Chapter 205

"What should we do with him?" Haruna asked.

Zack opened the cage walking in to place his hand on Kishi. Without resistance, he was able to search Kishi's mind thoroughly. Focusing on all things related to Malachi he saw the testimony was true. It didn't change that he was the enemy but it made Zack realize this world is deeply flawed. Seeing Kishi wasn't a bad man, and only spent the day sitting at the camp. Seeing him fight honorably, and killing a slaver Zack began healing him.

"That's unwise," Haruna stated.

"He won't be returning to them and has no desire to be associated with Malachi. I'm not going to kill someone for following their customs. If you are found in the company of something sinister like that again I'll show you no mercy. There will be nothing left to heal understand?" Zack declared as a domineering force swept the watchtower.

"And if I wanted to fight again?" Kishi asked while quickly standing up over Zack, and popping his neck.

"Then there's an arena for that, but right now I have more important matters," Zack replied walking away unbothered.

"Did they make enough?" Ren investigated.

"Carla took care of everything." Zack smiled as he wrapped his arm around Ren.

"Watch him closely," Haruna ordered the sentries.

Haruna followed behind Zack to give him another lecture on security. Kishi walked out of his cell examining his guards closely and saw they weren't to be underestimated. Seeing the arena at a distance, and feeling the powerful auras radiating from within the city he smirked.

'I could have some fun around here.'

Zack was walking toward the pavilion preparing to take a seat. The minute he sat down a large commotion was gathering pointing up at the sky. They saw two dragons racing through the air heading straight towards Eden. A few of Taylor's group acted defensive till they saw everyone laughing, and picking their sides to cheer.

"Don't worry they're friendly" Madison told Taylor.

It was Elizabeth, and Lixue racing towards the city. The rest of their group arrived through the gateway an hour ago, but the two were butting heads all day which led to competition.

Elizabeth was narrowly in the lead as they passed the barrier, but Lixue shifted to human form as the wind around her launched her forward. Elizabeth transformed landing next to her with an irritated look.

"You cheated." Elizabeth declared.

"There was no restriction on forms. Not my fault you weren't smart enough to use it." Lixue replied casually walking towards Zack's table.

Lixue sat in a seat across from Zack with a triumphant look. Elizabeth was forced to sit at the opposite end of the table. The last two months Lilith has carefully planted the seeds of conflict, and they were ready to bud any day now.

"How did everything go?" Zack asked.

"Reports," Haruna stated.

"We only encountered a few scouting teams but that's it. They were dealt with swiftly, and a few were sent to interrogation. In the past, their forces have been good at keeping their secrecy so don't expect too much." Elizabeth replied.

"It might take a few days, but we will definitely return with some information," Lixue said with confidence.

The two were exchanging a glare that made an awkward silence fall over the table.

"I'll be leaving soon to make my report, but I will return in time for the ceremony. Everyone is already prepped on the security measures, and I have Octavia leading until I get back." Haruna told Zack.

"Still think it should be me," Kaya mumbled.

"I think the numbers show for themselves who deserves it," Octavia replied with a playful smirk.

"That only because you to push ahead recklessly, and released attacks without regards of the surrounding environment. You were only given the position because you are familiar with the procedures not due to leadership qualities. Kaya spends most of her time guiding the next generation, and chasing around Zack so it's understandable she's trailing behind on that matter." Haruna stated before drinking her tea.

Vicente fought the urge to laugh as if his life depended on it. The reason being the two elves were directing their displeasures towards Haruna, and sitting next to her he was left in the crossfire. With an unforgiving sister, and Kaya who simply reacts to violence a simple peep could be lethal.

"Can you make sure Asad shows up? Christina has been sending messengers to me daily, and I don't think she plans to stop anytime soon." Zack asked.

"They just returned from setting up the final gateway so it shouldn't be a problem. Thanks to you our clan can improve our efficiency and it will ensure the prosperity of my clan." Haruna told Zack.

"We can help a lot of people together so there's no need for thanks," Zack replied.

"Unless you require something else I'll be leaving," Haruna replied.

'She hasn't changed one bit.' Lilith pouted seeing Haruna's expression.

Haruna was getting up from the table and was slowly walking away. Zack quickly got up following behind her as he called out.

"Can we talk for a minute?" Zack requested.

Haruna turned around and nodded.

"Do you not like being here? If you want I can talk to your grandfather, and see about someone switching out. I don't want you being somewhere you hate." Zack investigated.

"I have no problems with being here. It's a very nice place, and the people are very polite." Haruna replied.

"You may be difficult to read, but you can't hide it completely. At least not from me." Zack stated.

"I just miss my former work every now and then," Haruna said while reinforcing her mental block.

"I don't mean to read you, but the emotions people put out aren't easy for me to ignore," Zack said in an apologetic tone.

"Angel's are extremely perceptive, and it's not a surprise a Nephilim would be to. It's not your fault so don't worry about it. This is my mission, and I'll continue to work here till instructed otherwise. Thank you for the concern." Haruna said before disappearing into the distance.

'I wonder what made her like that. It can't be the training because Kintaro's squad doesn't act like that.'

Zack was pondering over a way to help Haruna out while walking back towards the table. Before he could sit down Amy took off at high speeds, and Zack could feel her grief. With new guests, there can usually be misunderstandings, but Amy never had any issues. Looking where she flew up from the only others around were the harpies.

Before Zack could return his gaze towards Amy she was out of sight from the city. They have scouts watching for slavers, but they had many allies in the demon territories allowing them to maneuver more covertly. With Amy being in a distraught state, it would be easy to get lost and picked off. He promptly gave chase concerned for her safety, and once he was far enough from the tables a shockwave was released as he disappeared to begin his search.