Chapter 200

Arriving at the way station Zack saw Dyna, and her aides hard at work. With today's events, they have fifty new citizens, and each of them went through an interview before entering.

Seeing all the species around Demitri was on edge. He couldn't deny that they saved them and that everyone appeared friendly. Demitri was still remorseful about getting them caught, and it's caused his trust issues to skyrocket. With a few humans helping run the intake it put him at ease.

Zack was preparing to leave the waystation but felt the doubt coming from Demitri.

"I assure you everyone here is friendly, but if you feel more comfortable in a human city there are several around. You will need this though unless you intend to work the fields." Zack said while retrieving a small bag of gold.

Demitri opened the bag as his eyes lit up.

"Thank you," Demitri replied while clutching the bag.

"If you need more info they can show you," Zack said while waving goodbye to Dyna.

"You realize the human cities are filled with conflict and thieves right? If someone took that gold you would be forced to work in the fields, or starve in the streets." A human worker stated.

"This does resemble the medieval era, and if they behave in a similar fashion it will be very unforgiving on the common folk. You could easily offend the wrong person and end up in the gallows." Jeremy told Demitri.

"Not much different than home then," Demitri replied.

"He's right on that one. Our world may have technological advances but it's not much different. We struggle with human trafficking, and it's just slavery with a different name. People passing due to 'suicide' when it's murder is also a common occurrence. It's why I hired Taylor to begin with." Wesley stated.

"No one will hurt you here. It's mating season so some may be a little forward, but I assure you it's not due to aggression." Dyna told the group.

"Did you say mating season?" Wesley investigated.

"Yes I did, and humans tend to be targeted the most. They will only act in certain zones, but every time we receive new residents there can be an adjustment period. Just be inside by the full moon if you wanna avoid that scenario." Dyna replied.

Dyna gave the next group entrance to Eden and was preparing to start the next orientation.

"Walk around the city a little, and if you still wanna go to a human city just return here," Dyna said with a gentle smile.

Seeing the kakuens whispering amongst each other while staring in their direction Demitri decided it was okay to look around. They were walking out of the waystation as Taylor glanced along the ramparts.

"They definitely have security handled," Taylor stated.

"Someone mentioned taking a bath earlier," Bethany said with excitement.

"It's mixed bathing though," Brian replied.

"How do you know that?" Ms. Bishop asked.

"I heard some of their soldiers talking about it when I was searching for my stuff," Brian replied as they passed through the gate

As they entered the city everyone stopped to look around in awe. Seeing the aquatic district it resembled a high-class island resort, and sitting along the water edge were beautiful mermaids waving politely.

A group of human children ran past their path with demons flying behind them in a playful manner. The kids were running towards the farmlands, and they saw minotaurs working alongside the humans in the fields. Seeing a few of the minotaur women in overalls they all looked at Wesley.

"Grotesque huh?" Miguel chuckled.

"Definitely not," Wesley replied as they both gazed lecherously.

"Is that all you guys think about?" Bethany asked.

"Probably not lately, but now that death isn't waiting around every corner it resurfaces. Just think of it as a sign of security." Taylor replied with a chuckle.

Zack was talking with his comrades as he looked back seeing Taylor's group within the city and was glad to see they were giving it a shot. He had many questions for them but wanted them to relax after the trauma of being captives.

When Zack was searching for the slavers he was affected by a familiar sensation. Once again he felt a presence watching him, and it matched the mysterious voice from before. When Zack tried to pinpoint the origin of it he came up empty again, but that's when he heard the prayers for help.

Zack was always capable of sensing people in distress, but never in that manner. Their voices reached him directly, and from such a far distance. Then meeting John, and the others Zack felt something unusual about their aura.

'Maybe I can get some answers tomorrow.'

"Are we still gonna run the test today?" Yu asked with anticipation.

"Maybe we have to wait for Vanessa to wake up. She was pulling an all-nighter in the library again, and it wasn't easy to pull her out." Zack replied.

"Any luck on finding the room?" Lilith asked.

"Not yet, but she will contact me right away if she finds it. How are you feeling?" Zack asked Yuki.

"I get hot flashes when they flare up, but that's it. You might wanna check on Ren though."Yuki replied while kissing Zack on the cheek.

"Still mad about the no drinking I'm sure," Zack said while glancing around for Ren.

Yu had a down look on her face as the two talked, but Lilith quickly went to comfort her. With another one of their partners getting pregnant it was difficult for the two. For Lilith, it was understandable to have problems with conception given their opposite natures. Ren's situation was already considered a miracle, and because of this Lilith didn't have her hopes up.

What puzzled them all was why Yu hasn't gotten pregnant yet. Out of all Zack's partners, the two had the most time together. Yu was starting to think she was incapable of children, but they weren't ready to give up.

"Now that we're home I can have a taste?" Madison requested.

Olivia was walking out of the house and had a warm smile on her face seeing her master's safe return. Seeing Madison preparing to sink her fangs a tentacle wrapped around her arm. Olivia pulled her away and approached her master.

"Master has been working too hard lately and will be resting. Your shenanigans will take a halt for today understood?" Olivia declared while giving a serious look.

"I agree." Lilith praised Olivia walking over to grab Zack.

"You are the one I was referring to the most. You're games typically cause the master to be caught in the crossfire of jealousy, and that's not resting." Olivia scolded.

Olivia went up to remove Lilith's hand away from Zack politely yet firmly. The others knew when Olivia was like this that it was unwise to anger her. When it came to Zack's wellbeing she wouldn't hesitate to use force on them. She led Zack into the estate and was escorting him to the room.

'It's been a while since I had a good nap.'

The door to Zack's room opened where he saw Astrid and Tessa waiting in a modified maid suit. The skirts were barely covering the bottom of their cheeks, and the tops were low-hanging complimenting their curves. Olivia closed the door behind them quickly locking it.