Chapter 63

"Everyone is to follow this man's orders as if they were mine. Is that understood?" Vicente pointed towards Kintaro while addressing his men.

"Yes sir. I'm just glad we get to see some action finally. My men enjoy the booze here, but been itching for a fight." Harald replied.

Harald was a large man with long blonde hair, a heavy beard, and bright blue eyes. He wore a set of leather armor with runes engraved onto them that radiated magic. On his back was a large shield with Cerebus guild emblem, a gladius on his hip, and a battleax in his hands.

Harald is one of the four captains of Cerebus, and he was charged with leading the defense against the targeted village. Kintaro watched the soldiers preparing carefully.

"Your men have substantial magic, and gear for a guild your size. Having them with us will surely lead to success." Kintaro stated.

"Our improvements have been due to working for this place. They are all well trained but have been out of combat since winter. If they give you any issues just let me know." Vicente said as he walked towards the forge.

"I'll meet you at the briefing later," Kintaro replied as he walked off with the others.

Vicente walked into the forge seeing the two hard at work. It didn't take long for him to recognize the different atmosphere. He was pondering over the reason for the sudden change while examining them quietly.

The two were working in sync like usual, but Rolen seemed nervous. This puzzled Vicente because Rolen always worked calmly even under intense situations. That's when Vicente saw Thea's smile, and a smirk went across his face.

"You been playing with something hot?" Vicente asked with a devious grin.

Rolen heard this missing his target striking the anvil, and Thea had an embarrassed smile on her face while staring at the floor. Vicente knew he found the source of their change. He thought Rolen was a workaholic, and it never occurred that he was interested in women. All Vicente's offers to join for drinks, and searching for women were all shut down.

"Y-yeah I finished some special weapons to use against the vampires," Rolen replied while walking towards the plates.

"I'm gonna take a walk to cool down a little," Thea stated promptly leaving the forge.

"What are the plates for?" Vicente asked.

Rolen grabbed one of them and retrieved his enchanting tools. He etched into the plate the word reveal in elven. Once the word vanished the plate began to glow as various spellwork that he engraved earlier appeared.

"Is this how you made my swords?" Vicente asked.

"No this a new method I'm using. For your weapons, I didn't use these tools, but I should be able to make alterations to them now. These are all ready to be weapons, but I'm waiting to find out what weapons to turn them into. I have the handle materials ready to go just waiting on Zack." Rolen replied as he returned the plate to its normal state.

"You truly are gifted," Vicente stated.

"It's mostly due to the tools Zack provided from the auction," Rolen replied admiring his artifacts.

"Don't undersell your talent. Even with the tools, it's still your spellwork and ingenuity. Everyone praises your work, and my men dream of owning one of your pieces." Vicente praised.

"Thank you." Rolen smiled.

Vicente pulled him in closer with a smirk on his face.

"You two did something right?" Vicente asked with a grin.

Rolen slipped out from his grasp as his face went red.

"It's none of your business." Rolen retorted.

"Don't be embarrassed it's a natural thing. Plus she's a beautiful woman, and having the same passion is a good foundation to build from. Judging by the awkwardness earlier you didn't go all the way. A friendly piece of advice don't wait that long to make a move. They start to get insecure, and the full moon is coming. You know how easily swayed the monster species are by the moon. She could find someone else, or experiment with Zack's group." Vicente teased as he walked out.

Vicente just wanted to give Rolen a push. Over the last week, the two would talk frequently about weapon ideas. During the talks, he noticed how shy Rolen could be. With all the equipment upgrades Rolen's done for the guild he wanted to help him out.

'A little competition might help him take action.'

It was early afternoon while Yu was playing on the mountain with Pan. When they were returning home the leader of the harpies was chatting with Sun. Her name is Andrea and she possessed a petite frame. Despite her appearance, she's been their leader for over thirty years.

Andrea has tan skin, teal eyes, short ruby hair, and wings. From her shins down were armored talons, and from Andrea's biceps sprouted majestic wings. She was wearing a short black tank top and tiny silk shorts.

When they first approached the harpies they were all nude, but Yu made them loincloths to wear into town. Upon their arrival Destiny put all her effort into new clothes, but it was only the basics to be able to wander the city in the presence of the children.

Sun was discussing the same rules Eve informed Christina about. Even the kakuens were used to the rules now, and would frequently bring men home from the tavern. With the extra workers from Julius's village, it was easy for them to find willing candidates.

The harpies wanted to know the courting customs in the city before the mating season. This made the conversation an important matter to Andrea, and she struggled to not lose focus. Andrea was also wanting one of their tribe to mate with Zack. To them, this would secure them a safe position to stay in this newfound paradise. Andrea wasn't sure how they should approach him just yet.

Yu saw how late it was getting, and left Pan with the others. She descended the mountain heading home to see Zack. While walking into the room she saw Kaya in the bed. It was the first time Yu saw Kaya wanting to be intimate.

Moving quietly through the room Yu undressed crawling under the covers to cuddle against Zack and placed his arm between her breast. Yu began stroking his dick with her tail as she rubbed her pussy against his hand. Yu continued to pleasure herself moaning softly to avoid waking those around her.