Chapter 157

The inside of the watchtower was almost finished being set up and the first set of guards began their shift. Zack went outside to do the finishing touches. The array disappeared along with the watchtower, and all those inside were hidden perfectly. It didn't obstruct fish from entering the waterway and could detect powerful forces entering their domain. Within the array resided a few security measures if an attack was ever signaled.

'No one can enter the waterways without us knowing. I need to check on Rolen's progress.'

"I'll be in the forge if anyone needs me," Zack announced.

Mero nodded and gave Zack a kiss goodbye as he out of the water towards Eden. Flying over the city anxiety began to set in, and he rapidly sped up with a loud boom echoing in the air. In no time Zack saw the forge and quickly descended with his wings disappearing. Walking in the forge he noticed it was in full throttle as everyone worked diligently. Seeing Zack some stopped to wave, but then they quickly returned to work. Thea walked up to greet Zack with a smile.

"He's in the library right now but should be back soon. Do you wanna wait upstairs?" Thea asked.

"That's okay I need to check on Vanessa anyway. Thanks for the hard work everyone" Zack announced waving goodbye to the others.

Zack was walking towards his estate greeting the new residents as they passed. Walking through the central district he noticed the town was rapidly growing. The new residents arriving at the gate lately weren't from the ocean alone. After seeing Eden wasn't a fantasy some people returned to Blackreach to get their families.

Since new arrivals at the gate were becoming common it prompted them to make some changes. They constructed a welcoming center around the way station, and inside of it were six gateways to help with traffic. There was a visiting center to get approved access into the city, and Dyna was in charge of evaluations. To ensure the safety of those working they had sentinels standing guard by the portal at all times, and they only took orders from Dyna. If someone turned out to have hostile intentions they were ready, but there has been no need for that so far.

Following discreetly on the roof behind Zack was a large shadow with a tail swaying behind it. They were preparing to jump to the next roof when someone pulled their tail from behind.

"Why are you following him." Cynthia scolded.

The woman stalking Zack was named Ericka, and she arrived with Karin's group a few days ago. She had light brown skin, amber feline eyes, and short blonde hair with little black streaks in the front. She was wearing a skimpy loincloth and held a macuahuitl over her shoulder with a smirk that displayed her sharp canines. Down from her thighs, and biceps was a gorgeous coat of yellowish fur with small brown spots. At the tips before the fur shifted to skin was little bits of white fluff, and with a small patch around the base of her neck.

Ericka was an ocelomeh, and last night she witnessed Zack sparring with Samuel. Since then she has been stalking him and watching him closely waiting for her moment to pounce. Ericka was unaware that Zack already had a stalker, and that Cynthia would intervene. It was indeed a hindrance, but Ericka had no intentions of changing her plans. She pointed at Cynthia displaying her diamond-sharp claws.

"I'm just taking a stroll, and they told me we could travel around the city at our leisure so be gone." Ericka shooed Cynthia along.

"I'm free to do the same." Cynthia retorted.

'If he welcomes the advance I have no complaints, but those eyes belong to a predator.' Cynthia glared at Ericka.

Both of his stalkers continued to follow along the roofs, and they watched Zack walk into his estate. Zack was heading towards the library, and when he entered there was no one around. He began walking around in search of his companions, and after crossing two shelves Vanessa appeared. She was sitting at a table surrounded by a large stack of books and had large bags under her eyes as she diligently continued her reading.

"Are you okay?" Zack asked.

Vanessa was so focused she didn't hear him so there was no response and she continued reading. Zack walked up behind her placing his hand on her shoulder. She jumped turning around rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry didn't see you there. I'll help get the fields started in a minute." Vanessa replied marking her spot.

"That was a week ago..." Zack told Vanessa.

Vanessa looked at him confused and attempted to stand up, but her legs were asleep. Zack rapidly stepped in catching Vanessa, and once she realized what happened her face went bright red. Being so close Zack could feel the severe fatigue weighing down on her body, and it was clear she wasn't sleeping properly.

"C-can you pu-p"

Zack enveloped her in his grace as a tingling sensation covered her body, and the heavy bags beneath her eyes faded. He carefully put Vanessa down as she pulled her hood down over her face.

"Th-thank y-you," Vanessa whispered.

Zack smiled seeing her cute display and then glanced at the books she was researching.

"You've been hard at work I see," Zack stated.

"Y-yeah," Vanessa replied glancing out to see if he was still staring.

Zack glanced over smiling as she covered up again. This made it difficult to talk so he thought of a solution. Zack closed his eyes focusing as a dim light was emitted, and he vanished. Vanessa peered out again seeing him missing, and looked around.

"Does this make it easier?" Zack asked as he flipped through a book.

Vanessa felt around and felt Zack's firm back as she pulled away. She heard of some higher ranked angels capable of doing this, but it was the first time she has seen it. The reason it was hard to talk with people is they would typically make eye contact, and Vanessa tried to do the same. Then she would become self-conscious that she was staring too hard, and would begin to feel awkward. Vanessa also believed it would be seen as rude if she looked away, and became stuck. This would lead to her feeling embarrassed, and she would worry that her face was red. The only way out Vanessa can think of is to hide under her hood till it's over. Not seeing Zack made her feel at ease, and she slowly took off the hood.

"It helps a lot so thank you. Has it really been a week?" Vanessa asked in disbelief.

Zack nodded, and she was preparing to rush out of the library.

"Everything is in the ground and on schedule," Zack replied.

"It was my responsibility, and I'm sorry you had to handle it. Please don't tell the others. They will just use it as another reason to make fun of me." Vanessa replied lowering her head.

Vanessa's obsession with research would usually get her in trouble because she would slack off on her duties. When confronted about it all the people watching would cause her condition to act up. Vannesa would begin to babble, and panic causing some of the members to tease her. They knew she was a talented mage but didn't think she was qualified for her position given her odd behavior.

"It's not a problem really. I'm actually kinda happy someone is using this place so much. The dolls can handle all the work so your welcome to continue. Just promise me to rest properly first." Zack said with sincerity.

"I promise!" Vannesa replied immediately.

Vanessa was so happy to hear Zack wasn't mad. She was given permission to continue her work even with a messy workstation. Vannesa tried to walk forward to show her gratitude with a hug, but since he was invisible she missed tripping onto the ground. In the process, Vannesa yanked down a pile of books on top of her and was now buried beneath.

'He's gonna laugh.'

Zack rushed to her side, and the books began floating off her careful returning to the table neatly. Vannessa felt someone grab her hand, and knew it was Zack. Seeing her fall so harshly he was concerned making him lose his concentration.

"Are you okay?" Zack asked.

Vanessa was surprised he didn't tease her and noticed how warm his touch was. Zack's body slowly began to reappear before her. She saw his bright blue eyes glancing over her body with concern. Vanessa blushed once again, but the difference this time was her hood remained on her back.