Chapter 31

"Why did they bow to you?" Zack asked.

"I'll tell you tonight," Lilith replied.

"There was a time we thought you preferred men, but I found out later it was Octavia spreading that rumor after you resisted her advances. Never seeing you with a woman I believed it myself for a little, but it didn't change anything so I never mentioned it. How many women do you have though?" Vicente asked while waving at the new additions.

"He has six-woman as far as I know. Maybe this Octavia could be the next." Lilith teased while looking down at Zack.

"She isn't the type to go for that," Zack replied.

"Definitely not, and I'm really glad she didn't come. Wouldn't have been pleasant for this one, and the bail here isn't cheap." Vicente smirked while smacking Zack on the shoulder.

'I hope she's doing alright.' Zack smiled.

"Can we go shopping before we leave?" Tanya asked.

"I'm sure Zack won't mind us stopping," Destiny replied.

"I have to get a few more things anyway," Zack said while raising his paddle.

There was a set of grade five artifacts, but it wasn't weaponry. It was a blacksmith's hammer, and carving utensils meant for enchanting. The item immediately grabbed his attention as he could trace a familiar aura in it. After learning, his house was powered by elven magic he had practiced sensing it in his spare time. With a small bidding war, the crowd went silent.

'Valan should have the knowledge to use it.'

"Sold for eight thousand gold!"

"You sure you don't want part of the money?" Destiny asked.

"It's okay he always has plenty but still refuses to tell me how much. Wanna enlighten us?" Lilith asked while reaching for his ring.

"It's only two years saving," Zack replied.

"Today we have a very special selection, and we saved it for last. There are three grade seven weapons tonight..."

"She's joking right?"

"No one would sell something so precious!"

"Who gave you that bullshit lie?"

"Silence." A man demanded while walking from the back.

With one word the crowd went silent in his presence. He was a tall man with a powerful aura dressed in an all-black suit. His name is Mephisto and he is only half-demon causing him to lack horns and a tail. If it wasn't for his eyes the man would've resembled a human to perfection.

The auction house has been run by Mephisto's family for centuries. No one wanted a half breed to take over, but he suggested a tournament to his father. During the tournament, he defeated all his siblings convincing them to concede ownership to him. This story is well known, and people don't question his authority in this city.

"All of these items have been officially verified just like all things that enter this hall. To prove it we will demonstrate one of them. If you sense this man carefully you will see he has little magic potential." Mephisto said while clapping his hand.

A human walked out wielding the shield made by Rolen. Everyone in the crowd was examining him closely confirming the declaration. The human raised the shield carefully positioning it while sweat poured down his face. Mephisto snapped his finger as a large fireball launched towards the man as he braced himself for impact while cowering.

Even the crowd was panicked at the display. They weren't denying it was an artifact, but such a large attack would surely cause a shockwave. As the blast hit the shield it glowed brightly as the fire dissipated. The crowd went silent before a large commotion was raised. After displaying the mana wall it can extend everyone no longer questioned the authenticity. Mephisto left the stage after calming the crowd.

"It can also return a blast after gathering enough mana. For such an item the bidding is started at one plat." Sarlia announced.

"Two plat!"

"Three plat!"

"Sold for five plat!"

"I didn't want it that bad anyway," Dorion stated.

'That's almost all my savings. Who is that old man.'Dorion glared at a human in their booth.

"The next item is a bow that conjures arrows of magic from your surroundings by simply drawing the string. It also allows you to defend yourself in close range with a simple swing. The start for this item is one plat." Sarlia announced.

"three plat!"

"Six plat!"

"Going once....twice...sold!"

The man who bought the second artifact was in the same box as Zack. It was an older human male with a large scar across his face. The first grade seven was also snatched by the mysterious old man. Everyone observed the man closely trying to identify the nature of his business. Exactly how wealthy was he?

"To have a weapon like that would be amazing. A sword would be best though." Vicente claimed while envying the man in their booth.

"I can help you get something like that for a lot cheaper so save your money on the next one," Zack replied

"The final item for tonight is a claymore that can cut through grade four armor and magical attacks. It also releases an energy blast capable of splitting magical attacks. The bidding starts at three plat." Sarlia announced.

"Five plat!"

"Going once....twice...sold!"

"Sold for five plat! That completes today's auction your items will be brought out shortly. We hope you come join us again." Sarlia smiled as she waved goodbye.

The old man bought all the artifacts without hesitation. Not long after the auctioneer disappeared workers appeared in the box distributing temporal rings. What surprised everyone was Mephisto himself appearing in the booth. He approached Zack extending his hand. As the two made contact he reached out to him telepathically.

'You set a record today, and it benefited us both greatly. Please consider us again in the future for such items, and if you need anything in the future you can ask me directly. I can have a few guards escort you home if needed.' Mephisto smiled while discreetly handing him his ring.

'I will, and thank you for the offer, but I'm okay. I'm capable of defending myself, and wouldn't wanna draw attention.'

Mephisto went on to greet the big spender with a few others in the box. While they were walking out from the auction house Vicente joined them. Zack's comment about the weapon had him interested. When they were leaving the old man from the auction was watching Zack carefully as a young woman appeared behind him.

It was a woman clad in black clothing padded with black plates of armor covering her vitals, and a kodachi was discreetly on her back. She had jet black hair in a hime cut, a cold look in her brown eyes, and her skin resembled porcelain.

"Follow that man, but don't let him detect you. Establishing a good relationship with him is crucial for our clan."

"Yes sir." The woman rapidly disappeared.