Chapter 174

Standing in the middle of the jungle surrounding the structure made by Agustus was a group of sixty strangers with rubble and debris all around. The structure caused a series of portals to open all over their world at once and hurled them through. Once it was complete the structure shined immensely cracking as the portal rapidly faded. Looking around the area one could see chaos and confusion unfolding all around.

Pulled through Brian's portal were Taylor, Wesley, and two members of the private security. One of them was named John, and the other was Miguel. Seeing guns slung around their necks three men standing ten feet away began whispering, and quickly began walking towards Wesley while reaching into their coats.

John and Miguel saw them coming and attempted to ready their weapons, but they were still in the process of standing up. It was too late though the three men had guns drawn with two placed against their heads. Seeing men with guns some of the people standing around began fleeing.

The three men causing a scene were members of a criminal organization and recognized Wesley. Before getting pulled through the portal they were waiting around for a shipment, and already had weapons hidden within their coats.

Their leader is named Ivan, and he had a strange tattoo on the side of his neck. In his hand was a Makarov, and he began pointing it at Wesley. Miguel was preparing to reach for his kbar on his waist, but the man behind him struck him with the back end of his shotgun.

"If they try anything kill them," Ivan ordered walking towards Wesley.

Taylor had her hands up, and as Ivan was walking by she rapidly drew two pistols from her coat. One of them went to the back of Ivan's head as a laser shined on the one pressing a gun to John's head.

"The only reason you're not dead is we have more pressing matters at hand, and having more guns around is useful. But if you take any longer to lower your weapons your comrade catches a bullet, and we will just give them to someone else." Taylor threatened.

"Didn't know you could speak Russian," Ivan smirked raising his hand.

Ivan had his men lower the weapons. John and Murphy got up ready to retaliate, but Taylor had them stand down. Those who stuck around kept asking each other questions, but hardly anyone spoke the same language making it chaotic. Taylor convinced Ivan to help with a security detail, and they would be rewarded handsomely. Having the upper hand Ivan had no choice but to agree.

"This isn't possible."

"It's just a has to be...I'll wake up in bed a few minutes."

"I've never had a trip like this."

Looking around they were in the middle of a dense jungle with a slight resemblance of their world scattered around. They began contemplating possibilities, and given the structure at the center, it was the only solution. Wesley suggested it could've been a military test, but after studying it he realized the material used was unseen before. Being a CEO of one of the top tech companies Wesley would've known if they were was new material on the market.

"Secure the permitter," Taylor ordered.

"Yes sir," John replied.

"Go back him up Demitri," Ivan said while kicking at the array.

"I wouldn't do that it might not be stable," Wesley told Ivan.

"Everyone calm down there has to be a logical explanation for this, and panicking will just make things worse." Taylor addressed the crowd.

Taylor went on to repeat the phrase in several languages and seeing their group had weapons they listened for now. The ones who still couldn't understand Taylor stuck around for one reason. Looking around at their surroundings and the creepy noises coming from the forest they didn't wanna leave their side.

Once the perimeter was secured they checked for any supplies they could get from the rubbage. Thankfully some of the people pulled through lived in rural areas and had baskets almost full from foraging. Looking at their weapon situation they were severely lacking. There were several machetes, and knives within the group but that's it. The only guns around came from Taylor's men, or Ivan's.

"Give him your sidearm," Taylor ordered Miguel.

"You sure giving him a citizen a firearm is wise?" Miguel asked.

"Where we grew up everyone knows how to use one. Besides we can't effectively protect a group this size with only six of us."Taylor replied.

Miguel retrieved his pistol handing it to Brian as he dropped the mag to see how many rounds he had. Miguel removed his holster handing it over with two extra mags.

'sixty rounds total.' Brian slid the mag back racking back the slide.

Walking up to them was a woman wearing a grey skirt down to her knees, and a black blouse. She had brunette hair tied up in a bun, and hazel eyes. Her name is Ms.Bishop, and currently a high school English teacher. Behind her stood several scared teens wearing matching uniforms. The girls had on a black plaid skirt with a white dress shirt and a black-tie. Guys had a similar uniform on with khaki pants instead of a skirt.

"I've checked on the injured, and besides some sprains everyone is okay. There were two guys who seemed a little out of it though. It could just be the effects of shock." Ms.Bishop told Taylor.

"Can you show me who?" Taylor asked.

Ms. Bishop led them to two young men sitting on the ground laughing. The one with shaggy hair wearing cargo shorts, and a tie-dye shirt is named Chris. The other one wearing sweatpants and a band t-shirt was named Jordan. Taylor got close examining them and could see their pupils were dilated. The dilated eyes added with their behavior it wasn't hard to figure out.

"They're tripping on something, but it should wear off in a couple of hours," Taylor stated.

"At least they're staying put. Can't say I would've done the same." Miguel replied.

"I'll get started on a shelter," Brian said as he walked off.

"I have a few suggestions," Wesley told Brian following closely behind.

"We should take three groups out to figure out our terrain, and maybe get something to eat," Ivan declared.

"I'll round up anyone willing to move out, but doubt we'll get many volunteers. Each of your men will go with one of mine, and Brian can watch over Wesley." Taylor replied.

Taylor still didn't trust them left alone with Wesley and knew Brian could watch over him properly. While they were announcing to the groups their intentions several groups began forming. The ones who couldn't understand Taylor stayed behind to work on shelter and rummaged through the remaining things. One of the students saw them preparing to leave, and stepped forward to offer her services.

"I'll go."

"No, you need to stay here. I'm responsible for all of you, and we have no idea where we are." Ms.Bishop replied.

The student speaking out was named Bethany. She had curly blonde hair, a beauty mark on her chin, and bright blue eyes. Bethany was freaking out like everyone else but knew she could be helpful. She spent her childhood hunting with her older brother, and father. They instilled in her tracking, and survival skills. With no weapon, she couldn't do much, but there were still snares she could set in the hopes of attaining food.

"I'm going, and you can't stop me," Bethany stated.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Taylor smiled.

"Thank you." Ms. Bishop replied.