Chapter 166

Zack was walking into a throne room with a large hole in the ceiling, and they were immediately met with aggressive glances. Every dragon in the hall was ready for a war and having the princess appearing in their hall was a golden opportunity. At the end of the hall sitting at the king's table feasting at his side were a few salamander soldiers.

The salamanders had orange scales clad on their shoulders, hands, and shins. Behind them was a large tail with fire trailing down the center. The fire salamanders have been their ally for several centuries, and they were here to discuss the battle strategy. Seeing the princess in the hall king Uther stood up flying over the table as guards watched at the ready. He had long red hair with a thick goatee and an irritated look on his face.

"Speak quickly before I lose my patience," Uther demanded.

"We were wrong in our accusations, and I'm here to apologize personally," Lixue said while cupping her hands politely.

"You think a simple apology can make up for what happened to my brother? Even now he's in bed desperately clinging to life over your clan's stupidity." Uther said shattering the ground with a light flick of his tail.

"We are wasting time with theatrics so where is he?" Zack asked.

Lincoln rapidly formed his sword putting it to Zack's throat.

"I warned you to behave properly," Lincoln threatened.

"You don't wish to tell me that's fine I'll find myself." Zack retorted as he disappeared.

The dragons looked around puzzled to see no traces of Zack

"Find him!" Lincoln ordered.

"He told you where he was going. " Lixue told Lincoln trying to hide her chuckling.

Zack appeared two hallways over feeling the life force slowly fading. He pushed open the door, and the mystic struggling to heal the king's brother. His name is James, and his appearance to his brother was easy to notice by the stern look. Seeing a stranger present at the door the mystic was preparing to engage. Zack closed the distance in an instant placing his hand on the dragon's head as he fell over on the ground asleep.

"To use mental magic on a dragon you must be formidable," James said as he coughed up blood.

Looking down at the wounds it was a surprise he was still alive. There was a deep laceration across Jame's chest exposing part of the spine. Dragon's were known for their resilience, and this was the only reason he was still breathing. Zack wasted no time placing his hands on James' forehead as a golden light enveloped his body. The wounds were very deep, and slowly healing, but his life was already slipping.

'It may be too late, but I have to try.' Zack began sweating as he pushed harder.

"There's light coming from the room so be ready!" Lincoln shouted.

Jame's winced in pain as the flesh began slowly closing. Lincoln turned into the room preparing to cut Zack down when he saw Jame's wound. The other soldiers rushed struck with awe when seeing Zack become a beacon of light. The vitality was returning to Jame's face, and the wound was almost healed.

"You're the Nephilim aren't you?" Lincoln asked while dissipating his sword.

"I wouldn't eat anything solid for a few days, and the pain will linger for a few months. The bright side is you will be back in fighting shape once you recover." Zack told James.

"What can I do to repay you?" James asked.

"Help put to end this if you can," Zack replied.

Zack looked over his shoulder with concern. He got familiar with Lixue's aura, and after promising to protect her he made sure to keep tabs on her. Zack wasn't sure what was happening, but Lixue was feeling distressed. Back in the throneroom, Lixue was being restricted by several warriors for striking Declan's hand away.

"You can't do this!" Lixue shouted emitting lighting to stun her captors.

The lightning stunned them momentarily for Lixue to break their grip and gave her a chance to swiftly trip them with her tail. Declan shot forward grabbing her arm before she could strike the guards and bound Lixue in molten chains.

'Damn it I should've been watching him.'Lixue winced as she tried to break the chains.

"He won't be able to save our uncle, and you're people need to pay for his life." Elizabeth declared.

Declan was admiring Lixue's curvy figure and had a lecherous smirk.

"I tell you what though you be my bride, and we can avoid this whole war thing. What do you think?" Declan asked glancing at his father.

Zack appeared behind Declan tapping him on the shoulder as he turned around. Zack struck him in the jaw with full force as Declan's teeth went soaring into the air. A loud shockwave broke out in the hall sending Declan sliding across the room. Seeing the prince get attack several warriors charged forward.

"Stand down!" Declan shouted as hit spit blood on the ground towards Zack.

"Outside!" Uther demanded.

Declan dashed out the top of the hall with several spectators behind him. Zack looked at Lixue with a smile before flying up. Once Zack was clear of the hall Declan dashed forward attempting to strike Zack. Declan was caught up with an uppercut forcing him to bite his tongue as he was knocked back. All the warriors thought Declan was caught off guard earlier, but once again he was bested. Seeing the gold shimmer in Zack's eyes they watched carefully.

In the hall watching the fight above was Elizabeth, Lixue, and Uther. They were all eager to see Zack's strength after that display, and with Declan charging recklessly their wishes were granted. Declan attempted a barrage of strikes, but none of them landed clearly, and each one received a swift retaliation from Zack. Each blow would send shockwaves ringing above, and all the observers were in a daze at the scene before them.

Angry his strikes weren't landing Declan roared loudly releasing a mighty force knocking Zack off guard. Declan dashed in letting off a barrage of blows to the stomach before launching an immense blast of flames into Zack's stomach. Zack was flying back with the blast, and they expected everything to be over.

"Trash," Declan scoffed as Zack appeared behind him.

"Is that the best you can do?" Zack asked rapidly launching a blast of wind into his back.

Declan winced in pain turning to see the culprit and became furious seeing Zack still alive. He was flying through the air at immense speeds as red wings appeared behind Declan halting him in place. Declan turned around as scales rapidly covered his body, and his face began shifting resembling a full dragon in human form. He stood at eight feet tall as flames began leaking from the corners of his mouth, and his glowing orange eyes stared down Zack.

'I've never seen this form before.'

"I'll show you the might of the Pendragons!" Declan shot forward at frightening speeds as a powerful shockwave erupted in the sky.

Declan stuck Zack in the stomach forcing blood from his mouth as he spun rapidly striking him with his tail across the chin. Zack went flying back as a powerful blast was spewed from Declan's mouth engulfing the sky. Zack's angelic form appeared as the water orb flew forward rapidly expanding. The two blasts canceled each other as steam filled the battle. Zack was preparing to launch forward when a strange sensation stuck him.

The grace inside the egg was slowly rising and could become unstable if it continued. Knowing time was of essence Zack was done with games. He placed his hand to the side as the six holy orbs spun around his palm. Everyone was still taking in his true form, but Declan charged forward unbothered. The orbs fused together in Zack's palm as it ignited with holy flames. The dragons looked on puzzled never witnessed such phenomena before.

"Using flames on a dragon how idiotic!" Declan ridiculed.

'I can't use this long, but it should be enough.'Zack took a deep breath to focus.

The holy flames morphed forming a gladius in Zack's hands. He flew forward at frightening speeds as a bright white light flashed across the sky. Zack was standing behind behind Declan as his blade shined immensely before settling. A shallow cut was across Declan's chest, but only a little blood was drawn.

Declan smirked at Zack in triumph preparing to retaliate. The shallow cut erupted with holy flames that rapidly engulfed Declan as he screeched in pain. The pain was so severe it forced Declan to lose concentration as his scales were rapidly undone. Zack extinguished the flames as Declan fell down to the roof of the palace trembling.

"What was that?"


One of the warriors rapidly seized Lixue as a hostage. Zack's gladius emitted a bright white light as he disappeared with a flutter.

"Take your hands off her or be rendered ashes." Zack declared as he appeared behind the dragon with his blade to the back of his heart.