When it cleared a crater was all that was left. Uriel began walking to the barrier when a spear flew at him. Uriel quickly tried to knock it away, but when it made contact he was shot back.

"Who's foolish enough to fight now?" Uriel shouted glancing for the culprit.

Down from the air came Zack, and behind him were his comrades covered in holy shields. With a gesture of his hand, the orbs disappeared into the security of the barrier. It was then he fixed his gaze on the three in front of him.

Bartholomew charged in to attack, but every swing was missing. With a flick of Zack's fingers, the spear came flying back cutting deeply across Bartholomew's face. Zack then caught his spear twirling it as It caused powerful winds to force them back. The winds intensified leveling the trees and forcing Naomi to leave the barrier alone. All three of the angels regrouped ready to attack. Zack unleashed his full power as his spear took its true form.

"The rumors were true," Naomi said while retrieving her bow.

"We still outnumber him, now attack!" Uriel ordered.

A few arrows of light began soaring towards Zack as he deflected them. Bartholomew charged in to engage while Uriel gathered energy. As the two clashed Naomi circled to get Zack's back. Before she could release another arrow a spike launched up from the earth piercing her thigh. Zack's spear left his hand spinning rapidly towards Naomi as she was stuck.

'Damn it.' Naomi broke her bindings and fled from the incoming spear.

With Zack's practice from the other day, he could keep her at bay without losing focus. Bartholomew thought it was the moment he needed to strike, and dropped a heavy blow. Zack caught the weapon between his hands as his grace flared up. The blade went red as the sword rapidly melted between his hands.

'Impossible' Bartholomew looked forward in disbelief.

Zack poured holy energy into his fist as he stepped in landing a powerful strike to Bartholomew's stomach. When it connected the ribs were shattered as blood spewed from his mouth. Zack followed it up with a roundhouse kick breaking his jaw as he was knocked away.

Uriel finished gathering his attack while a massive beam came roaring towards Zack. He stopped it with his hands as he was sliding back digging into the earth. Zack was starting to lose ground fast, and couldn't gather his footing. The blast seemed like it would engulf him when Lauren's words echoed in his head.

'You always try too hard, and it messes up your control. Rage can indeed produce tremendous power, but it's too sloppy. Relax, and picture something that brings you peace.'

Zack closed his eyes as the last week flashed in his head. Seeing the memories of everyone laughing, and smiling together without a care in the world. His eyes opened as they flickered with a bright gold light before fading. Zack's body was still radiating a gold glow, but it subsided.

The blue eyes were now gold and the attack in Zack's hands no longer felt hot. He was walking forward pushing the blast back as Uriel switched to both hands, but Zack slowly pushed forward. Uriel was speechless at the sight in front of him. Only the archangels could withstand a blast that strong. Six gold orbs formed around his left hand swirling as his spear reappeared in the right.