Chapter 153

Mero led the group to the aquatic section of the pavilion, and they were surprised at the level of comfort. They all gazed at the lobsters being prepared with anticipation. Seeing the arrival of the guest Zack began the feast and walked towards the table to sit with Mero. Octavia wanted to follow but knew it was a diplomatic meeting. Not wanting her behavior to cause Zack problems she sat with the other women.

When Zack arrived at Mero's section he had food brought by Olivia. With Olivia's unique body it made it possible to carry an entire table's worth of food with ease. Once all the food was set Olivia looked towards Zack with a smile.

"Do you need anything master?"Olivia asked.

"That will be all thank you very much," Zack replied giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Olivia had a large smile on her face as she walked away. The others were surprised to see Zack sit down in the water so casually. Before they could make their introductions Ren caught their attention as she dragged over a large barrel of wine towards his table.

"This is from the first batch, and Athlan wanted you to try it," Ren told Zack before walking away.

"Thank you," Zack replied with a smile.

"I'm sure you have reasons for appearing today, but we can talk about that after we eat. There's plenty of food to go around, and the table can easily be refilled." Zack declared.

"Does the chilly water not bother you?" Kim asked.

"I've gotten used to it after our date." Zack smiled wrapping his arm around Mero.

Mero rested her head against Zack's shoulder with a smile that displayed her razor teeth. The others have never seen Mero so happy before. It put them at ease to see Zack so accepting of other species.

"Not fair to keep him to yourself." Fuuka declared taking his free arm.

Fuuka began reaching for Zack but was stopped by Shiro. Looking over Fuuka saw each of her comrades glaring at her. They wanted to have more nights with Zack and wouldn't let Fuuka's behavior jeopardize it. Zack couldn't help but smirk seeing their determination.

"How do you hunt them by the way?" Harvey asked.

"I just bind their claws with magic and trap them in a cage. Their armor is durable but it's easy to break once you boil them." Zack replied.

One of the representatives Harvey brought was observing Zack closely. After Mero's comment about him not being human, she pondered the possibilities. Her name is Vanora and was the one with the authority to approve relations between their people. Vanora has wavy cerulean hair trailing down to her back, and orange eyes that closely examined Zack.

"Excuse the bluntness but what are you exactly?" Vanora asked.

Zack's eyes went gold as his wings appeared behind him.

"I'm a Nephilim," Zack replied.

"That's not possible," Vanora stated staring in disbelief.

Zack knew one way to convince his guest and raised his hand forming one of his holy orbs that rapidly morphed. The earth orb went over the wall of Eden, and into the ground. A slight rumble was felt as a small mountain appeared.

The guests who were eating were stuck watching in awe. Seeing the new mountain Amy, and Yu went rushing over to investigate it. The two could be seen playing among the side of the mountain.

"This place is my home and was left to me by my mother. All of you have been given access to enter by Mero. I trust her judgment so all of you can come, and go as you please. Welcome to Eden." Zack smiled.

'So he really made a river by himself.' Kim looked at Zack in amazement.

After the introductions, everyone began sampling the lobster. The food alone was enough to make the trip worth the risk, and seeing the warm welcome Vanora was considering approval. While they were eating a group of sentries appeared to receive orders from Zack. Their armor and weapons rapidly caught the attention of the guests.

With the threat of slavers returning Kim wanted her swarm to be safe and seeing the forces present Eden seemed like the smart choice. She looked at how closely Fuuka and Mero were clinging to him. This told her seduction was possible. Out of the eight-member in her swarm only three are female, but they already had partners.

'He seems kind, and is good looking at least.'Kim smirked.

"How do you feel about us staying?" Kim asked.

"Just find a house you like, and if you need to know our rules Shiro can help with that. It's all pretty simple though." Zack replied.

"Thank you we will be sure to pull our weight around here," Kim stated as her tail rubbed up against his leg.

Hearing how easily they were accepted the mersharks began glancing at one another. Typically they were solitary creatures, but the slavers have always targeted them because of this. After whispering amongst each other they convinced one of them to ask. It was a large mershark with short spiky hair, and a deep scar across his chest. His name is Rowan and he's the current alpha in their hunting grounds.

"You're in need of soldiers right?" Rowan asked.

"You are at war?" Vanora investigated.

"We are establishing a defense force to combat the slavers to ensure people can live in peace," Zack replied.

"They would pick off those who wandered too close by the coast but that's usually it," Vanora stated.

"That was the old regime. They are being led by a fallen angel now, and are more organized than ever. I personally witnessed some aquatic species within their ranks, and It's only logical to assume they have more. They are changing their tactics, and you should prepare accordingly." Zack told Vanora.

"Our city isn't easy to find, and we have several contingencies in place for invasions. All we need to do is alter them a little." Vanora replied.

"If your scouts see them, and send word to us we are happy to stop them before they become a problem," Zack stated.

"If you're fighting them we want in." Rowan declared.

"Are you staying?" Mero asked.

Rowan glanced at the others to gauge their reactions.

"Do we have to share a house?" Rowan asked.

Zack glanced at their group and only saw one mating pair among them.

"We have plenty of houses vacant in your district so your welcome to have your own," Zack replied.

"Does that go for us too? We hunt together, but that's it." Kim requested.

Zack nodded, and they all eagerly took off into the water to find their ideal homes. Harvey became a little nervous seeing all of the new residents. If Vanora gave her approval he intended to move in with Laura as soon as possible but he was worried they would run out of spots before she could. Zack could sense the concern, and wanted to put Harvey at ease.

"Making the houses isn't difficult, and I'm capable of expanding the waterways. There will be plenty of space for anyone who wishes to join." Zack stated.

Harvey looked relieved hearing this and went on with eating unworried. Vanora felt confident the residents in Eden weren't malicious, but still had doubts of approving relations. Zack reached over to the barrel to sample the new wine.

When Zack was pouring a drink the aroma enticed Vanora. Seeing the curiosity on her face he gave her his cup and grabbed another. Vanora slowly took a sip and placed it on the table.

"Would it be possible to set aside a building for visitors?" Vanora requested before taking another drink.

Varona was finally interested in forming a relationship between their people. Hearing this Harvey smiled joining the others in a search for a home. They began discussing methods to help prevent their attacks from the sea. During their discussion, Harald approached their table.

"Can you spare a minute to talk?" Harald requested.