Chapter 99

Zack and his companions were at the tables close to the forest. They were watching the kids play, and discussing building plans. While they were discussing ideas Rolen was walking up with Asad.

"What time are we leaving?" Rolen investigated.

"We will be on the road by lunch. How did the project go?" Zack asked glancing at Asad.

Asad focused calling forth his artifact as an arm of pure mithril appeared. It didn't resemble armor in the slightest. With Rolen's artifacts, he was able to replicate a realistic arm. Asad lifted the arm-waving at Zack.

It truly was an artificial limb causing Kintaro and the others to stare in wonder. The kids began crowding to watch the commotion. Asad reached back drawing his kodachi with little effort.

"You truly are a genius," Zack told Rolen.

"Launch a little magic," Rolen suggested.

Zack raised his hand shooting a simple fireball in Asad's direction. Asad extended the arm catching the blast in the palm of his hand. The arm began to shine as the fireball was quickly absorbed, and a strange marker appeared on the forearm. The other two accompanying Kintaro became filled with envy seeing this.

"That's impressive work for two days. What are the markers for?" Zack asked.

"They mark the level of power stored, and It draws from it to power the weapon I installed. I took note of the drain your gauntlet took and made adjustments to this model. Not everyone has your level of mana after all." Rolen replied nodding towards Asad.

Asad focused as a katar made of mana protruded from the end of his hand. While it was active the marker on the side began to slowly fade away. He deactivated the katar walking up towards Zack. Asad gave a deep bow towards Rolen and Zack.

"Thank you for this gift. If there's any way I can repay this gratitude just name it." Asad declared.

Zack looked at Rolen letting him decide, but he had no desire for material things. None of the gold he was given had been spent. He was even considering returning it to Zack after buying supplies for the forge.

"Just use it for good, and to serve the wellbeing of others," Rolen replied with a smile.

Thea saw them gathering and heard Rolen while approaching. Hearing his words brought a smile to her face. Thea knew she picked the right man to be with. She walked up embracing him in front of everyone.

Some of the spectators seemed surprised but everyone seemed happy for them. This was a surprise to Rolen he thought some of the clan would disapprove, but the warriors he grew up with were giving him praise with a thumbs up. Thea was a beauty after all and was very kind to everyone. Given they were both a little timid they made the perfect fit.

"So have you done it yet?" Lilith whispered approaching Thea from behind.

"N-not yet.."Thea muttered with an embarrassed look.

"Both of you are too shy, and it's gonna get you nowhere. You need to be more assertive," Ren told Thea while placing her arm over her shoulder.

Lilith and Ren dragged Thea to the side for some tips, and Rolen was talking with people from the clan.

"You better treat her good hear me?" Kaya said with a smirk.

"Of course I will," Rolen replied.

"Your father would be proud to see you running a forge, and a woman at your side supporting you. Finding someone with the same passion is a wonderful thing isn't it?" Athlan asked with a smile.

"It really is," Rolen replied watching Thea glance his way, and blush.

Asad was at a loss for words while the others were talking. With such a gift they could've named any price. His duty was to serve the Koga clan, and this would never change. However, he would stay true to his request.

If a time came when Kintaro was ordered to do something immoral he would refuse. If the result of his actions resulted in punishment he would accept it without complaint. While he was in deep thought Christina appeared with a few of her workers.

"Glad to see they reward dedicated service around here." Christina declared wrapping her arms around Asad.

"How are you doing today your majesty?" Asad asked.

"You don't have to be so formal with me. If your free tonight would you care to join us again?" Christina smirked as her companions called to him from the treeline.

"I definitely want to, but I may be needed tonight," Asad replied.

"Your free to do whatever till morning." Kintaro declared before walking away.

"Hear that? We have till morning, and you know what we can accomplish with that much time." Christina whispered before walking away.

Asad saw the women calling to him, and wouldn't turn down another night of relaxation. Christina barely flew into the forest when he gave chase. Kintaro on the other hand had the same idea as Asad.

Kintaro was heading off to his scheduled rendezvous with Alisha. He was aware tomorrow would be the day Lord Hisato visits the auction, and there was a good chance that he would be called back home to continue his duties. Therefore he wanted his men to enjoy one final night in Eden.

Zack went back to playing with the kids for another hour before he decided to turn in. Yu was by his side the whole night playing and waiting patiently. Once Yu saw him saying goodbye to the others she was filled with excitement. The minute he was finished talking to the kid's Yu took his hand leading them home.

When they went through the door she undressed at intense speeds. Yu pounced on Zack forcing him against the wall. Using her tail his pants were done in a matter of seconds. His cock was still getting hard when she slid him inside. Zack moaned as she rotated her way down his cock. He grabbed her plump ass firmly.

"You really couldn't wait huh," Zack smirked caressing her cheek.

Yu smiled as she starting throwing her hips down vigorously. The force of her hips bouncing made Zack fall back onto the couch. When Zack bumped his head she stopped momentarily kissing him to apologize. He gripped her hips pounding away from below causing her to hold him tightly.

Yu unwrapped her legs placing them on the couch for leverage. She grinned lewdly at Zack as she began slamming her hips down rapidly forcing Zack to lean his head back in pleasure. His moans were steadily growing as she rode his cock wildly.

Zack smacked Yu's ass roughly as she dropped to the base grinding back and forth while locking eyes with Zack. Both of them were feeling immense pleasure as he kissed up her neck. He was fondling her ass thoroughly as he gripped the base of her tail making her quiver.

"You love my tail don't you," Yu asked kissing him passionately.

"Not just your tail," Zack replied clutching her ass with both hands.

"Lilith said you like this," Yu said as she slid off his dick.

Yu turned around mounting him while looking back at his face. She could feel Zack's gaze fixated on her ass as he spread her lewdly. She threw her hips down carefully watching the awe in his face. He was watching Yu tightly grip his dick as her ass bounced up and down.

Zack was in paradise as his hands caressed her ass. He grabbed the base of her tail massaging up slowly with one hand caused her hips to go weak. Zack wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her back. One hand was rubbing her clit while the other groped her breast. His fingers trailed around Yu's nipples as he blew lightly on the nape of her neck.

Yu moaned as Zack pinched the tip of her nipple tenderly rolling it between his fingertips while pumping his hips. Yu was shaking as these sensations sent tingles through her body. He was rubbing her pussy with extreme passion causing her to squirt on his dick.

Yu started grinding while Zack kissed her neck. He kissed, and nibbled up her back as she slid up, and down his cock. Zack lifted Yu up standing next to her, and carefully turning her around on the couch. She climbed up getting down on all fours with her ass in the air. She looked back at him with a lewd expression using her tail to pull him closer by the arm.

Seein Yu looking up at him with that expression Zack climbed up wrapping her tail in his hand firmly. The other hand reached down sliding his cock in as he slammed down into her making her shout in pleasure.

As Zack was pounding away the door opened as a few figures slipped in. He was so focused on hammering away he didn't hear them walking up. They both were moaning as Zack started cumming. He slammed as deep as he could leaning in to kiss her back.

Yu would usually make him finish inside, and she was surprised by Zack's actions. He was clearly in control yet refused to pull it out. She could feel it pumping deep inside her rapidly heating her up. Zack kept pumping his hips making sure every drop hit its mark.

"Why?" Yu asked.

"You will make a great momma that's why," Zack replied.

"What about us?" Lilith asked.

Zack turned around seeing his room filled with naked women. Kaya was standing in the back nervous about what's coming. Yuki walked up massaging his back while kissing his neck. Ren was sitting on the bed watching as she drank from her gourd with a lewd smirk. Destiny was in the corner preparing ropes to embarrassed to meet his gaze. He could tell from the ropes sleep wouldn't be an option tonight.