Chapter 61

Zack was walking into the mansion after saying hello to the kids. While walking up the steps he saw Lilith coming from his room. She smiled as the two embraced by the steps.

"Kaya walked into your room with such confidence. I knew she couldn't hold out for long. I thought you two should get some alone time," Lilith teased as she kissed him.

"Gather the others, and find Vicente. I'll see you later." Zack smiled as he squeezed Lilith's ass.

Zack walked into the room seeing Kaya in his bed waiting. After he undressed he crawled up beside her. Kaya rolled over placing her arm over his chest.

"Sorry for avoiding the private bath. Was too tired to attempt anything." Zack said while caressing her ass.

"I know you've been fighting hard today, and just cuddling with you is fine with me." Kaya smiled as she clung to his body.

Zack explained the plan for tonight as they drifted to sleep together. While they were in bed Eve was focusing on the divine tree's growth, and the fruits were slowly becoming visible. Eve was unsure of their type yet, but they were golden.

With her efforts for today finished, Eve went searching for the queen bee Christina. Three water nymphs were nearby picking places to have springs flourish, and creating small lakes. The three wood nymphs were improving the quality of the forest expanding the trees, and vegetation to available areas.

'It's starting to look like home around here.'Eve smiled and waved at her friends.

All of the honey bees were surveying the forest as their queen walked with the land nymphs. Christina decided to build her hive up from inside the ground around a set of six bulky trees. After the cavern was carefully carved beneath it the honeybees went to work. By midday, Christina managed to make a massive hive in the corner of the forest. She walked towards Eve to give her gratitude.

Christina was wearing a skimpy purple dress that showed her elegant legs. She had four arms covered in black, and yellow patterns. From her back protruded two large wings, on her head were tiny antennas and a large stinger could be seen between her thigh gap.

When Christina approached Eve she embraced her passionately. Eve was smothered between her large breast catching an alluring fragrance off her skin.

"Thank you so much. We will make ourselves useful here we promise. Did you gather all the seeds?" Christina asked.

"Yes, they were given to the others and should be blooming next month. Just be sure to help instill them with manners, and issues of privacy. Keep in mind there are children around here, and the chief doesn't appreciate indecent behavior in public." Eve replied.

"I'll be sure to tell everyone else. Now can you tell me the place to find men around here?" Christina asked with a smirk.

"During the day everyone is working, and the kids are running around. So your best bet is the tavern after work hours. The single workers tend to congregate there nightly so any day will do. Just bring them to the hive, or join them at their place. If you get caught in public don't be surprised if you get scolded. Other than that you're free to do what you like here." Eve replied as she left to continue her work.

'Hope she stays out of trouble.'

Eve was on her way up the mountain to assist Sun with her project. In her pocket were the seeds for pears, apples, and bananas. With Eve's skills growing in the mountain would be no challenge. When the kakuens saw her coming they began jumping excitedly.

They got plenty of food from town, but growing their own food was a new experience. Less foraging allows them to have more time for hunting, and their nightly activities with the civilians. The more Eve stayed around the estate and used her abilities the stronger they grew. With this in mind, she stayed hard at work. There was no way she would allow another home to be destroyed.

Back in the central district, Rolen was bringing five plates of mithril into the forge. He finished the engravings last night and had them soaking in the sun. Rolen set them up on the forge as he prepared his materials for tonight's work. After he finished Rolen went up to his room to clean himself and take a nap.

The list for the auction was almost complete, and Rolen was ahead of schedule. He still wanted to get finished soon so he could have more time for personal projects. Rolen always wanted to keep his hands busy with something, and working in the forge made him feel close to his father.

Ever since Rolen began working with Zack his status in the clan rose. Rolen was a key figure in the city, and they were all proud of his exceptional work. Rolen rarely took time off from work, and on average would sleep three hours a night.

Rolen would use only one day to rest, and feast with the others. To him, it was necessary to recharge his brain and remember why he worked so hard. Witnessing their people coming together, and building a community with others made him smile. Rolen knew his partnerships with Zack help protect this paradise and wanted to continue doing so.

While Rolen was working hard every day one person watched closely in admiration. Thea saw how devoted he was to his people, and how strong his work ethic was. Even with all his hard work, Rolen would find the time to help her. He would show Thea new methods to improve her work and always give her a warm smile when entering the forge. To him, Thea was an irreplaceable partner who shared his passion.

Thea was coming back from a bath and stopped by the forge. Thea was wearing leather pants, a white blouse, and a leather apron tied around her waist holding her tools. While walking in she saw Rolen's door closed.

It was rare for Rolen to rest during the day like this, and Thea gathered the courage to go up to his door. Thea took her hair down, placed her apron neatly on a rack, and adjusted her blouse revealing her cleavage.

'I can do this.' Thea pumped herself up.

Rolen was in the process of changing his shirt as a knock came from the door. When he opened it Thea had her arms around her stomach and was averting her eye. The first thing Rolen noticed was how beautiful she was with her hair down. Then he noticed Thea's cleavage being pushed up by her arm. His face went red as he tried to maintain eye contact.

"You can get started if you want. I'll be d-down in a minute." Rolen stuttered backing into the room.

While working in the forge Rolen's glanced at her body a few times. She would wear a white blouse and sweat so much it was hard not to. Rolen wanted to rest a little but now needed to relieve some pressure. As he was reaching to close the door Thea stepped forward.

"Can I come in for a little?" Thea asked while fidgeting.

"Y-yeah. Sorry for the mess." Rolen said as he began picking clothes up.

"It's okay you work so much it's understandable. Come sit with me." Thea said as she walked towards the bed.

Rolen was extremely nervous as he walked over to join. His father spent a lot of time teaching him many skills, but dealing with women wasn't one of them. Rolen sat next to her, but with quite a distance between them.

Thea scooted in closer leaning against his arm and looked over at him with a nervous look. Rolen was looking down the splendid slopes and could almost see the light pink tips. He was so distracted he didn't notice Thea leaning in to kiss him.