Chapter 51

The army was approaching Stormhaven ready to liberate the city. They could see the blood-drenched ground gate from a distance. Bodies drained of blood hung around the outside of the walls to instill fear. As they approached the gate an illusion dissipated.

Kneeling on top of the wall was ten guards bound up. They had their mouths gagged, and blood was oozing from their wrist. Marcus revealed himself on the wall behind the men slicing his arm open. He dripped his blood behind the men as the pools of blood aligned. Marcus raised his hand into the air as scarlet magic enveloped him once again.

"Why isn't he burning?"

"That's impossible..."

"Maybe he's a collaborator?"

"Look at his eyes it's clear he's one of them! Don't worry about the possibility of it just attack!" Wade ordered.

Before the soldiers could attack the members of Invictus turned on them. Judas was heading towards Wade but was swiftly cut down. Wade rallied his soldiers to eradicate the traitors before focusing on the gate.

They began launching magic at the gate to shatter it, but it was built to withstand this very thing. For them to shatter it would take the effort of everyone taking turns to wear it down, and then fire one large blast in unison.

Wade looked up staring their opponent down and felt magic swelling around them. The captives on the wall rapidly became shriveled husks as a sinister air swept the city. Thick black clouds formed around the city for a mile in each direction.

Scarlet magic could be seen coursing through the clouds, and a foul smell of blood swept the area as the clouds continued to darken. When it was finished the surrounding area became dark as night. Seeing this the soldiers became filled with fear. Wade attempted to dissipate the clouds, but they were unaffected by his magic. He could feel powerful auras rushing their way.

"Retreat out of the darkness!" Wade ordered.

The soldiers turned around to escape, but spell circles could be seen illuminating at a distance. A massive wall of earth erected in their place blocking all escape routes. Seeing this Wade ordered his men to create a shield wall to protect those creating an escape.

Wade stood in front of the shield wall with ten soldiers in mithril armor. They were members of the royal guard absent during the siege. They searched for proof to prosecute those from the attack. King Alfred didn't trust anyone else with the task and sent only his most trusted soldiers.

"Everyone gather mana and focus on fire attacks only! If you can't take the head get a leg! We can't fall here the people inside still need us!" Wade declared slamming his sword into the ground.

Wade was chanting while pouring mana through his sword. Dark figures rapidly covered the wall with glowing eyes. Some soldiers became stricken with fear when seeing their numbers, but they had families inside. The thought of them becoming cattle was overwriting their fear. Some of them could be dead by now, but not knowing was unbearable.

The archers readied their bows while channeling magic into the arrows. The first to descend was the ferals as they pressed forward to attack. From the ground erupted pillars of flames killing a handful, and forcing the others back.

The flames continued to erupt pushing them around till a wall of flames separated them from the gate. Wade knew they could stop it eventually so he opened a section to funnel them in. As they started pouring through the archers began chanting releasing their arrows. When they finished chanting the arrows were engulfed in balls of fire roaring towards them. The ferals saw this attempted to speed past it, but the slower ones were incinerated.

"Prepare the second volley!" Wade ordered as the ferals lunged forward.

Wade pulled his sword from the ground as it was covered in flames, and his group engaged the incoming wave. Wade was dodging their thrust and delivering swift counters. One of the ferals got cut across his chest as he struggled to smother the flames, but they were too powerful to be snuffed as they quickly spread. One cut was enough to deliver gruesome death and the ferals took quick note of this.

All of them focused on Wade pushing in, but his comrades weren't slouches. Once the ferals were distracted a few heads went rolling. One of the royal guards was killed in the exchange, but his death was avenged promptly.

As Wade was getting surrounded again a vampire charged aiming a thrust for the back of his head. He narrowly dodged the thrust as blood was drawn from his cheek. Wade shifted his sword back thrusting it behind him. It struck the feral in the gut as he intensified the flames. It yelled in pain as the feral incinerated.

Observing Wade's technique the other ferals became more cautious in their attacks. This was meant to be an easy food grab, but they were already losing warriors. With the volley ensuing from the archers they started pushing the ferals back slightly.

"Pick of the stragglers with magic to keep the formation!" Wade ordered.

Examining the situation from the wall reinforcements were sent. Madison sat down to focus while the wind swirled around her. Two of the vampires next to her jumped down and began gathering mana. The two placed their hands in the air while focusing.

A giant sphere of water formed for one, and the other flames. The mystics began chanting as they lowered their hands towards each other. When the two magics neared they began swirling together as thick mist rapidly engulfed the area.

While it covered the battlefield the only thing you could see was the wall of flames. Madison opened her eyes slamming her hands together as she depleted the oxygen around the fire rapidly smothering it.

With the change in weather, Wade could barely see the foe in front of him, and it was only due to their red eyes. The vampires were unbothered by mist because they could focus on the heartbeats. If all the vampires were to descend they would be exterminated with ease. The reason they weren't joining was to reserve strength. They knew the other kingdoms would eventually come, and they needed to be prepared.

Under the harsh conditions, three members of the royal guard fell one after another. Wade had no choice but to retreat to the shield wall, but the ferals refused to let him escape so easily.

"Fall back, and prepare for impact!" Wade ordered.

The men dove behind the shield wall for cover while Wade placed a hand over his sword chanting. The blade began flaring as he swung it behind him letting off a large sword aura strike that left flames in its wake. It was roaring across the battlefield incinerating ferals, but the earth rose to stop its destruction. As the wall faded into the ground more vampires appeared, and some of Marcus's faction joined the battle.

Another volley was released from the archers, but the mystics redirected them away. The vampires were slowly closing in on the shield wall. With no progress against the earth wall, they were trapped. Wade raised his weapon refusing to surrender as he stared down the charging vampires. The men saw his resolve dug their feet into the ground gathering magic and held firm.