Chapter 107

Lilith was walking to the inner city with the stragglers to regroup with Zack. After adding the money together Destiny pulled in forty thousand gold and debated transferring it to plat to reduce space. Instead, she found it easier to break up between her partners.

Destiny paid Sera, and Tanya well for their work and dedicated the rest to her work in Eden. Destiny knew offering it to Zack directly would be a futile effort. She was talking with the others as they patrolled the streets for Zack. When Zack caught up to the group he had a large smile seeing all his companions in good condition. Ren quickly ran up hugging him tightly.

"I was wondering where you went." Zack smiled.

"There were so many people that I got distracted, but I had some fun when I found the taverns," Ren smirked.

"You got into trouble, right? You always get so rowdy when you drink." Kaya teased.

"I didn't get in any trouble, but I had to carry a few people to a doctor," Ren replied with confidence.

"Did you hurt someone?" Lilith investigated.

"No, they saw how much coin I had, and challenged me to a drinking contest, but a few of them fell over. After that everyone was freaking out not wanting to play anymore. So I took them to a quack healer who said some nonsense about alcohol poisoning. Like that's a real thing." Ren laughed.

"You paid for the medical fees right?" Zack asked trying not to laugh.

"Of course. I think it was a scam but wanted to be safe. How did the recruiting go?" Ren looked towards Vicente.

"It was okay so far, but definitely need a lot more. Are you signing up?" Vicente asked hopefully.

"Sounds fun, but not ready yet," Ren replied gazing at Zack.

"Meant to give you this earlier, but got caught up in a few things," Zack told Vicente handing him a ring.

"That should help with any recruitment you need to do," Rolen said as he walked up with Thea.

While everyone was discussing their day they were venturing towards the auction house. Exiting the inner city Zack had a figure following him in the crowd. Tessa was still hiding from the guards and was trying to approach him. She needed to flee the city but was drawn to Zack.

The guards spotted Tessa leaving the inner city and quickly flew into the air to bypass the crowd. They landed firmly on the ground surrounding her. All the civilians saw the guards with weapons drawn quickly clearing away.

Tessa glanced around for a route to escape but could see no way out. The captain of the guards stepped forward as his soldiers shrunk the circle slowly. The captain's name was Axel and he called forth a spear as the smell of sulfur filled the air.

"You can't hurt a VIP without repercussions. If you come quietly you may be free in a decade with good behavior. If you choose to run however I can promise you won't get far." Axel said pointing his weapon at Tessa's chest.

"That asshole deserved it and put his hands on me first. There were several eyewitnesses so ask them." Tessa retorted.

The crowd rapidly grew seeing so many demons soldiers gathered together. Gregor had arrived at the scene and quickly sent for all the workers to be present. Axel waited patiently for him to provide the witnesses given his status. All of them backed Gregor's story except one waitress, but with only her testimony it was thrown away.

"I won't ask again," Axel said lifting his weapon.

Tessa flexed her aura as her wings, and horns sprouted. She refused to be a prisoner for defending herself and attempted to fly away. A whip wrapped around her ankle yanking her to the ground as soldiers began to charge.

As the soldiers began their attack Zack dashed in getting between them. Seeing Zack stand in the way half the guards stood down, and the rest retreated simply following their lead. Not everyone was aware of his identity yet, but some soldiers were already preparing exit strategies. Axel was aware but didn't care. He believed the rumors were simply inflated.

"I know who you are, but you're not above the law! She attacked a VIP, and deserves the proper punishment!" Axel declared.

Zack retrieved his VIP emblem from his ring presenting it to the crowd.

"This is nothing more than a piece of metal meant to divide this city." Zack declared melting it.

Axel was enraged to see him creating a spectacle with such an important symbol in their society. He ordered the men forward who weren't scared to act. They charged in brandishing weapons attempting to apprehend Tessa.

Zack called his spear slamming it into the ground forcing them back with a shockwave. His grace poured into the ground as a powerful barrier surrounded Tessa.

"This woman speaks the truth, and if you have the slightest ability to read people you can see for yourself. If you wish to wrongfully arrest this woman you will have to go through me!" Zack declared as his eyes lit up.

The crowd only formed due to the guards blocking the roads, but after hearing Zack standing up for a commoner, and forfeiting his privileges to do so they were drawn in. The people Zack healed began stepping forward making their complaints known.

Others heard of his actions healing the poor without accepting payment. In a place where many would forsake those in the slums Zack assisted. With this, a wall of civilians began getting between the incident.

Seeing the civilians in the way more guards stood down. It was clear it was a sensitive situation and they didn't wish to strike innocents. Axel was hotheaded and refused to let his authority be challenged in front of his men. He pointed his weapons at Zack, and all the people in the way.

"You are all guilty of treason, and the punishment is death! Any guards who refuse to take arms will suffer the same fate!" Axel declared staring his men down.

"Anyone who attempts to harm an innocent will be met with a swift death," Zack said in a cold tone retrieving his spear from the ground.

Camila was in the crowd watching with a satisfied grin. Zack walked forward as his grace began to flare. Each of the demons standing against him could feel a familiar sensation sending a surge of fear down their spine. He walked towards them spear in hand with such confidence regardless of being outnumbered. The soldiers were hesitating under the powerful killing intent radiating from him.

"I'll execute you all myself!" Axel shouted.

Axel began covering his spear in chaos preparing to lash out at everyone around him. Zack appeared before Axel before he could raise his weapon. Axel saw Zack unconcerned with his attack and amplified it as the chaos attempted to engulf him. Zack's body began to radiate pure light and evaporated his attack before it fed off the environment.

"I gave you a clear warning."

A pillar of golden light surrounded the two of them that was instantly visible throughout the city. The palace guards saw this spectacle charging in the direction, and even the city lord was trailing behind them. Once the light faded only Zack stood standing as his six glorious wings illuminated the streets.

Every soldier was happy to have survived the flash of light but they now had their guards up more than ever. They were unsure if they were next on the list of victims. With Azazel walking up all the soldiers had no choice but to lift their weapons.

At this point, their bodies were driven off fear, and his presence allowed them a chance to counter. Zack motioned the civilians to get clear, and they did without a second thought.

"You may be a special guest of Lord Ozen but this is still my city. Your power is indeed substantial, but you're outnumbered." Azazel declared calling forth his battleax.

A few of Azazel's men dashed in as a massive club extended from the crowd pulverizing them into the ground as the street rumbled. The soldiers survived the blow but were unable to move a muscle.

If not for their armor, and being from the demon race they would've been a puddle of blood. The club returned to normal size as Ren strolled towards Zack resting it over her shoulder. A powerful aura flooded the streets as her hair began growing rapidly. Her muscles rapidly enlarged as she pointed the club at the soldiers.

"This seems like a fun way to end the day," Ren smirked.

Not wanting to test an oni in a battle of brute strength a few of the demons launched a barrage of spells. A dagger launched into the ground erecting a wall shielding them from the blast. The barrier was strong enough to only sustain minor damages.

Azazel scoffed at their attempts to resist as chaos flooded his weapon dying it pitch black. The battleax shattered the wall of earth with one swing. When the rubble cleared Alisha, Kaya, Silas, and Vicente had powerful spells ready to launch. Azazel jumped back fast enough to avoid damage, but they shot into the center of the formation causing chaos among their ranks.