Chapter 193

Walking into the barrier were the guards who investigated the distraction, and one of the groups who went searching for more captives. Dagon's group was in the process of battling the deathstalkers when they saw the distraction at a distance. Dagon decided to take the few captives they had, and retreat to check for an attack.

With forces coming from all around saving his people seemed impossible, but John still forced himself to stand. The tattoos on his hands began to shimmer and seeing the determined look on John's face to keep fighting Kishi smirked.

"Seize them, and put them with the rest," Dagon ordered.

"Except that one." Kishi declared while pointing at John.

"They are all merchandise you know this," Dagon told Kishi.

"I was promised a good fight, but so far I've just been standing around, and it's starting to piss me off. So I'm gonna keep fighting the human or you can take his spot? Your choice." Kishi retorted while glaring at Dagon with serious killing intent.

"Go ahead," Dagon sighed while motioning the men to grab the others.

Dagon's men dragged Ari and the other captives into the cages. Then they gathered around to see if a human was truly foolish enough to duel an oni. Mana was swirling around John, and the broken ka-bar in his hands was reformed. John could feel the power swelling in his body as Kishi charged him.

'He seems slower.'

Kishi threw a heavy blow, but John evaded cutting a deep laceration across his forearms. Feeling the sharp pain in his arm Kishi snatched John up. The force from Kishi's grip was affecting his focus and his ka-bar lost its form. Knowing he could be crushed at any minute John struck both ears with all his might. Kishi dropped John as the ka-bar reformed as he landed a shallow cut across Kishi's chest.

With the glyphs activated the force behind John's attacks wasn't easily ignored. With the brute strength, Kishi displayed striking the ears was the only way to disorient him. After landing two strikes John rapidly backed up taking a stance waiting for the next chance to counter.

"I knew you had the look of a warrior." Kishi laughed.

Kishi began firing off a barrage of strikes, and just one solid hit would be enough to end the fight. With John's senses being heightened, and his extensive training the blows were easy to read. Knowing the difference in their strength John continued to focus on countering.

'The blade is working, but I can't land a good shot.'

Kishi hurled a might blow aimed at John's head, but he pushed forward narrowly dodging the strike. John spun as he seized Kishi's arm, and tossed him over his shoulders. As a loud thud rang out the slavers stared in disbelief.

The magic being used by John wasn't anything impressive to the slavers, but his techniques were. They never witnessed humans fighting like this, and couldn't understand how John was offsetting their strength difference.

Kishi began laughing as John felt a chill shoot down his spine that caused him to jump back instinctively. Kishi rapidly stood up letting off an oppressive aura that made the demons shudder. He began towering over all the warriors as his body slowly morphed. The dark hair went white as it extended down his back, and as his horns finished extending a purple glow was swirling around his body.

"Your attacks lack power but your techniques are impressive." Kishi declared.

John's body was trembling from instinct, but he steadied his grip while closing his eyes. He recalled the guidance he received from Tangaroa. That in order to use mana correctly you have to first find clarity. You must break down all the barriers in your mind, and for someone like John, that means facing his trauma. Confronting it wouldn't be easy, but it was his only way to confront the threat before him.

All the comrades John lost in the war began appearing in his mind. The sacrifices they made to give him one more breath on the field of battle brought him to the breaking point. When his service ended he would resee their deaths every night, and there seemed to be no end in sight. This caused many sleepless nights trying to avoid the horrors and only led to more instability.

Trying to find a way to live outside war John threw himself into work. Due to his lack of sleep, and frequent PTSD episodes maintaining employment wasn't easy. After losing his job in an attempt to numb the trauma, he turned to substance abuse, and eventually ended up on the streets.

When it all seemed pointless Taylor walked by the street he was squatting on. Seeing the hat John was wearing she stopped to talk to him. After that day John started working with her company and they helped him find ways to cope with his wounds. The new job gave John a way to use the only skill set he had, but it was still just a way to keep his mind busy.

At this moment John understood his reason for surviving those tours, and it was to protect these people. If John were to fall now without completing his duty his comrades' sacrifices would be in vain. This was something he wouldn't allow to happen, and one phrase came to mind bringing clarity as John opened his eyes.

'One mind any weapon.'

The mana surrounding the camp began violently swirling towards John as he winced in pain. His body lacked the proper training to push it this far, and the way his body was screaming at him in pain he knew this. The ka-bar in his hand shined immensely as a guard was wrapping around his hand, and the blade slowly extended into a saber. John's eyes were starting to flicker blue as the muscles in his body were on the verge of tearing. He lifted his saber staring Kishi down without a shred of fear.

All the slavers watching were surprised to see a human enduring such a force. They were impressed, but they all thought it was a foolish attempt. Kishi saw the unyielding resolve in the human before him and chose to handle this as an official duel.

"If you should fall today do you have a request?" Kishi asked as his aura calmed.

"Spare my friends," John replied.

"As if we would do something like that!"

Kishi snatched up the demon who interjected rapidly breaking his neck with a slight flick of his wrist.

"You are all scum, and if it wasn't a request from Malachi I wouldn't be in your presence. This man is a warrior and his request will be honored. Any of you wishing to dispute his claim can speak now, but by doing so you have entered this fight." Kishi declared.

Kishi released a wicked aura through the camp as silence fell. No one would enter such an agreement with his essence already released.

'Just tire each other out, and we can kill you both.'Dagon smirked.

While everyone had their eyes locked onto the battle a loud pop was heard above them. They all looked up seeing a golden light soaring their way. Dagon recognized the glow from the reports, and a look of panic swept his face.

"Don't just stand their attack!" Dagon ordered.