Chapter 59

Arthur carried the princess up the steps as they entered the throne room. Behind the throne, Emilia directed a little magic at the stones behind it as they shifted. Some steps appeared leading to a dark tunnel as they slowly descended into it. Once they entered it fully the bricks shifted again closing behind them as a series of torches ignited their path.

"When we get outside I need to see some friends. Victoria's gonna need the help." Cassandra stated.

"What's in the letter?" Arthur asked.

"I didn't open it yet. It's not important right now." Cassandra replied as they continued.

They walked for twenty minutes as they reached a large boulder. On the wall was a lever, and when they pulled it a path was opened. Once they got out to look around they noticed they were twenty feet from the wall.

Cassandra showed them which direction to find their friends as she took off. With barely two hours till sunrise, they needed to rush. She found the barrier to tell the others of the plan.

"I'll escort the princess," Haruna announced as she took off.

"I've always been good at distractions," Zack said as he readied his armor.

Victoria was discreetly traveling through the city towards the gate and guarding it was six ferals. There was a large inn close to the gate that housed the children, and standing before it was the rest of the guards watching the streets.

Victoria was meant to be guarding elsewhere, and three of her companions were assigned as messengers, and If they were detected it could ruin everything. If Victoria gets caught alone it could be seen as a rogue act of defiance, but if they were seen it would become clear the plan Madison laid out was filled with treachery. Outside the wall, a figure could be seen dashing at a distance.

"Did you see that?"

"Could just be a wolf, but let's check it out."

'Right on time.' Victoria smiled.

The guards from the gate walked out as Victoria took action. She placed her hand out as a sphere of water formed. As she closed her hand condensing the sphere, and separating it into two small orbs. Victoria flicked two fingers as the orbs took off piercing their skulls.

Before the others could react Victoria snapped her fingers. The orbs expanded exploding their heads in an instant. The group dashed out of the city while Victoria searched for the children. After a brief search, she found them huddled in a corner overwhelmed with fear.

"Let's go," Victoria demanded holding her hand out.

The kids refused to budge and flinched seeing her hand move closer. They either called for their parents or shuddered on the ground. Victoria had only one option to get them out quickly. Victoria's eyes began glowing as she placed her hand out blowing.

A purple mist engulfed the children as their eyes went hazy. All of them got up forming an organized line. It was simple hypnosis used for feeding discreetly, and wouldn't harm them. Victoria looked out from the inn, and everything was clear. All the kids began rushing for a house by the gate.

As Victoria was glancing out the gate a group of ferals was coming to relieve the gate guards. Looking out the gate she noticed it was clear, and her companions were in the woods waiting. Victoria sent the kids in their direction as she prepared to defend the exit.

Victoria started gathering mana as two figures dashed by. Zack with a flick of his hand restricted their movements, and Kintaro dashed by beheading them before they could make a noise. Kintaro stared at the blade forming from Zack's gauntlet.

"Nice blade. Where do I get one?" Kintaro smirked as they headed for the gate.

"Special club. Let's get going." Zack replied as they dashed off.

"Are the kids okay?" Victoria asked.

"They are being escorted to the array now," Kintaro replied as they dashed into the forest.

"Once everyone's through I'll destroy it, and head for home," Zack stated as they approached the mirage.

"I was worried you weren't coming back," Cassandra said as she hugged Victoria.

"Your friends here kept me from staying behind. Thank you by the way." Victoria told her saviors while examining her surroundings.

"Everyone step through the array, and head for the tavern," Zack announced.

Most of the present company seem hesitant about entering, but with the sun coming soon they didn't have an option. Everyone went through disappearing, but Zack stayed to gather the core of the array and went flying home. On the way back he began strategizing a way to get the final citizens rescued. He would've rushed for them now, but Cassandra said the guards would rise soon.

Getting to the center of the town unnoticed would be too difficult, and dangerous to those remaining. Zack was tired from the long day making it difficult to think properly as he dashed home. When he was flying over the gate the sun was starting to rise, and Zack landed at the tavern. Waiting for Zack inside were the vampires, Haruna's group, and Vicente.

"Saw all the kids heading towards the pavilions, and with the princess secure it's a good start. We should gather the forces pushing in now to finish this." Vicente announced.

"I agree," Kintaro said while cleaning his blade.

"No nighttime is better. Did you not tell them about the letter?" Victoria asked while glancing at Cassandra.

"Not yet," Cassandra replied.

"Not sure exactly what's in it, but I know part of the plan. Tonight they will be splitting to attack a nearby village. With fewer soldiers in the city, it would be much easier to secure the hostages." Victoria declared.

"Setting up an ambush before they arrive at the village would help greatly. That way no innocents get hurt, and they won't have reinforcement, but the citizens are still at risk. If we push into the city they will just grab a hostage again." Zack replied.

"There's a passage into the throne room, and I can show it to you," Emilia said as she tried to stand.

Zack saw her struggle to stand so he walked up to Emilia extending his hand, and Arthur looked at him cautiously. He witnessed how strong Zack was from the wall, and was still unsure if he could be trusted.

"Your group might wanna step back for this." Zack cautioned.

Arthur drew his sword pointing it at Zack, but Emilia raised her hand stopping him. She has met Zack many times in the past two years. King Arthur would've died long ago if it wasn't due to Zack's healing. The other vampires were unsure of Zack's request but listened anyway.

Emilia reached her hand out grabbing his hand as Zack's eyes went gold, and holy energy enveloped her. The color came back to Emilia's cheeks, and the strength returned to her grip. The vampires seeing the light instinctively covering themselves in the corner.

To them, it was as if a small sun was in the room, and if a single ray of light pointed in their direction it would mean certain death. Victoria knew why they all feared him from the wall. She has witnessed angels fighting before, and would never forget the sight of their power unleashed on the battlefield.

"How do you feel?" Zack asked.

"Much better thank you," Emilia replied.

"I'm sorry about your father. He deserved to go out in his bed with those precious around him, and I wish I could've been there to prevent all of this. I always knew they were gonna push it too far one day." Zack said while clenching his fist.

Emilia began sobbing as she embraced Zack. When Arthur saw how close they were he looked the other way while gripping his sword. Cassandra saw his reaction placing her hand on his shoulder with a smile.

"Don't give me that look," Arthur told Cassandra while knocking her hand away.

"I'm sorry I've been holding it in. There's a way inside, and it will lead you to the throne room. They wouldn't see you coming, and you could reach the people before they notice. I'll show you where it is." Emilia said while wiping her tears.

"No, I'll show him. You need to be somewhere safe." Arthur declared while averting his gaze.

"I agree with him. I have an idea, but I'll need someone discreet." Zack stated while glancing at the shinobi.

"I'll handle it," Kintaro replied stepping forward.

"No, you should lead the others in defending the village. I studied the array closely already." Haruna said while walking towards Zack.

"You catch on quick, but it only works with cores I make," Zack smirked while handing her the core.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to keep the information discreet and return it after." Haruna replied with a blank expression.

Zack went on to describe his plan to the others, and have the information spread properly. Vicente set off to inform the guards and all those involved in tonight's plan. Emilia set off to look at the surroundings, and check on the children.

The vampires took refuge in the rooms upstairs to rest in for tonight's battle. With a sense of security, Cassandra retrieved her letter. She hesitated opening it due to the handwriting. It belonged to Madison, and all she could see was her father's head rolling. Cassandra gathered her resolve as she opened it.