Chapter 42

Everyone was already starting their usual duties in the morning with a few new routines. Zack was by livestock pens storing all the tools, and seeds needed for the area. After storing everything he checked on the animals.

He saw Yu was tending to the animals with Mark and a few of the children. Zack stored the materials in a new storage house as he continued his patrol. While walking around to mark more fields Ren approached.

"I got a list of everything. I know we don't have all of it but I noticed that village had some. Do you think they would trade us for what we need?" Ren asked while examining his markers.

"They are bringing some of everything, and hopefully some helpers," Zack replied.

Ren was excited to hear this and went to work plowing the closest field. When Zack saw her start there was a slight concern. She would surely destroy the ground or at very least break the equipment. The ground was fine, and her hoe held together.

Looking closely Zack noticed it was rather large, and seemed custom made. Ren visited the forge last night and asked Thea for help. Thea shared her passion for drinking and therefore was easily convinced. Zack was preparing to join her as Mark approached.

"I wanted to let you know we agreed to stay. Is that still okay?" Mark asked.

"Of course. I can even set you up a tavern if you wanna give it a try here. It will be sometime before we have traffic, but I would pay you for your work." Zack said while extending his hand.

"I'm fine with having a safe roof over our head. You already provide the inventory so I don't need to buy anything, and with no taxes, I have no need for it. When I was running my place I just enjoyed the environment and providing a service. The prices were just so high it quickly became about money, but I wanna try to get that old feeling back." Mark smiled as he shook Zack's hand.

"I'm still gonna compensate you. Just grab some of the markers, and find your ideal spot. Make sure there's enough room to expand." Zack replied.

Mark grabbed a few stakes and began his search. Zack felt the pendant vibrating in his pocket. Someone had to be at the barrier, and it was by the array. When he walked out the gate Zack saw Grigor. Next to him was Dyna and behind them workers. Glancing at the crowd he counted twelve workers total. They had a series of farming equipment being carried on a wagon.

"I got a few houses set up with enough beds and supplies for everyone, but the array is open if you wish to sleep at home," Zack announced.

"Last season was rough, and having this work helps greatly. With how much you gave us the chief wanted you to have this. Just let us know where to start." Grigor replied as they approached the gate.

Zack gave everyone entrance and showed them where to leave the supplies. They got to work immediately plowing the fields as Ren directed the field designations. Lilith walked up and offered to show Dyna around. Zack could see the lewd intentions in her eyes but knew scolding Lilith was pointless.

With everyone hard at work, Zack continued his marking. Once he was satisfied with the number of fields marked he began construction around town. Mero's house was his first objective. They built off from Shiro's place creating the first district for their aquatic citizens. Lydia was the one who designed it all but she still refused to move in. Lydia still felt attached to her old house but spent all her time in town.

With the new district completed Zack's next goal was the ramparts along the walls. After informing everyone to be clear from the walls he began preparations. To do this he needed to find a quiet place to work from.

The garden was empty, and he decided it was the best spot. He became used to constructing from mana, but large alterations still required immense focus. Sitting around the divine tree always helped to calm his mind, and he hoped it would make his task easier. After recalling the ramparts from Blackreach he constructed it in his mind.

'Hope it works.'

The pendant glowed in Zack's hand as the ground rumbled. He opened his eyes and went to the nearest wall. A smile went across his face because It was exactly how he envisioned it. While walking among the wall he made minor alterations.

Valan was searching the grounds for him and could hear the rumbling. Walking behind Valan were three dolls wielding weapons. Zack heard someone approaching and jumped down to examine the dolls.

"I guess you talked to Rolen. Is it possible?" Zack asked.

"Their original purpose was for protecting sacred areas," Valan replied.

"That does make sense considering their strength. Maybe she didn't want them for that." Zack said while remembering his mother's words.

"They are only set to patrol and protect the wall. Without a direct order for lethal action from you, they will only detain. Would you like to demonstrate?" Valan asked.

With approval, Valan ordered them to restrain Zack. One of the dolls charged forward with a staff. Zack conjured a small fireball aiming for its feet, but the staff dissipated his attack with ease as the doll continued forward.

Their reaction speed was impressive, and it closed in unleashing a barrage taking full advantage of the opportunity. Zack continued to dodge the attack as he struck it with a shockwave knocking it back. Two arrows flew into the dirt next to Zack creating spell circles on impact.

Zack tried to get clear but a net shot out binding him. Zack felt his mana being disrupted as the net tightened. The doll was closing in to sweep his feet with the staff. Zack stopped his flow of mana and used his brute strength to destroy the nets. The dolls halted putting down their weapons.

"Anyone with a controller can command them to detain, but only you can switch their mode. What do you think?" Valan asked.

"They are indeed formidable. Will Rolen be able to keep up?" Zack examined the staff.

"With that hammer, it won't be a problem, but the dolls will take some time. These orders are more complex and thus require more time to program. At most I can construct three a day, and that's with an assistant. Should I focus on them only?" Valan asked.

"I would do one a day for now. We will need some for the new fields, and Rolen gets time to work on gear for others this way too." Zack replied.

Valan went back to work as the dolls started their patrol. They would only detain requested targets, and anyone trying to force through the barrier. Zack felt a little more at ease with them on the walls.

It had been some time since he could train or battle regularly. With his work done he headed towards the arena.Zack dedicated time to strengthening his body, and endurance by sprinting around outside the arena.

The chaos almost extinguished his life completely, and for his grace to fully return it could take over a month. This didn't discourage him as he focused on his combat skills, and refining his magic. While training Zack felt a surge of mana rapidly closing in, and immense heat nearing his back.

While seated Zack raised his hand as the earth raised behind him. The wall shattered from the blast knocking him back. As the debris cleared Zack could see Lilith walking towards him.

Lilith formed her whip swiftly striking the earth. The ground broke apart around them trapping them in a ring of black flames. Before Zack could question her motive Lilith cracked her whip as a fireball hurled towards him. Zack attempted to halt it, but couldn't manipulate the black flames. After narrowly dodging it Zack started closing the distance.