Chapter 187

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Brian asked while struggling to keep up.

"Demitri knew where we headed, and the shots are getting closer," Miguel replied.

"Those things are too fast, and we're already low on ammo, to begin with," Taylor stated.

"I have an idea, but it's gonna suck," Brian said while pulling his mask up.

While fighting off the surrounding swarm two more people were snatched up, and one of them was Jordan. Demitri only had four slugs left, and there was no end in sight. When the situation was dire two canisters rolled by them as everyone's eyes began watering, and they started coughing harshly.

"Get something around your faces now!" Taylor shouted.

After translating the orders everyone had makeshift masks on huddled in the tear gas. It was rough, but the ferals couldn't stand it. They began flying around frantically, and couldn't understand how smoke could do this. They assumed it was more magic, and while they struggled to form a response Taylor shot down two more out from the sky.

With no end to the tear gas and the loss of the numbers, they settled for the males they captured. Both factions rapidly started retreating, and once the threat was clear they immediately pushed forward through the jungle.

"Quick thinking back there," Taylor said while bumping her shoulder into Brian.

"My uncle used to do beekeeping as a hobby, and using smoke was how they got them out of their hives. It was honestly a gamble." Brian replied.

"It paid off though, and that's what matters," Miguel stated.

"We are desperately low on supplies though so we're gonna have to be really careful on engaging anything else," Taylor replied.

"I've been working on arrowheads, but any bow we make wouldn't be too efficient against creatures like that," Bethany said while scanning the jungle for useful materials.

"It's better than nothing though," Denam stated.

"Antonio mentioned making tools like that on the first day, but once the dragon showed up we forgot about it. Once we reach the end of the jungle we should get started on new weapons." Taylor replied.

Taylor began talking with the others about their plans, and to have them gather anything useful along the way. After narrowly surviving the last attack they all worked diligently to ensure their survival.

"Why did they take him? Do bees even meat?" Chris said while recalling Jordan being taken away.

"They are omnivores, but I don't think feeding was their intention," Wesley replied.

"What makes you say that?" Zess investigated.

"Everything has a fight or flight response. Most predators won't attack something if the risk of injury is too high. Yet they pushed forward regardless of their comrades falling and deemed it worth the risk." Wesley stated.

"They only seem interested in us," Miguel said while checking the reaming rounds in his mag.

'Eleven rounds won't last for shit.'Miguel sighed.

"All of them were females, and their anatomy resembled a human. Perhaps they were taken for mating." Wesley stated.

"The fight began over a bear carcass, but once they noticed Miguel they were relentless."

"Do you really think they reproduce with humans?" Jeremy asked.

"There are texts describing greek rulers attempting to make minotaurs, and some say it worked. They say the creature was grotesque, and it was why they needed to banish it to a labyrinth. This is just one example because our world is filled with folklore on half-human creatures. Given the mysterious things, we've witnessed I say it's more than probable." Wesley replied.

"That woman in the forest was trying to lure us in, and the two were going at it pretty roughly," Kenny stated.

"If it simply wanted food there would've been no need for that. Those vines moved quickly and could drag a boar carcass as if it were a toy." Taylor said while marking a tree.

"You still think he's out there?" Demitri asked.

"He was the toughest soldier I met so I wouldn't count him out," Miguel replied.

As they continued through the jungle they could see the grasslands peering out through the treeline. Knowing the exit was near made everyone eager to leave, but before exiting they made sure to gather fruits one more time in case the grasslands were less generous. While the others gather food Antonio, and Bethany instructed groups on what materials they needed to make bows.

Brian still having difficulties being mobile decided to lead a group to build a shelter. After last night's rest, they were wanting to find another cave. With a little searching, they managed to find one a ten-minute walk from the jungle. Brian walked in to ensure there were no predators wanting to ensure there were no signs of something living inside.

'It's bigger than last night, and it should be easy to defend.'

Happy with the inside of the cave they began making it liveable. They started with gathering nearby resources to make beds. Working at his side were Jeremy, Kenny, and Marc. Outside guarding the perimeter was Zess, and while glancing at his surroundings he was working on spearheads.

'I wonder if these are big enough.'Zess looked at pieces of obsidian in his hands.

With enough sleeping areas established they began thinking of security. On their search for the cave, they passed some large thorn bushes. With instructions from Jeremy, they began gathering them, and carefully lining the outside of the cave with them. They carefully weaved the thorn branches through each post slowly forming a sturdy wall.

"Make sure to leave a few narrow gaps to allow them to shoot, or stab through in case something tries to break in," Jeremy said while pointing out several locations.

When they finished their defenses they looked around with a look of accomplishment and had a strong sense of security just by looking at it. Having extra time they continued working on the comfort level of their shelter.

"I miss having a bed." Kenny sighed.

"Sleeping in a cave is better than being out in the open," Marc replied.

Making it to the grasslands made everyone feel more secured, but this was simply an illusion. In the neutral territory, there is nowhere free of conflict. While waiting for the others to return Brian went searching the immediate area for any extra resources. Not long after leaving the others, he began coughing up blood once more.

"Is that from the monster?" Wesely investigated.

'Fuck.' Brian turned around to see people slowly returning.

"Can you keep it a secret from the others?" Brian requested.

Wesley didn't like the idea of hiding an injury, but Brian has been watching over him. With this in mind, and knowing there was nothing they could to stop the internal bleeding he accepted. Looking at the injury Wesley knew Brian wouldn't last much longer.

When Taylor returned from the jungle they were towing back a large haul of meat. They encountered another bear while scavenging through the jungle, and managed to get the drop on it. Antonio's group also returned with success in their mission as they began working on weapons.

It was nightfall by the time they finished a few capable weapons, and most of the group was huddled around the fire while a few stood guard at the wall of thorns. Everything was quiet till an hour before sunrise.