Chapter 86

"I told you he got one." Mero bragged from her table.

"Are the humans here really friendly?" Harvey asked glancing around cautiously.

"Everyone has been kind to me since my arrival. Usually, there are fewer humans but they were attacked recently, and the rest are only working here for the winter. Humans would be the minority here." Mero replied.

"You should calm down hun. Elves wouldn't live here if they couldn't be trusted. Look around we aren't the only ones from the sea either. See how they treat Lydia." Laura pointed out.

Everyone was crowding around Lydia's booth giving praises, and some even flirting with her. He noticed the land was thriving, and their leader was socializing with the people. All around them different species sat together drinking and smiling amongst each other.

They even witnessed a few humans cuddling together with the kakuens. Harvey wasn't the only one to take notice of this either. The civilians from Stormhaven were observing the environment closely talking amongst each other.

"They always said kakuens are demon monkeys that kidnapped humans. All of them seem so nice and are so beautiful. Especially the one that was helping today. If I knew that sooner I would've gone searching the mountainsides. Being kidnapped wouldn't be so bad."

"It really is possible to live together. We should've made the change years ago."

"That food smells so good."

"I hear the workers mentioning high wages for fieldwork. Think they need more?"

"Where did this place come from?"

Zack and his companions were all helping to serve the food to the tables. The biggest commodity tonight was the lobster. Such a meal was usually reserved for nobility, but there was enough to go around.

All the sea dwellers were captivated by the flavor of it and desperately tried to figure a way to hunt them efficiently. Once everyone was settled Zack took a seat at the table with Emilia, his companions, and the other leaders. Accompanying the seat next to him was Yuki snugged firmly against him.

"Tomorrow I'll be leaving with most of my men, but don't worry others are circulating. With the leadership in Invictus fallen, we are gonna hit their dungeons." Vicente announced to Zack.

"Will you pass on the message that they are banned from Stormhaven." Emilia requested.

"I'll accompany him, and give it personally," Wade replied.

"Are you still going to Blackreach this week?" Lilith asked.

"I sent a message to Mephisto ensuring an inventory for the auction so I need to make an appearance. It's supposed to be a large turnout, and even people from the other kingdoms are arriving. The news of last month's items spread really fast, and since then the business has shot up. I have a few deals to make so it will be an overnight trip." Zack replied.

"I'll be sending for proper accommodations then," Lilith said while calling Olivia over.

"There's no need Mephisto offered us to stay at his estate," Zack stated.

"How may I serve the master tonight?" Olivia bowed at Zack.

"You can drop the master, and join us to eat." Zack smiled.

"I can't do the first one. You are my master and deserve to be addressed with respect. If you wish me to dine with the others I will oblige." Olivia smiled and bowed before she left.

"Master huh? That sounds fun." Vicente teased.

"I've tried talking her out of it trust me. I still think it's someone's influencing." Zack said glancing towards Lilith.

"No, I've heard of shoggoths serving kings with great devotion. They thrive on service, and once agreeing to a master they won't cease till ordered. Even if you stopped her she would find another person to serve who may be less kind." Wade announced while sampling the whiskey.

"Told you," Lilith smirked.

"Can't blame me for thinking it. You have to admit you do it quite often." Zack criticized.

"I'm just good at reading vibes, and sometimes nudge people in the right direction," Lilith said while glancing at Emilia, and Arthur.

"Did you send word to the council yet?" Arthur asked averting Lilith's gaze.

"I did, and the prisoners should be transferred tonight. It's why Victoria remained behind." Madison replied sipping her chalice.

"What will they do with them?" Emilia asked.

"Death by sunlight more than likely. That's if they are being merciful." Cassandra replied while examining their surroundings.

"Is Vlad still the head or has he gone into slumber again?" Valan asked.

"He's awake, and it's why mercy is off the table in this ruling. Few are brave enough to vote against him." Madison replied.

"If you wish to join us you can. All who wish to leave peacefully are welcome here, and the blood supply wouldn't be an issue either." Zack offered.

Madison and her siblings were discussing the matter. Cassandra was pushing for the move, and Arthur stood firmly beside her. He knew it was the best course of action to be with Emilia.

"We need to return home to ensure everyone's safety first. We only left a few warriors behind to protect it in our absence. Thank you for saving me, and let me know how I can repay you." Madison declared leaning in closely displaying her cleavage.

Emilia rolled her eyes seeing this. She could understand the appeal of Zack, but how could he openly be with so many. There was already one woman on his arm, and it was clear Lilith was a part as well. Emilia couldn't understand how they weren't upset at Madison's advances.

"You know it would be sharing with six others right?" Arthur cautioned.

"Then what's the harm in one more." Madison pressed against Zack touching his thigh.

"You have the wrong number for one, and do you really wanna be judging someone's morality?" Lilith smirked at Arthur.

"How is prince Edward by the way?" Lilith asked Emilia while shooting a devious grin at Arthur.

Arthur went silent refusing to look her way. He recalled Olivia seeing them, and Lilith had been giving him odd glances all night. It was clear they were exposed, and he indeed had no right to judge.

"H-h-e was fine last I heard." Emilia stuttered with a flushed face.

"What does Lord Ozen think about your partner?" Arthur asked wanting to gain some leverage back.

"He accepts it wholeheartedly and encourages marriage," Lilith smirked as Zack spit out his whiskey.

"When did he say that?" Zack investigated unsure if it was another game.

"He said it when we visited. Her papa looks scary, but he seemed nice." Yu smiled.

"If that were to happen it would be unprecedented. The union would surely cause confusion with the treaty, and It would be interesting to see how it was handled. The angels could only complain since it's not restricted. I believe the last treaty was designed to hinder things in the demon territories. The angels seem to be having no issues between their kingdoms." Kintaro announced.

"I've pondered the same thing. Everyone down there follows a religious order and openly worships the angels. Anything they suggest would be accepted as law, but the demons must tiptoe around everything." Zack replied glad he wasn't the only one seeing their shady deeds.

"Father realized this too, and it's why he is ushering for change. Many demons are still too stubborn, and mischievous." Lilith declared chugging her drink.

"Yeah, you get that way quite often." Zack teased as Lilith stomped at his foot.

While they were talking everyone was mingling becoming familiar with one another. Even the mermaids began to relax greeting some of the others. Harvey seemed to focus on Zack more than anything.

Harvey was aware Mero was involved with him, and he noticed their table filled with many leaders of different tribes that all seemed to coexist. Harvey knew it would need to be reported to their people right away. He only struggled with a way to convince them it wasn't a lie.