Chapter 76

"How did Yu perform tonight?" Sun asked everyone at the table.

"She was a little reckless for a moment but that's to be expected given the circumstances. I look forward to fighting by her side again." Kaya replied while grabbing Yu's hand discreetly.

"Yu led the charge but still protected those around her. Her defense is solid even when outnumbered, and she definitely has the qualities of a leader. I think she could even take your position if you wanna retire." Zack told Sun while smiling at Yu.

"You really think I'm at that age already?" Sun asked trailing her hand up his thigh.

"I didn't mean it like that. When I first met you I thought Yu was your sister." Zack replied halting her hand.

"Is that so? You say these things, and expect me to stop." Sun stated as she leaned in closer.

Sun reached down grabbing Zack directly, and firmly. It caused him to jump, and the others knew why. By the expressions on their faces, it was obvious. Andrea watched carefully as she walked closer. Yu gave her a mother simple glance that halted her actions.

"You share with so many already, but still give me such looks." Sun sighed pulling her hand back to the table.

"You need to set a better example for the new residents," Yu declared nodding towards Andrea.

"Why did they stop?" Andrea asked as she sat next to Yu.

"It's only to be done at home, or somewhere private," Yu replied.

"Nice to meet you. Would've introduced myself sooner, but there were problems to deal with first. Is everyone settling okay?" Zack asked with a smile.

"We do need one thing, but it would be easier to show you. If you have the time tomorrow stop by and see us." Andrea replied with a smile.

Ren walked back over sliding a chair up to the end. She grabbed the sake from the table filling Zack's cup with a smile. Zack could tell by the look in her eyes she was excited about the new drink. Normally Ren would keep such a treasure for herself. Seeing her leave it at the table to share it with their comrades made him happy. Zack reached over grabbing her hand.

"You sure you wanna share all of it? I'm fine with drinking something else." Zack asked.

"Something like this is more enjoyable with others, and It was a gift for you after all," Ren replied as she continued.

Ren stopped when she reached Andea's cup. Oni would often taste alcohol at a young age, but they were more durable. Knowing every race had its own customs she didn't wanna be rude.

"Is she really supposed to be in here this late?" Ren asked looking towards Zack.

"Andrea is the leader of the harpies and is older than us both," Zack replied.

Sun pinched Zack's side roughly and twisted. He winced in pain scooting away swiftly.

"You should learn the proper way to speak about a woman's age," Sun said with a threatening smile.

The women at the table began laughing as they all enjoyed their drinks. Back at Vicente's table, they had a new visitor. Christina could feel the powerful auras coming from their table, and seeing it mostly made of men it was her ideal spot.

Christina was sitting between Vicente and Harald observing those at the table closely. They had just finished discussing the battles that took place. The two people receiving the most praise were Harald and Silas.

"One person your missing is Asad here. Even with one arm, he didn't lose ground for a minute. Without his help, they could've hit our support with ease. Thanks to his efforts I could focus on those in front of me." Harald announced lifting his cup to Asad.

"Why didn't you take a breather at least?" Vicente asked.

"It is my duty to protect Kintaro, and nothing will change that. I would gladly give the other one to ensure his safety," Asad replied.

Christina switched spots pressing up against him firmly. To her, Asad was the ideal candidate. He is a powerful warrior and the desire to serve his charge without fear. Producing children from Asad would ensure hard workers, and help ensure their survival. After the dragon attack majority of the hive was wiped out. This made finding the ideal candidate crucial.

"Your devotion to your master is admirable, and this type of dedication deserves a reward. Wanna take a walk?" Christina asked with a captivating smile.

"It's already pretty late," Asad replied keeping his composure.

"She's royalty you know, and one of the leaders here. Do you really have the right to refuse that being a guest and all?" Vicente asked with a smirk.

Vicente was lying about the leader part, but Asad didn't know that. He could tell Asad was interested but refused to act while on duty. All of the shinobi visiting were too uptight so he wanted to mess with them and get them to loosen up. Asad knew how important maintaining their relationship was and it had been a long time since his last rendezvous.

"I have been curious about the city. I've only seen the tavern and the front gate." Asad got up extending his hand.

"I'm still learning the place myself, but I know one place you would like." Christina smiled taking his hand.

"You love messing with people a little too much," Harald stated while chugging his drink.

"The man lost an arm fighting beside us and deserves a little reward. I assure you he will have no complaints. Lucky bastard." Vicente smirked watching them leave.

"You never had a problem with picking women up before. So what's the problem? Unless it's love first at first sight." Harald laughed with the rest of the men.

They all knew his womanizer nature and knew settling for one woman wouldn't happen.

"You don't know much about the species, do you. A queen will mate all night long till her partner can no longer produce. To ensure this is possible they have a ritual. All of her companions will tend to Asad's every need, and ensure he can rebound for another round. When that no longer works they have other methods. The honey they produce has many effects, and one of them is a powerful aphrodisiac when applied to his equipment. There will be no rest for him tonight only ecstasy. She was scoping us all out closely, but we were bested. Now, do you understand my envy?" Vicente asked returning to his drink.

Asad was walking into the forest with Christina and was busy admiring the beauty of his surroundings. For a forest, this large to exist inside a walled city mesmerized him. They neared the hive, and when he entered the others were waiting.

They all swarmed up clinging to Asad and undressing him carefully. They all had a sweet fragrance and touched his body so delicately. He was no virgin, but never had so many women clinging to him. Asad prepared himself for what was coming. This was another duty he was happy to fulfill.