Chapter 116

Mephisto saw the expression on their faces knowing Zack had won them over. With this in mind, he was able to focus on his surroundings. Mephisto was amazed by how much land they possessed within a walled city, and he couldn't forget the sentries' weapons. He examined the first artifacts Zack brought to auction very thoroughly.

Mephisto recognized their weapons radiated the same level of power, and some of them even possessed armor. Even his elites would struggle to defend against such a force. Mephisto now understood why Ozen granted Zack such favor.

With the forces present in Eden, and Zack's personal strength it would be unwise to provoke him. Mephisto glanced down at his watch seeing the time and didn't wish to upset his wife. He approached Nico as he stood up from the garden.

"I think it's safe to return for dinner don't you think?" Mephisto asked Nico.

"Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm not too proud to admit defeat." Nico replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay? Let everyone know we're expecting new residents tomorrow and to prepare a feast for midday." Zack told Ashleigh patting her on the head.

Ashleigh nodded with a smile as she ran off to find Dyna.

"What would you want in return?" Nico asked as they walked towards the gate.

"I want twenty-five percent of the elixirs, and potions produced. Then I want you to give Mephisto ten percent of the field's profits for bringing us together. I'll assign some dolls to handle the labor, and I'll start the construction of a cultivation chamber. I'm also gonna need training equipment for my students. " Zack replied.

Both of them went quiet contemplating how to tell the circle. His requests were more than reasonable. In fact, the terms were more favorable to their guild. The problem was convincing them of the deal's authenticity given the distance between them.

"Surely we can do more on our end," Nico suggested.

"I would like an alchemist to live on the grounds to manage your fields. The dolls will handle the labor they simply need to provide the instructions. There are more benefits going forward depending on how things go between us. I will ask for the effects of the land, and to be kept within the circle. I'm sure you can understand why." Zack replied.

"That won't be a problem. Where are we exactly?" Nico asked.

"Stormhaven is an hour west from here. The river here leads to the ocean making access to the neutral territories easy." Zack replied.

Nico was examining the watchtowers trying to get a gauge on the number of sentries present. With their weapons no longer at the ready, he couldn't sense them. He looked up at the nearby ramparts seeing sentries patrolling with elven archers stationed throughout the towers as lookouts. He was too distracted by the sentries pinning him down to notice the elves watching closely from the towers. After sensing their mana levels he realized how powerful their defenses were.

While her comrade examined the defense Vannesa was intrigued by the kind of herbs they could harvest from the area. With the quality of the land, and mana levels she knew it was perfect for special herbs. The guild only had one place to grow them naturally, and the space was very limited. She began thinking of ways to convince the circle to let her take a leave of absence.

While walking back through the portal they all began to wonder how an array like that was possible. Zack collected the array, and the core handing it to Vanessa. Then he explained how only his arrays would work for long-distance, and to set it up in three days from now.

This delay allowed the circle to have the time to vote on their decisions and send someone to discuss their deal further. Both of them were confident it would pass unanimously but still needed to follow procedures. They were walking into the dining hall as Zack sat next to Mephisto, and Yuki.

"These are my companions by the way. If the circle approves my proposal you will be seeing more of them." Zack told the representatives.

"It's nice to meet you all." Nico declared.

Vannesa was too distracted by her work to hear his announcement. She was doing calculations in her journal for the field plans, and how much her personal projects could improve in the process.

Nico looked over waiting for Vanessa to respond as a member of the circle, but she was oblivious. Getting in Zack's good graces was crucial, and having her greet them formally was ideal. He became embarrassed rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry, she tunes everything out when she gets like this." Nico apologized.

"It's okay I have a companion who's the same way when she works." Zack smiled at Destiny.

"I just have problems finding a stopping point. Working in the shop is therapeutic, and seeing the looks on people's faces is worth it." Destiny replied.

"This one is getting those working habits too, and her skills are improving. She's even started assisting us with the enchanting." Sera smiled at Tanya.

"Her combat skills are impressive too," Kaya announced.

"T-thank you," Tanya replied embarrassed by all the attention.

"How durable is the clothing exactly?" Mephisto investigated.

"It can withstand moderate levels of magic, and only artifacts could manage to cut it. Normal weapons wouldn't do a thing unless engulfed in powerful magic." Sera explained.

Zack conjured a small ball of flames in his hand placing it against his suit as a demonstration. This was the only thing to grab Vannesa's attention from her calculations. The mages guild would enchant clothing as well, but they couldn't accomplish this level of effects.

"Would you consider making another suit?" Mephisto asked.

Hannah placed her hand on his shoulder with a smile.

"They only make male clothes for children or someone they intend to marry," Hannah told him with a smile.

"I-I've a-alr-already given h-him one. As long as h-he doesn't m-mi-mind it's okay n-now." Destiny stuttered looking at Zack.

"You're free to make what you want. Thank you again for the suit." Zack smiled at Destiny.

Zack got up from the table to kiss her on the cheek. Destiny was happy to see his reaction and the fact that he didn't mind her proposal. She knew they still had a competition to settle between women, but it still brought her joy. As they continued with the meal they got to know each other better.

When dinner was done Vanessa ordered a few robes from Destiny, but Mephisto decided to wait till she was more comfortable with making men's clothing before making his request. As everyone was being shown their rooms Mephisto pulled Zack to the side.

"Thank you for adding me in back there. I was doing it simply as a favor, but I welcome the business. If you need anything else in the future just let me know." Mephisto declared.

"There's another thing if you're up to it. I wanna fund an orphanage here if you're willing to rent out some of you're land. I'll handle all the supplies I simply need people keeping an eye on the streets for those in need." Zack replied.

"I'll make arrangements to have one built here. Tomorrow I'll start restructuring the city, but I would like to visit in a few days. If you're okay with that." Mephisto requested.

"Your wife is welcome to join as well," Zack replied retrieving the two plat he used for the wager.

"Use this for the orphanage, and the rest to provide aid for those in need. The damage that was done by Camila and Modestus shouldn't affect those short on taxes." Zack told Mephisto while handing him the plat.

Mephisto was at a loss for words. Growing up in a house full of demons obsessed with power, and being a bastard child he had no time for charity. It wasn't because he was cold-hearted, but every day was a struggle to survive. Not having any wealth he struggled to win the politics and was forced to rely on his combat prowess.

Once Mephisto finally secured the position maintaining it presented its own challenges. He was spending all his time building his wealth to build his faction, and fought tooth, and nail to keep his position. Mephisto believed everyone was only concerned with themselves until he met Hannah. He believed she was a special case, but Zack just helped his city without a second thought. Before Mephisto could respond Zack was off to see his comrades.