Chapter 95

The villagers came charging forward to reunite with their families and neighbors. Tamiko looked at Zack's group in reverence seeing everyone returned safely. They managed to fight off so many people while avoiding lethal force and managed to capture one of the assailants alive. She was expecting there to be casualties under the dire circumstances.

As the families reunited they notice most of the villagers appeared malnourished. Elliot only gave them enough to not collapse so they could perform their duties. Zack looked around and could tell they were struggling with resources as they distributed food. He retrieved several barrels from his ring as they looked over with curiosity.

"You are welcome to the food here," Zack announced lifting the lids from the barrels.

"You've already done so much for us, and we can't afford to pay you anymore," Tamiko said while ordering her men forward with the reward.

"I didn't do this for the money. We came here to form relations and help if needed. So I insist." Zack declared handing food to the children.

"Come on let's help out," Kaya announced to the others.

Zack's comrades began sorting the food out making sure everyone received a sufficient amount. When the men tried to load the chest into their wagon he halted them. Tamiko couldn't understand why he would help so much.

As their people began to examine the barrels they were thrilled to see the selections. The one to gather the most attention was the one containing fresh fish. They had rivers trailing through the valley, but the selection was limited.

"If you don't want money what do you want?" Tamiko investigated.

"I'm sure the princess has told you already. We are simply looking for like-minded individuals. Mind if we discuss a few things?" Zack asked.

Tamiko nodded as she directed Zack to her house. The others stayed behind as Ren began asking around about the sake. Once they entered her chambers Tamiko ordered her people to vacate.

Walking up to a nearby curtain Tamiko took off the fur coat revealing her dazzling form and placed it neatly over it. She reached up pulling the pin from her hair as the elegant black hair fell down her back, and she walked up to Zack seductively. Zack wiped the blood from his nose as she reaching down his pants.

"Is this a form of gratitude your willing to accept, or will one of the women outside grow jealous," Tamiko whispered rubbing through his pants.

"One of them would grow jealous, and two would probably watch," Zack replied halting her hand.

"Then it's best to not incur their wrath. Some interesting companions you surround yourself with. Perhaps I'm too old for you anyway." Tamiko said while retrieving her cloak.

"Not at all. You are a very beautiful woman, and it wasn't easy to halt your hand. I just think it could cause issues in being allies." Zack stated.

'Especially if Kaya saw this right now.'

"It could bind us closer together," Tamiko smiled while dressing herself.

"The chains binding the prisoner keep him from using magic. I'm sure you wish to handle the punishment yourself, but know this the chains cant be removed. With that said I do have one favor I would like to ask." Zack declared approaching her.

"What's that?" Tamiko asked preparing to undress again.

"One of my partners really wants more of the sake you gave us. Do you think someone could show us how to produce it?" Zack inquired.

"That shouldn't be difficult but it wouldn't be till spring," Tamiko replied.

"We don't have to wait that long. The place we come from is unique, and if it's okay with you I can set an array to help you visit when it's convenient. I know you have other matters to attend to right now." Zack suggested.

"If you wanna set it up in here that would be okay. There is an empty space in the backroom." Tamiko said while leading Zack.

Zack retrieved the necessary items quickly going to work as Tamiko watched carefully. She was aware arrays could only port short distances, but his confidence was infectious. She kept her doubts silent as he finished his work.

"Does it work like a normal portal?" She asked.

Zack nodded extending his hand for her to grab it. They both stepped on it appearing outside the gate of Eden. Tamiko was confused seeing their surroundings completely altered. From the gate she could see fields being worked, and how their land was still fertile. Before she could question anything he activated it again sending them back.

"You and your people are free to visit whenever you like. We are working on establishing a proper welcoming station. From the portal at my place, you can reach Stormhaven or another ally of mine named Julius." Zack said as they walked back to the table.

"The satyr?" Tamiko asked.

"Yes, do you know him?" Zack investigated.

"Only by reputation. We may have stayed secluded in the valley, but we still had scouts in the area. Knowing when the next war started was crucial after all. If they are friends of yours I'm sure they can be trusted. Now you mentioned wanting some sake. We have a stock we can send you till we can get some workers to help you." Tamiko declared as they left her home.

"If you need more food don't hesitate to ask. We have more than we know what to do with lately." Zack offered.

"Thank you for everything you've done, and I look forward to our relationship." Tamiko smiled giving another bow.

All of the civilians bow and gave their thanks. Without their help, most of them would've died from exhaustion or exposure to the elements. Not only was everyone returned safely, but the collection they gathered was returned.

They spent generations wary of outsiders but they knew it was time to change. Kaya saw the smile Tamiko was giving and gave Zack a stern look. She walked over clinging to him clearly making it known he was taken. Tamiko continued her glances unbothered by her actions.

"Go to the storage, and retrieve two cases for our friends here. Make sure to grab the good stuff." Tamiko ordered.

"Does she mean the sake?" Ren asked.

Zack nodded as she snagged him from Kaya. Ren lifted him embracing him tightly as the sound of his back cracking echoed through the street. Everyone looked over with a concerned look on their face, and Ren put him down carefully.

"I'm so sorry I forgot about the transformation." Ren rubbed the back of her head embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Kaya ran to his side glaring at Ren. This wasn't the first occurrence of her injuring Zack since the start of his recovery. During the first week, she fractured his hips by riding him roughly, and a week after that she smothered him in her sleep.

In his weakened state, it was a little tougher to endure, but Zack felt it was worth it. Those were only a few examples. Kaya had yet to see how much he recovered worried the injury would take a day to heal.

"You need to be more careful!" Kaya shouted.

"It's alright I'm almost back to full power. Something like this is trivial." Zack said healing his wounds.

Kaya was still upset, and he could tell she was preparing another rant. Seeing how concerned Kaya is about his well-being put a smile on his face, but he still didn't wish for his partners to squabble. Zack turned her attention to him kissing her passionately.

Kaya was caught up in the kiss forgetting her surroundings. The sound of young women giggling broke the trance as her face went red. She could be so crude sometimes Zack would forget how beautiful her embarrassed expression is.

"Thank you for your concern but it's okay really." Zack smiled.

Ren was covering her stomach scared to make eye contact. Zack was good at making her feel like a normal lady that sometimes Ren forgets how powerful she is. In the back of her mind, she was always worried Zack would see how brutish she was, and no longer have an interest. Zack could see the concern on Ren's face. He walked up to her grabbing her hand kissing it tenderly.

"There's nothing wrong with me look," Zack replied moving around casually.

"But I.."

Zack grabbed Ren's ass firmly as she looked into his eyes.

"I love how strong you are, and wouldn't change a single thing about you. Guess what?" Zack said with a smirk.

"What?" Ren investigated.

"The waystation is set up already, and in a few days, they will come to teach us how to make it. I knew whatever they gave us today wouldn't last long." Zack teased.

"You did that for me?" Ren asked as her eyes began to water.

Zack nodded activating his grace. Ren knew he did this so she could hug, and squeeze as hard as she wants. She picked Zack up filled with joy squeezing tightly and swinging him around. Kaya saw this just shaking her head with a faint smile. They loaded everything into the wagon and started their trip home.