Chapter 54

On the wall stood the princess, and she was being held by Aleister. His hand was aiming for her throat ready to open it up, and Arthur was looking over in irritation. Arthur was the one watching over her and knew how kind the princess was.

Even with her father executed she still wished for peace. Arthur was good at reading others and knew it was genuine. After that, the two began talking a lot, and he realized her ideals match his mother's. Arthur understood this was war, but he still clenched his fist in anger seeing the way she was handled.

"Leave now or watch her head roll," Aleister said while drawing a trickle of blood from her neck.

Princess Emilia winced in pain as he pushed deeper. Aleister leaned in sampling the blood from her neck. Arthur saw this charging forward but was stopped by his sister. Arthur knew he couldn't stop either of them and could only watch.

"He's not bluffing we have to listen," Wade stated.

Ren looked over at Zack for approval, and he nodded. While they were leaving Zack remained. He looked up at Aleister staring him down. A massive killing intent was released across the battlefield.

"If you harm her there will be nothing that could save any of you! Now remove your hand!" Zack demanded.

Aleister knew it wasn't an empty threat, and he did as instructed. He tossed the princess to her keeper. Arthus cleaned her neck and took her back home, and all the vampires retreated inside. While Marcus was walking past Zack he reached out mentally.

"You have my word that no civilians will be hurt, and I'll consider your words."

Zack walked off following his comrades away from the city. He was lost in thought over the situation, and if the hostage could've been avoided. Even if he killed Marcus it wouldn't have prevented that situation.

With Marcus dead, it could only make matters worse. While they were walking home everyone was silent. They felt his immense aura and could tell Zack was upset. Ren walked over grabbing his hand.

"We will free them don't worry. Now lift your head." Ren reassured him with a smile.

"Thank you," Zack said as he lifted her hand to kiss it.

"Any ideas?" Vicente asked.

"The spell covering the city is blood magic, and we have a few books on it in the library. There might be a way to break it, but it won't be easy. Even if we could pull it off they would know to get the hostages immediately. We would have to catch them all outside at the same time for it to work." Zack replied.

"Holy power is capable of cleansing just about everything. Couldn't you break it yourself?" Vicente suggested.

"If I was at full power maybe. Right now it would a lot of time, and effort to try. Something like that would draw attention they would take cover." Zack answered.

"Thank you for saving us. Miles always spoke highly of you, and now I see why." Wade stated.

"He was a great man, and so was Alfred. We will rescue Emilia, and the people no matter what." Zack replied as they continued home.

When they arrived home everyone rushed to see what happened. Finding out the mission didn't succeed had people a little down. Valan set off to search for a way to break the blood magic. Zack was sitting in the tavern talking with Vicente, and Wade about tactics. While they were talking a guard came busting through the door.

"They're back!"

Zack took off for the gate with determination. Arriving at the gate he was surprised to see how many people they brought back. There was a group of twenty lizardmen most of them were women, eight honeybees huddled around their queen, ten nymphs with Eve, and a small brood of harpy women.

Next to Lilith was a shoggoth eyeing him up, and down as Zack approached them. Yu came charging at him pinning him to the ground while kissing him frantically. Yu stopped to gaze down at her mate with a beautiful smile across her face, and Zack placed his hand on her cheek lovingly.

"I've missed you so much," Zack smiled.

The two got up from the ground as she clung tightly to his arm. Zack went up to embrace Lilith and kiss her affectionately. All the new people crowded around to meet Zack. They knew Lilith was involved with the leader of their new home.

Observing her kiss Zack meant he was the leader, and all of them began sizing him up. Zack noticed a few of them had lustful eyes. He could guess who put those ideas into their head. When Zack looked back at the culprit Lilith smirked.

"Sorry, it took so long to get back. I forgot how to set the array, and some of them couldn't handle the road at night during this time of the year. I want you to meet Olivia. She was my former servant and wanted to continue her services here." Lilith said while calling her closer.

"I'll serve the master of the house in any way he desires," Olivia declared while bowing.

"That's not necessary. I want you to treat this place as your home," Zack told Oliva.

"I live to serve," Olivia replied with sincerity.

"Seriously it's what she loves to do. You don't wanna keep her from what she loves do you?" Lilith asked while Olivia gave puppy eyes.

"Of course not. Where is Kaya?" Zack questioned while looking around.

"She went off to see her dad as soon as we got in," Lilith replied.

"I'm gonna go see momma," Yu said while kissing Zack goodbye.

Zack told Lilith what happened and then went on to greet all the new people. The lizardmen and harpies took refuge in the mountains. The nymphs went to live with Eve in a large house close to the forest. The queen and her subjects were scouting the northern forest.

After Zack got them situated he went looking for Kaya and found her leaving the distillery. The second Zack saw her he rushed up to hug her.

"What are you doing?" Kaya asked in an irritated tone.

Zack knew better as he kissed her, and when their lips touched she wrapped her arms around him. Zack was starting to pull away as she pulled him back in. The two made out passionately as she was pinned to the wall. As Kaya pulled away she looked embarrassed and glanced around to look for an audience, but only a few people saw it.

"W-w-why did you do that..." Kaya asked as she looked away.

"I missed you," Zack said while turning her chin back gently.

"You did?" Kaya asked.

"Of course I did. When I didn't see you at the gate I was worried. I don't know what I would do if I lost one of you. Now let's go find the others. We need to discuss what you missed." Zack told Kaya while holding her hand.